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“Bang. . !” Sara pushed the door open. She threw her school bag onto the floor and called out, “I’m home!” No answer. The house was silent. It sounded empty, but she knew it wasn’t. Her mum and dad were working upstairs.

Sara got a glass of orange juice, went into the conservatory (玻璃房) and sat down in her favourite chair. The garden was still in the dark afternoon. On one side, her mum’s garden was neat and tidy with boring short grass, boring straight flowerbeds and boring straight paths. But on the other side, Sara’s Nature Garden looked wild and exciting with big dead sunflowers and tall grasses.

“Nobody is interested in me. Mum and dad only think about their work,” she thought sadly.

Then she recalled: One month earlier, she learned in a magazine that many dogs were abandoned because their owners got bored with them; One hour earlier, she saw a cute dog wagging its tail and licking her friend’s face.

Sara knew today was special. Today things were changing. She couldn’t wait any longer. It’s time to talk to her parents.

So Sara got up from her chair and climbed all the way to the loft (阁楼). “Mum, I want a talk.” said Sara. “Just a minute!” Her mum clicked on the keyboard, took off her glasses and turned to her daughter. Sara coughed, took a deep breath, and told her mum that she wanted a dog. “No, Sara. That’s impossible,” her mum said firmly. Sara went to her father but got the same answer. She rushed into her room angrily and slammed the door shut.

Later, Sara’s mum knocked at the door and went in. “Darling, we know this is important to you. You can have a dog if you take the responsibility. But look at your Nature Garden, your school bag, your bedroom! What a mess! Do you think you can take good care of a dog?” said her mum.

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Sara was lost in thought and decided to make some changes.


With the dog’s company, Sara began her busy but joyful life.

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I have a passion for fishing and animal protection, which can date back to my childhood. When I was young, my father was a fish and wildlife officer, so he traveled all over the province in the spring and fall. He loved his job, especially the part where he protected nature from human.

He’d taught me to fish alone, in silence, lost in my own thoughts.

I still remembered that special day. Midweek, even in late August, no one was around. Police Outpost Lake is as far as you can go and still be in Canada. Songbirds, ducks, and Canada geese glided (滑翔) by on the breeze, touching down briefly on the water’s surface before flapping and quacking their way back up into the sky, passing in front of the sun, temporarily blocking its warming rays.

“How can I get the fish with these birds making noise?” I complained, rod (鱼竿) in my hand.

“Be patient, Jacob. Birds won’t disturb you.”

Out of the corner of my eyes, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a few great northern loons (潜鸟) stayed together not far from the shoreline. Dad once told me loon usually travel alone, but here were five of them in a group. Maybe it was a family? One loon, making odd sounds, swam away from the group, towards me.

This is unusual.

“Dad! Come here! Take a look at this loon!”

Hearing this, dad laid his rod down on the dirty sand, walking quickly towards me.

The loon rested in the shallow water near shore, not ten feet away from us. It was so close, we could see its red eyes.

“Look at that beak (喙)!”I said. “It could easily hurt us to death with that thing! It could tear our faces! Blind our eyes!”

Walking into the water, getting closer to the loon, we both saw thin wire wrapped around its neck. Fishing line maybe? Was there a hook(钩子)on the line, too? Was the loon asking us for help?

Paragraph 1: Reaching down, I touched its feather, my heart racing.
Paragraph 2: “Hurry, Dad! I can’t hold this bird forever, you know!” I said.
2024-01-25更新 | 111次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省荆州市八县市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末联考英语试题(含听力)
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I woke up to the sound of rumbling (隆隆声). At first, I thought it was thunder, but then I felt the ground shake beneath me. I sat up in bed, my heart pounding in my chest. It took a few moments for me to realize what was happening — an earthquake. I had always heard stories about earthquakes, but I had never experienced one myself. I knew that I needed to act fast to ensure my survival.

The room was shaking violently, and I struggled to keep my balance. I quickly got out of bed and tried to make my way to the door. I stumbled and fell a few times, but I managed to make it to the door and open it.

As I stepped outside, I met with chaos. The ground was still shaking, and I could hear the sound of buildings collapsing in the distance. People were running in all directions, screaming and crying. I knew that I needed to find a safe place to take cover.

I remembered reading that doorways were one of the safest places during an earthquake, so I made my way to the nearest doorway and waited there. The ground continued to shake, and I had never felt so scared in my life.

After what seemed like an eternity (永恒), the shaking finally stopped. I cautiously stepped out of the doorway, looking around at the destruction that the earthquake had caused.Buildings had crumbled to the ground, and fires were burning in the distance. I remembered that I had a survival kit in my car, so I made my way to the parking lot.

When I got there, I saw that my car had been crushed by debris (碎片) from a nearby building. I realized that I was on my own. I knew that I needed to stay calm and think rationally. I looked around and saw a group of people huddled together across the street. I made my way over to them, and they welcomed me into their group.


Together, we worked to find a safe place to take shelter.


Eventually, after a few days, help arrived, and we were brought to safety.

2023-12-18更新 | 193次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省武昌实验中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was eating breakfast at home in Hampshire in March this year, scrolling through social media on my phone, when a story caught my eye. It was about a nine-year-old dog, Charlie, dubbed (称为) the loneliest in Britain. He had been in a rescue centre in Somerset for more than 500 days.

For some reason, nobody wanted to adopt him. I clicked on the link and straight away these huge, sad eyes stared back at me. I was emotional. I turned to my husband, Sam, and said: "We’ve got to have him.” He read the article over my shoulder and felt exactly the same way. We wanted to give Charlie a happy home and a new lease of life.

Over the past few years we have tried to adopt a few different dogs, but we haven’ had any luck — we were never top of the list. Sam and I got used to filling in forms and not hearing anything. We’d almost given up hope.

But Charlie is an older dog and we felt we’d be suited — even older dogs have a lot of love left to offer. So we took our time with the application, sent photographs of our house and garden. We explained why Charlie would be happy with us, and then forgot all about it.

A few days later we received an email from Brent Knoll animal centre, saying we’d been shortlisted. We were thrilled. They asked us to visit Charlie to be interviewed and to see if he liked us.

When we arrived we were taken to the staff room. We didn’t know what to expect. We hadn’t been told much about Charlie’s circumstances, but as he had been given up for adoption and hadn’t been placed with a new owner for so long, we thought there might be issues. But the dog that bounded (蹦跳) in was full of joy and charisma.

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He came straight over to us.


We feel proud that we’ve given Charlie a new home and a second chance.

2023-10-19更新 | 221次组卷 | 4卷引用:读后续写变式题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 由于人类活动破坏了野生动物的生活环境和空间,使许多野生动物濒临灭绝,据统计世界上每天大约有75种生物灭绝。针对这一现象,请你代表学生会,向同学们发出倡议保护野生动物。
提示词:自然保护区natural reserves 捕猎者 hunter
Dear fellow students,

The Students Union

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On Saturday, the animal shelter is filled with voices. I can’t see the kitties because I’m blind. I listen hard. Do any of those meows sound like kitten meows?

“I don’t think I hear any kittens (小奶猫), Mom,” I say.

“You’re right, Annie. But there are lots of cats, fat ones, skinny ones…”Mom holds my hand. The shelter director, Mrs. Pat, takes us inside the cat pen. I sit down and stretch out my hands to pet the kitties. A big, warm kitty sits down against my side. “Sammy likes you, Annie. He’s the big one,” Mrs. Pat says.

“I like him, too.” I pet Sammy’s soft, furry coat, his loud purr rumbling under my fingers. “Will Sammy get adopted today?” I ask.

“Maybe,” says Mrs. Pat. “He’s an older kitty, and most people want kittens. But he’s so loving, maybe today will be his turn.”

My mom and I take a pregnant cat, Muffin, home with us. We’ll care for her until she has her kittens. And I can keep one kitten for myself!

One morning, I get a surprise! I can feel soft, mewing little bundles inside the box with Muffin! Mom told me there are six. They’re all about the same size, except for one. He’s big! “Like Sammy,” I say.

“Not quite that big,” Mom says with a laugh.

When I hold them to my cheek, they feel silky and smell sweet and oaty, like a field of summer grass. Their mews are high and tiny.

“So, do you know yet which kitten you’ll keep?” Mom asks me one day.

I bounce on my knees, saying “Oh! How do I choose?”

“Well, try to listen to your heart,” Mom says.

Should it be Jet-Jet, with the long tail? Or Mimi, with the tiny voice? Or should it be Mr. Motor, the one with the humming purr? A purr like Sammy’s, I think. All the kittens are fun. But which is the right one?

On Monday, the shelter is quiet. I still can’t decide which one to keep. Mom asks me to stay in the cat room and pick my kitty while she takes care of the paperwork with Mrs. Pat.

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I sit down and open the carrier.
When Mom and Mrs. Pat come back, Sammy is sleeping in my lap.
2023-07-30更新 | 75次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学(六校)2022--2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据所给情节和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jane Brown sat carefully putting papers into a folder. She had been at the Gateway Nature Center’s office all morning and was tired of filing. She wanted desperately to work with the animals. She had been a weekend volunteer that whole school year and had done extensive research, reading books and websites on natural history. But her mom, who was the assistant director of the center, said Jane was still too young.

Suddenly, the quiet was broken by Amy bursting in. She had been a volunteer a bit longer than Jane and wandered around like she owned the place. “Hurry up, Jane,” she ordered. Jane willed herself to remain still and just smiled back.

Just then, Jane’s mother rushed into the room with Mr. White, the manager. “The hurricane is now approaching the Gulf Shore Preserve,” Mrs. Brown reported. “It needs help preparing for it. I have to go down there with the staff. We’ll take the bridge, so we shouldn’t be gone long. I need you girls to help Mr. White get the storm shutters (护窗) down in the aviary (鸟舍). Then, stay inside with Mr. White. Call me on my cellphone if there’re any problems,” Mrs. Brown directed as she rushed out. Jane was excited to have an opportunity to help the birds.

Amy announced she was now “in charge”. Jane smiled again, saying nothing. Mr. White and the girls worked quickly and were soon back inside. But when Mr. White called Jane’s mother, a worried expression crossed his face. “A storm has flooded the bridge, and they’re stuck there. Also, the storm is heading our way,” he said. Amy was frightened. After silently considering for a few seconds, Jane said calmly, “We should move the birds to the reptile house (爬行动物馆). It’s on higher ground.” Mr. White and Amy nodded. They rushed out of the building. Once inside the aviary, Jane watched Amy lunge (猛冲) from cage to cage.

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Paragraph 1.

Jane told Amy not to jump around so much because the birds would be scared by her sudden movements.

Paragraph 2.

After several hours, the storm stopped, and Mrs. Brown was able to return to the center.

2023-07-10更新 | 64次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省荆门市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sticking together was always important to my family — especially after my dad left us. I didn’t always talk to my mom about my feelings, because she was busy tending our farm. I talked to my sister, Alana, and I talked to Sister Belle — that’s what we called our cow. She was definitely part of my family, and we loved her very much.

Later on, as we needed to move, we had to sell our farm and all the animals, including Sister Belle. We wanted her to go to someone who would love her like we did, and we thought it was an answer to our hope when a man called. He told he could only pay 300 dollars, but that he had lots of pasture (牧场) and a large barn (畜棚). That afternoon, we went to his place. It looked really nice, and we were happy that we had found the right home for Sister Belle.

The next day we delivered Sister Belle to her new owner. I could feel tears stinging my eyes, but I convinced myself that Sister Belle would be better off in her new home.

A week later, while we were having our moving sale, a neighbor came up telling us she had seen our cow before the cow went to auction (拍卖会). My mom couldn’t believe it and asked who was sell ng the cow. When knowing who it was, I felt sick. We had trusted him, and just a week later he was selling Sister Belle away to make a profit!

We drove to his house. When he answered the door, mom told him what the neighbor had said and he shut the door right in our faces. Alana was crying, and my mom was begging him to sell Sister Belle back to us. But he wouldn’t open the door.

Back home, my mother started calling a lot of auctions and finally found one that had a record of our cow, and told us the cow would be auctioned off the next morning.


The next day we arrived at the auction early.


Therefore, we decided to join in the auction.

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Helen and her family moved to a new location in the city. Helen was excited because most of her friends lived in the same street.

It was the first morning in their new house. She woke up early that day and went out on her balcony (阳台). She was expecting wonderful, lovely birds and beautiful greenery with fresh air, but instead it was the complete opposite. There was garbage right outside their front gate. There were no trees and instead of the sweet chirping (鸟叫声) of birds, there were annoying g traffic noises. Helen was angry. “What is this? Why can’t someone do anything about it?” she thought. She went inside the living room. She sat at the dining table, thinking about what she could do about the pollution in her locality.

The next day at school, she went into her class and asked loudly, “Who’s fed up with stinking garbage?” This caught many students’ attention. “Who’s fed up with air pollution and the diseases spread by it?” This time many students answered, “Me!” Helen smiled and then said, “We must clean our surroundings. So help me get rid of the garbage. Help me pick it up! That’s the best thing we can do. We will all go to other classes and ask if they want to join us. I am sure as long as we work together, our community will become a better place!”

In the break time, they all went to other classes, and by the end of the school day, Helen had gathered almost 25 students ready to help her. The day before cleaning, the students took out their pocket money and bought garbage bags, masks and gloves.

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The big day came and the students gathered at the school gate.


Soon the headmaster knew what the students did.

2023-07-10更新 | 188次组卷 | 7卷引用:湖北省襄阳市优质高中2023-2024学年高三下学期期初联考英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给的段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Alexis Langlois, who manages a large farm, heard her neighbor crazily knocking on her front door on a Monday afternoon.

“There’s an emergency”, Amber Countryman yelled. “The horses are stuck in the water.” Langlois was struck with “absolute panic”. She threw on her winter boots — without socks — and rushed toward the small pond on the 80-acre property. She was surprised by what she saw: four horses were in the water up to their necks in 10 feet of ice water.

She immediately called 911.While waiting for help to arrive, “people just started showing up,” she said. “Neighbors were pouring in. People came with ropes, chainsaws, shovels and pick axes.”

“I grabbed a bunch of supplies,” said Countryman, whose two teenagers and their friend also as sited with the effort.

“It was-8℃that day,” she said, adding that she brought out handwarmers and water for the helpers.

Everyone was determined to get the horses out of the pond — which is about 15feetwide.

Beneath a six-inch layer of ice, the water was “just barely above freezing”, said Chris Yerkes, the South Kalispell Fire Department chief who rushed to the pond with about a dozen volunteer personnel.

When the firefighters arrived, neighbors had already attempted to pave a path through the ice toward the edge of the pond using pick axes, sledgehammers and shovels, and “we continued with that effort.” Yerkes said. Unfortunately, “as we got closer to the edge, we realized there was about three to four inches of mud.”

The thick layer of mud — which the rescuers couldn’t cut through — blocked the horses from climbing out. Firefighters enlisted additional support from Flathead County Animal Control, as well as staff from local equestrian organization Rebecca Farm.

“There had to have been at least 60 people here,” Langlois said. “It was very swift action on everybody’s part.”

Paragraph 1

It took nearly two hours to find a workable solution that could bring all four horses to safety.

Paragraph 2

To get the horses out, they used a powerful tractor (拖拉机) to get the animals out of the mud and ropes to pull them over the edge.

2023-07-01更新 | 398次组卷 | 6卷引用:湖北省新高考联考协作体2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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