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| 共计 274 道试题
完成句子-根据句意补全句子 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . You ___________ as well stay where you are and it is easy for me to see you. (根据句意填空)
2023-08-11更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2.2 Using language-2021-2022学年高一英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019必修第二册)
2 . In the film The Million Pound Bank Note, Henry Adams is stuck in a foreign country without money and friends, and with nowhere to stay. While this situation _______ seem unusual, it _______ sometimes happen to travelers.
A.may; canB.should; must
C.would; mightD.had better; ought to
2023-08-04更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省宝鸡市金台区2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
完成句子-根据汉语提示填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . I can’t find them anywhere. Where ________________(他们可能到什么地方去了呢)?(根据汉语提示完成句子)
2023-07-31更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 必修第三册(上外版2020)
4 . — Was it you that made the suggestion?
— It ________ have been. I can’t remember.
2023-07-31更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 必修第三册(上外版2020)
5 . Hiking trips ________ sound exciting to most kids, but few realize they ________ be uncomfortable and even dangerous.
A.would; shouldB.must; shouldC.may; canD.can; will
2023-07-29更新 | 122次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省吉安市白鹭洲中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
6 . —Tony, is that Mr. Black over there?
—I knew that he had gone to England. It          be him.
2023-06-30更新 | 158次组卷 | 2卷引用:第04讲 动词和动词短语-【暑假自学课】2023年新高三英语暑假精品课(课标全国卷)
7 . 选词填空。
1. Robert is good at languages and ________(can/must) speak four languages.
2. The meeting is very important and you________(would/should) attend it on schedule.
3. I managed to find the street, but I ________(couldn’t/mustn’t) find her house.
4. Every Sunday afternoon, the boy ________(will/may) sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by.
5. In his childhood, Jack ________(would/could) be nervous when he met strangers.
6. —Do you have any plan for this weekend?
—I have not decided yet. I________(may/need) take my daughter to the museum.
7. According to the doctor’s advice, the medicine________(might/must) be taken three times a day.
8. No one ________(shall/must) stop us from carrying out the plan.
9. Rose ________(can’t/needn’t) be in the classroom now, because I saw her leave school several minutes ago.
10. Jane asked whether she________(must/could) sit in the empty seat.
11. One of the windows of the classroom ________(won’t/mustn’t) close, so I’ll have it repaired.
12. The headteacher warned him not to be late for school, but Jack ________(wouldn’t/shouldn’t) listen.
2023-06-06更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 单元考点复习练习 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版必修第三册
8 . 选词填空。
1. He ________(must/might) get here in time ,but I can’t be sure.
2. He ________(can’t/mustn’t) have missed the train; he arrrived at the train station two hours early.
3. That must be a mistake. No, it ________(can’t/mustn’t) be a mistake.
4. Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He ________(must/can) have practised many times last week.
5. He ________(may/must) be at his office now, but you’d better make a phone to make sure.
6. Look, someone’s in the room. Who ________(can/must) it be ?
7. It ________(must have /may have) rained last night, for the ground is still wet.
8. I don’t know where she is, she ________(may/must) be in Wuhan.
9. With drones’ ability to see ahead, they ________(could/should ) signal any problem, so that fast -moving trains would be able to react in time.
10. I ________(needn’t/can’t) have bought so much wine -only two people came.
2023-05-26更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 课时测试卷 2022-2023学年外研版高中英语必修第二册
9 . I guess this book ______ be Mary’s, but I’m not sure.
2023-05-26更新 | 173次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市福田区外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中英语试题
10 . — Will you go to the party this evening?
— I’m not sure, but I ______ have dinner with my parents tonight.
2023-05-26更新 | 124次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市翠园中学2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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