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1 . On the surface, Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert might appear calm. But deep underground, blind moles (鼹鼠), also called kakarratul, covered in silky yellow fur are “swimming” through the sand. These creatures that are considered elusive spend so much of their lives below the surface that they remain largely unknown to wildlife biologists.

Now, Aboriginal rangers (护林员) have made a sight of one of the kakarratuls by the Martu, the local people of central Western Australia. This marks the second kakarratul sight in just six months. Historically, people only see the species five to ten times every decade.

Kakarratuls are very small and can’t see very clearly. Their bodies are covered in soft fur, and they primarily eat worms (蠕虫). They’re also perfectly adapted for life in the tough Australian land. Rather than living in the hot sun, they live almost entirely underground — digging holes as far as 8.2 feet below the surface — where they move through the sand in a unique way. The kakarratul is an amazing creature that “swims” through the sand of Australia’s western deserts. They carve a path and fill it in as they go forward through the sand.

“The creatures can survive by just breathing the air that moves between sand,” wrote Joe Benshemesh, a biologist with the National Malleefowl Recovery Group, for Australian Geographic. “They save energy and resources by allowing their body temperature to reflect that of the surrounding sand,” he added.

The moles periodically come to the surface, especially during periods of cool, rainy weather. But they don’t appear often, so wildlife scientists don’t know their population size. They are regarded as a species of “least concern”. “Local rangers try their best to take good care of kakarratuls, but they aren’t easy to find,” said Lynette Wildridge, a senior Nyangumarta ranger.

1. What does the underlined word “elusive” in paragraph I mean?
A.Dangerous to approach.B.Difficult to find.
C.Expensive to buy.D.Easy to feed.
2. Which word best describes the second kakarratul sight in six months?
3. What can we learn about the moles?
A.They may appear in rainy days.
B.They are well taken care of by the rangers.
C.They can find food more easily underground.
D.They dig holes to get away from the extreme weather.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Kakarratuls: Swimmers Through Desert SandB.Kakarratuls: Unique Animals to Australia
C.Local Rangers Look After Kakarratuls WellD.Australia Is Trying Hard to Save Kakarratuls
7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省琼海市嘉积中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
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2 . Imagine the sound of a dog walking across a tile floor, the “click, click, click” of its claws tapping against the ground. Now, imagine a cat walking across the same floor — the difference is the cat moves in total silence. Cats can fully retract (缩回) their claws, giving them superior ability to remain silence.

But why do cats have retractable claws, whereas dogs do not?

It all comes down to how cats and dogs use their claws. Cats use their claws primarily to attack their target, said Anthony Russell, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. They use their front claws to grab and hold on to their target and their back claws to cut open the target’s belly.

Cats need to keep their claws sharp to secure that next meal. Extended all the time, their claws would get less sharp as they scrape the ground, much like how a nail file deals with sharp points on a human fingernail.

Dogs, on the other hand, are social hunters. They work in groups to take down larger animals, wearing their target out over longer distances. For dogs, “if you’re hunting a moose or something, you wander along for kilometres and bite it until it is fatigued, and then you all jump on it,” Russell said. “Whereas cats essentially have a short burst, and then it’s over. Either the target gets away, or the target is captured.”

With more hunters working together, it’s less important for dogs to be able to grab and hold onto their target, so they don’t have to keep their claws as sharp. Sheer numbers are enough to give them the advantage.

But dogs’ claws aren’t completely useless. Dogs’ claws help them stand firmly on the earth and change directions quickly — a useful adaptation for pursuing target over long distances.

In nature’s silent dance, cats’ retractable claws are knives for quick attacks, while dogs’ strong claws make them good chasers. Each claw tells a tale of adaptation made to their unique hunting styles.

1. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.An animal novel.B.A scientific report.C.A zoology magazine.D.A pet keeping guide.
2. What does the underlined word “fatigued” in the 5th paragraph mean?
3. Which statement would Anthony Russell probably agree with?
A.Cats use front claws to grab and kill the target.
B.Dogs use claws to attack and wear their targets out.
C.Cats stop hunting if the target escapes from the first attack.
D.Dogs work together to capture their targets in a shorter time.
4. What does the author want to show by comparing animals’ claws?
A.Cats are better adapted to hunting than dogs.
B.Claws are more important for cats than for dogs.
C.The sharper the claws, the more efficient the hunt.
D.Cats and dogs find different ways to survive in nature.
7日内更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题(含听力)
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3 . Recently Chinese scientists have solved a food challenge of the ages! They cultivated (培育) the world’s first crucian carp (鲫鱼) without intermuscular (肌间的) fish bones.

The new fish ends a world-wide debate which has lasted for more than 50 years on whether intermuscular fish bones can be reproduced.

Crucian carp is a popular freshwater fish with tender meat and a fresh flavor, but its many tiny bones can easily get stuck in people’s throats when the fish is eaten. A research team from Heilongjiang Province started a project to solve the problem in 2009 and chose the key gene from about 1,600 fishes, in order to control the growth of the fish’s intermuscular bones. Researchers knocked out the bmp6 gene without influencing the fish’s growth.

“In 2020, we successfully cultivated the first generation of crucian carp without intermuscular fish bones with a success rate of 12.96 percent and the second generation at the rate of 19 percent in 2021,” said a researcher from the team. “At the beginning of 2022, we set free around 20,000 fish of the third generation at the test base in Harbin. The fish grew well and is quite different from normal crucian carp. The results of an examination in August showed that we succeeded completely.”

Experts said, “People will no longer have to pick out tiny fish bones. It could greatly change the fish diet of the world in the future.” In addition, the research can help promote industrial processing of the fish, marking a great breakthrough in the field of aquaculture (水产养殖) breeding in China.

1. What challenge have Chinese scientists solved?
A.They’ve found a wild fish.
B.They’ve created a fish with a fresh flavor.
C.They’ve cultivated a fish with tender meat.
D.They’ve produced a fish with no small bones.
2. What problem did the research team want to solve in 2009?
A.The fish can’t live in the sea.
B.The fish grow very slowly in freshwater.
C.The fish’s intermuscular bones are long and thin.
D.The fish’s tiny bones are stuck in people’s throats easily.
3. The results of an examination in August showed the success rate reached __________.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The fish diet in the future.
B.The problem of tiny fish bones.
C.The importance of the research.
D.The aquaculture breeding in China.
7日内更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁鞍山普通高中2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了海洋云层增亮(Marine Cloud Brightening, MCB)技术对于气候冷却的潜在效果,以及相关研究的发现和意义。

4 . Cloud “engineering” could be more effective for climate cooling than previously thought, because of the increased cloud cover produced, new research shows.

In a study published in Nature Geoscience, researchers at the University of Birmingham found that marine cloud brightening (MCB), also known as marine cloud engineering, works primarily by increasing the amount of cloud cover, accounting for 60% — 90% of the cooling effect.

The practice of MCB has attracted much attention in recent years as a way of offsetting the global warming effects caused by humans and buying some time while the global economy decarbonizes (脱碳). It works by spraying tiny particles, or aerosols (气溶胶), into the atmosphere where they mix with clouds and with the primary aim of increasing the amount of sunlight that clouds can reflect.

However, the ways in which MCB creates a cooling effect, and the ways in which clouds will respond to aerosols, are still poorly understood. To investigate the phenomenon, the researchers created a “natural experiment”, using aerosol injection from the effusive eruption of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii to study the interactions between these natural aerosols, clouds, and climate.

Using machine learning and historic satellite and meteorological (气象学的) data, the team created a predictor to show how the cloud would behave during periods when the volcano was inactive. This predictor enabled them to identify clearly the impacts on the clouds that had been directly caused by the volcanic aerosols.

They were able to show that the cloud cover relatively increased by up to 50% during the periods of volcanic activity, producing a cooling effect of up to — 10 W/m² regionally.

Lead author, Dr Ying Chen, of the University of Birmingham, said, “Our findings show that marine cloud brightening could be more effective as a climate intervention than climate models have suggested previously. Of course, while it could be useful, MCB does not address the underlying causes of global warming from greenhouse gases produced by human activities. It should therefore be regarded as a ‘painkiller’, rather than a solution.”

1. How does MCB help global cooling according to the study?
A.By decreasing the amount of sunlight.
B.By boosting the volume of cloud cover.
C.By reducing the amount of cloud cover.
D.By removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
2. What does the underlined word “offsetting” mean in paragraph 3?
3. What does Dr Ying Chen think of MCB?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Mechanism Behind Marine Cloud Brightening
B.Understanding The Impact Of Aerosols On Clouds And Climate
C.Enhancing Climate Cooling Through Marine Cloud Brightening
D.Marine Cloud Brightening: A Solution To Climate Cooling Strategy
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市邢台市名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了一个援助波多黎各的灾后保护文物的志愿者组织NationlHeritage Responders及其中一名志愿者Ann Frellsen。

5 . The National Heritage Responders is a volunteer network of around 100 experts in cultural heritage conservation from around Puerto Rico. They assist individuals and institutions in figuring out how to save important objects and buildings after disasters. Their crisis hotline has been busier than ever in recent years because of more frequent and severe weather brought on by climate change. In 2023, there have been around 70 calls so far, up from fewer than 10 in 2008, when the hotline first appeared.

Ann Frellsen, the Atlanta-based book and paper conservator, is a longtime heritage responder volunteer with more than three decades of experience in helping out cultural institutions after disasters. She was among those sent to Puerto Rico over several visits starting a couple of months after two hurricanes hit it in 2017.

After providing initial support via the phone, Frellsen and her team came in to help La Casa del Libro and other local institutions in crisis with equipment, supplies and advice. In fact, much of the advice the hotline provides is via phone or video-chat; volunteers are sent out into the field in certain cases, on an as-needed basis.

“There were no stoplights and signs on the highways because they’d all been blown away,” Frellsen said. She added that figuring out how to reach the more than 20 institutions that needed assistance in Puerto Rico was challenging—not to mention the on-the-job hazards.

When Frellsen isn’t heading into disaster zones to help save artifacts (文物) from fires, hurricanes and floods, she trains others in the heritage conservation field to do the same. Some of the participants may eventually take the test to become National Heritage Responders. But at this moment, they are deep in a hands-on training exercise, based on an imaginary situation cooked up by Frellsen and her co-trainers.

1. What can we say about Puerto Rico?
A.It calls on people to keep in contact.B.Natural disasters are increasing there.
C.It works hard to build highways.D.The weather is really nice there.
2. What can be learned about the National Heritage Responders?
A.It teaches individuals how to protect themselves.
B.New volunteers can join it with no tests required.
C.Victims all over the world can contact it by hotline.
D.It sends experts to the disaster areas when necessary.
3. What does the underlined word “hazards” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What are Frellsen and her team busy doing at present?
A.Taking various tests.B.Entering a new disaster area.
C.Conducting a practical exercise.D.Restoring priceless artifacts.
2024-06-16更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省九师联盟高三下学期5月联考英语试题
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6 . New Space Missions in 2024

ESA’s Hera mission

The European Space Agency (ESA) plans to launch its Hera spacecraft in October on a mission to return to an asteroid (小行星) system visited by NASA’s DART spacecraft in 2022. Hera is designed to collect data on the targeted system, called Didymos. The spacecraft is expected to closely examine the physical properties of Didymos and measure detailed effects of DART’s crash.

Europa Clipper

NASA hopes to launch its Europa Clipper mission in October. This orbiter is designed to carry out close examinations of Jupiter’s moon Europa. Specifically, the mission will look for signs that the icy moon might hold the right conditions to support life. NASA says the orbiter will fly in orbit around Jupiter and perform repeated close flybys of the icy moon.

Boeing’s Starliner test flight

NASA and Boeing have said they plan to launch the first crewed test flight of the company’s Starliner spacecraft. NASA says it is targeting May 2024 to have Starliner ready for flight. The launch date is to be set later.

The spacecraft completed its first unscrewed flight test to the International Space Station (ISS) last May. But Boeing has experienced several technical difficulties with Starliner during the mission and has worked with NASA to fix the problems as it prepares for the planned crewed flight.

SpaceX Starship test

SpaceX, another NASA’s partner, has been successfully using its rockets and spacecraft to transport astronauts and materials to the ISS since 2020. But the company will be seeking a successful test flight in 2024 for its super-heavy Starship spacecraft.

SpaceX experienced two failed Starship tests in 2023 — one in April and the other in November — which resulted in explosions. The April explosion caused major damage to the launch structure in the state of Texas. SpaceX has said it has been examining the issues related to the explosions and plans to carry out another test of Starship as soon as possible. But it will have to wait until the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) completes its investigation of the launch site damage and approves a new test.

1. Which of the following plans to collect data about Didymos?
2. When is Europa Clipper scheduled to launch?
A.In April.B.In May.C.In October.D.In November.
3. What do we know about SpaceX Starship?
A.The date for its third test flight is unclear.
B.It has succeeded in sending astronauts to the ISS.
C.The reason for its first failure has been identified.
D.Its second test flight damaged the launch structure.
2024-06-16更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省九师联盟高三下学期5月联考英语试题
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7 . “Palace, Mountain, Moon?” has been selected by NASA as the Astronomical Picture of the Day for December 25, 2023.

The photo was taken by Valerio, a young photographer of Turin, Italy. It was shot on the evening of December 15, 2023. While he knew about NASA’s competition, he hadn’t considered participating until receiving much encouragement from his social media followers. Soon after, he received the message, “Your image has been chosen as the astronomical photo of the day.” It was incredible!

In a photo like this, nothing is left to luck. The concept came to him back in 2017. Walking on the hills north of Turin, he found several spots perfect for including both the Basilica of Superga Palace and Mountain Monviso. After numerous visits over several months, he identified four spots where Superga and Monviso line up just right.

After pinpointing these locations, he experimented with shooting them at different times. “I knew I needed something special to perfect the photo. The Sun was a no-go, so I turned to the Moon. Its various phases and position s reach an azimuth angle (方位角) of 230 degrees,” Valerio said. With this in mind, he researched the Moon’s phases, marked potential dates on the calendar, and planned the exact moments when the moon could join the queue.

It was very successful, especially because the Moon was in a waxing phase. This meant that in the photo, not only was its crescent (新月) lit up, but so was the left part, its shadowed side. That part is lit by reflected light, also known as Da Vinci’s glow, named after him because he was the one who theorized about why the Moon’s shadowed side is brightened. During the early days of the waxing Moon phases, the shadowed part is visible because the Sun’s light reflects off the Earth and hits the Moon’s shadowed side, giving it a greyish, silvery color. This allowed the light to outline Monviso on the left as well.

1. Why did Valerio send the photo to NASA?
A.He took an interest in astronomical advances.
B.He expected to create an impact on social media.
C.He received broad support from enthusiastic fans.
D.He wished to make his hometown a tourist hot spot.
2. In Valerio’s photo, the three objects ______.
A.shine light on each otherB.stand in a straight line
C.fit each other in sizeD.vary from usual in color
3. What did Valerio do to prepare for the perfect photo?
A.Studying how the Moon phase changes.B.Calculating the Superga-Monviso distance.
C.Analyzing when to adjust the camera angle.D.Measuring the height of the observation point.
4. What was lit up by the Da Vinci’s glow?
A.The outline of the crescent.B.The outline of Superga.
C.The dark side of the Moon.D.The shadowed side of the Earth.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Natural disasters can cause people’s fears at any age.     1    , but you do have lots of influence on how your children may face the possible disasters. Let’s see how to talk to your children about natural disasters correctly.

● Be honest

When there is information about natural disasters, try not to hide it.     2    . They may want to know more about where the natural disaster is and the path that it is on. Give proper explanations or even check books out from the library.


Ask your children what they are nervous about so that you can solve their concerns. Deal with any of their fears, big or small, and provide some kind of comfort. Whether these disasters are happening far away or close to home, they need to know that you will keep them safe.

● Make a plan for your family

There is no place on Earth that is free from possibly suffering some type of natural disaster. All families should have a disaster plan and emergency supplies at home. Create a family safety plan, and share it with your children.     4    .

● Talk about the helpers

    5    . The idea that firefighters, paramedics (护理人员), and other disaster service workers will be there to help in case of an emergency helps children take away some of the anxiety.

A.Answer questions
B.Take away your children’s fears
C.It is completely natural to be afraid
D.They just have to wait with nothing to do
E.It can prepare them for what to do if a disaster happens
F.Instead, offering detailed information and explanation can help calm your children
G.Teach your children about the different types of helpers that show up in a disaster
2024-06-16更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省周口市鹿邑县2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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9 . Information from this year’s IQAir World Air Quality Report showed only seven countries met the World Health Organization’s pollution recommendations in 2023, which were Australia, Estonia, Finland, Grenada, Iceland, Mauritius and New Zealand. Of the 134 countries and regions measured, 124 had higher levels than called for in the WHO pollution guidelines.

The report said the five countries with what it called the lowest air quality had particle (颗粒物) levels at least nine times higher than what the WHO recommends. Three South Asian countries — Bangladesh, Pakistan and India — had the world’s lowest air quality. In 2022, India was eighth and Bangladesh was fifth.

The information came from the Swiss company IQAir. The report used measurements from over 30,000 stations across 134 countries. IQAir used the WHO standard of PM 2.5 to measure the size of breathable pollutant particles in the air. The PM2.5 measurement means the particles are 2.5 microns (微米) or less in diameter (直径). The diameter of human hair, for example, is about 30 times larger than a particle of 2.5 microns.

In Bangladesh, the concentration of PM2.5 particles reached 79.9 micrograms per cubic meter in 2023. In Pakistan, the number was 73.7. India’s level was 54.4, Tajikistan in Central Asia was 49 and Burkina Faso in West Africa was the fifth-most polluted nation at 46.6.

Firoz Khan, an air pollution expert at North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh, said 20 percent of the early deaths in the country were caused by air pollution. He added spending on pollution-related healthcare was equal to four to five percent of the nation’s economy.

Christi Chester Schroeder oversees air quality science for IQair. She said South Asia’s geography and climate conditions influence its air quality. “The pollution has nowhere to go,” she added. “Because of agricultural practices, industry and population density, it really does look like it is going to get worse before it gets better.”

1. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Bangladesh’s air quality may have decreased in 2023.
B.India’s air quality was greatly improved in 2022.
C.Mauritius had the fifth-worst air quality in the world in 2022.
D.Pakistan’s air quality was the third-worst in the world in 2023.
2. Why does the author mention “human hair” in paragraph.3?
A.To demonstrate how to use hair products.
B.To offer suggestions to people with hair problems.
C.To emphasize the difficulty of measuring pollutant particles.
D.To explain the size of breathable pollutant particles in the air.
3. Which statement will Christi Chester Schroeder probably agree with?
A.Developing agriculture will help improve air quality.
B.Geographical conditions have little influence on air quality.
C.The future of air quality in South Asia does not look bright.
D.South Asian countries should try to increase their populations.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A report on global air pollution.B.Plans to fight against air pollution.
C.The harm of air pollution to humans.D.Advice on cutting air pollution.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . On one side of the room sits the cutest life-size stuffed animal (填充玩具) you’ve ever seen. On the other side rests a real dog — the same size, shape and even the same name as the stuffed version. You get to sit next to both of these furry friends and pet their fur. Guess which one will make your brain light up?

If you guessed the real dog, you’re right. Stuffed animals, as cute and lovely as they may be, just don’t effectively activate our frontal cortex (额叶皮层), the part of the brain overseeing how we think and feel, according to a new study published in the journal PLOSONE. The study found an even stronger rise in brain activity when the person petted the fur of a real dog versus a stuffed animal.

“We chose to research the frontal cortex because this brain area is involved in several executive (执行) functions, such as attention, working memory, and problem-solving. But it is also involved in social and emotional processes,” said study lead author Rahel Marti, a doctoral student in the division of clinical psychology at the University of Basel in Switzerland.

Why is this finding important? It provides additional evidence that live human-animal interaction therapy (疗法) may promote cognitive and emotional activity in the brain. Marti said, “If patients with deficits in motivation, attention, and socioemotional functioning show higher emotional involvement in activities connected to a real dog, then such activities could increase the chance of learning and of achieving treatment aims.”

“This is an interesting, seriously conducted study that provides new insight into associations between human-animal interaction and regional prefrontal brain activity in healthy adults. We found that brain activity increased when the contact with a real dog or a stuffed animal became closer. This confirms previous studies relating closer contact with animals to increased brain activity,” Marti said.

1. How does the author introduce the subject of the text?
A.By listing some figures.B.By giving an example.
C.By setting a situation.D.By analyzing a phenomenon.
2. Why did the researchers choose to study frontal cortex?
A.It is involved in several body parts.
B.It is the most important part of the brain.
C.It plays a key part in performing functions.
D.It provides evidence for live human-animal therapy.
3. What does the underlined word “deficits” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What may be a suitable title for the text?
A.What Petting A Dog Can Do For Your Brain?
B.Why A Pet Dog Is Important To A Person?
C.Which Part Of The Brain Is Involved In Emotion?
D.How Can A Patient Benefit From Petting A Dog?
共计 平均难度:一般