8 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
Knowledge is free on the Internet at a small but 1 number of colleges and universities. About 160 schools around the world now put free course materials on the web to the 2 . Recent additions in the United States 3 projects at Yale, Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley.
Berkeley said it would offer videos of lectures on YouTube. Free videos from other schools are 4 at the Apple iTunes store.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) became an early 5 with its Open Course Ware project, first 6 in 2001. Free lecture notes, exams and other resources are published at ocw.mit.edu. Many exams even include the answers. Today, Open Course Ware offers materials from 1,800 undergraduate and graduate courses. These 7 from Physics to Political Science. Visitors can learn the same things as MIT students learn. But as the site points out, Open Course Ware is not an MIT education. Visitors receive no credit toward a degree. Some materials from a course may not be available, and the site does not provide 8 with teachers. Still, MIT says that the site has had forty million visits by thirty-one million visitors from almost every country. Sixty percent of the visitors are from outside the United States and Canada. Students and educators use the site, including students at MIT. But the largest number of visitors, about half, are self-learners.
Some professors have become well-known around the world as a result of 9 online. Walter Lewin, a physics professor at MIT, is 10 popular. Fans enjoy his entertaining lectures. MIT Open Course Ware now includes materials for high school. The aim is to improve education in Science, Technology, Math and Engineering.