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阅读理解-六选四(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Landmark structures that were built to stand the test of time were usually carefully protected over the years, allowing them to appear close to the same as they were constructed. However, many famous landmarks no longer look the same.    1    

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of America’s most famous landmarks and it’s a wonder of modern bridge engineering. Chicago engineer Joseph Strauss designed the structure that took more than four years to complete    2    Then, the Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspended bridge span (跨度) in the world.

In the city that never sleeps, Times Square is a busy collection of Broadway theaters, cinemas, restaurants and electronic billboards.    3    Over the past century, Times Square has undergone numerous adjustments, including a difficult period after the Great Depression. However, it has survived and is a popular tourist destination today.   

    4    The stone structure sits near the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and depicts a mythical creature with a human head and the body of a lion. Although the precise age is not known, the colorless sculpture shows the impact that centuries of desert weather has made on the majestic (雄伟的) figure.

A.The Great Sphinx is the largest and most famous statue in the world.
B.The recent discovery shows it was more colorful in its original days.
C.They have changed significantly.
D.The name, initially called Long Acre Square, was changed in 1905.
E.Besides, it was open to traffic on May 27,1937.
F.However, it cracked and had to be removed.
2023-04-12更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4.单元过关检测-【帮课堂】2021-2022学年高一英语同步精品讲义(上外版必修二)

2 . When our Scottish puppy reached doggie adolescence, she suddenly stopped obeying my commands. Previously, if I called “come,” Annie would fly across our yard to my arms. Now, the 8-month-old gave me an aggressive “make me” look and ran the other way.

Our dog trainer advised us to stop complaining. “She's a teenager,” she said. Now, a new study is backing that up: Dogs, it says, experience an oversensitive period just like human teenagers. “There is abundant folk knowledge that the behavior of adolescents differs from younger or older dogs,” says Barbara Smuts.

Puppies bond with humans much as children do. “But owners often feel like they're failing when their puppies reach adolescence,” about 8 months for most dogs, says Lucy Asher. Like teenagers, adolescent dogs can disregard and disobey their owners. Indeed, teenage dogs are the most likely age group to land in U.S. shelters.

To see exactly how adolescence changes dog behavior, Asher and her team monitored 70 female dogs being raised as potential guide dogs. They asked caregivers to score the puppies on separation-related behaviors, like trembling when left behind. Dogs with high scores on this behavior entered adolescence earlier-at about 5 months, compared with 8 months for those with lower scores. Various factors cause human teenage girls with poor parental relationships to also enter adolescence at a younger age. Thus, similar to humans, dogs that have bad relationships with their caregivers see changes in their development.

According to Smuts, adolescent dogs that were stressed by separation from their caregiver also increasingly disobeyed that person, showing the insecurity of human teenagers.

Because of the similarity between adolescent pups and humans, dogs can serve as a model species for studying adolescence in humans, the scientists say. The temporary nature of dogs which disobey the owners may make us worry less when our pups suddenly get minds of their own.

1. The author's attitude towards his dog's misbehavior can be best described as     
2. The underlined word “disregard” in paragraph 3 probably means?
A.run afterB.pay no attention toC.bark atD.defend against
3. What can we learn about adolescent dogs from the passage?
A.Many adolescent dogs like staying in American shelters.
B.Adolescent dogs will never follow their owners' instructions.
C.Adolescent dogs are fond of being separated from their caregivers.
D.Dogs having poor relation with their caregivers enter adolescence earlier.
4. What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Both young dogs and teenagers rely on their parents.
B.Many researches have shown young dogs are aggressive.
C.Adolescent dogs feel more anxious and frightened than teenagers.
D.Like human teenagers, dogs get difficult when they reach adolescence.
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. magical       B. cultural       C. meets          D. built          E. strong     F. damaged
G. entrance       H. views        I. calendar        J. ranked        K. lit

A long red bridge stretches out across water. It runs across the Golden Gate. This is not the     1     to some sacred land, but it is just as     2    . The Golden Gate is where San Francisco Bay     3     the Pacific Ocean, and at night the scene of the bridge     4     up over the water takes your breath away.

Welcome to San Francisco, a place famous for its beautiful parks, hilly streets and lovely beaches. But the bridge is undoubtedly the most well-known symbol of the city. Before its completion in 1937, the bridge was considered impossible to build because of the foggy weather, powerful winds, and     5     ocean currents in the city. However, despite the difficult conditions, the bridge was built in no more than four years. Its total length is nearly 2 kilometers.

San Francisco     6     first on Lonely Planet’s list of the best cities to visit in 2013. According to the world’s largest travel publisher, it came top as a result of its     7     mix.

According to the census, 21 percent of the city’s population was made up of Chinese people. San Francisco’s Chinatown is the largest outside of Asia and the oldest in North America. Two traditional festivals, the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, are the biggest events of the year on the city’s     8    .

If yellow cabs are a key part of New York city life, then the cable car is San Francisco’s equivalent. The first cable car came into public service in 1873, and the slow and noisy vehicle has been a symbol of the city ever since. The cable car network was once     9     by a serious earthquake but, luckily, it has now recovered and provides better     10     than the subway.

2020-11-29更新 | 69次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3 Healthy Lifestyle. 单元过关检测 -2022-2023学年高一英语下学期同步精品课堂(上外版2020必修第三册)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The insects are important to farmers. When a honeybee lands on a flower in plant, pollen (花粉) sticks to its legs. When the bee lands on another flower, some of the pollen falls off and fertilizes the second plant.

The act of spreading pollen is responsible for many fruits, vegetables, nuts and other crops. Yet about 30 percent of honeybees in the United States and other areas have died in recent years.

Mike Leggett is a researcher at the University of Maryland. He wants to learn why so many bees are dying. “The number of colonies (蜂群) that die every winter has been one in three. So on average 30 percent of the colonies have died every winter over the last six winters. And that’s a huge number.” His research team examined the pollen that honeybees carried to their homes. They found that the pollen contained high levels of 35 different pesticides (杀虫剂), which are chemicals used to protect plants. “Pesticides are used, and have been used, pretty widely, for centuries, to protect plants from diseases,” says Mr Leggett.

Keith Oh linger, a farmer and beekeeper in Maryland, has watched many of his bees die every winter. Mr Ohlinger thinks widespread bee death is caused by several things happening at once. But he does not feel sure that pesticides are a part of the problem, “I felt it was the result of a lot of little things. I didn’t feel that there was probably one smoking gun. But there’s a division (分歧) there, some people feel that it is just one thing.”

Honeybees are important to agriculture. This makes the search for an answer to their death very important for Mr Leggett’s team. As he knows, one in every three bites of food we eat is somehow pollinated by honeybees.

1. What could be a suitable title for the text?
A.Why Are Honeybees Important?
B.How Do Honeybees Make Honey?
C.Pesticides Might Harm Honeybees
D.Honeybee Protection in Maryland
2. How does Mr Leggett sound in paragraph 3?
3. We know from the fifth paragraph that Keith Ohlinger ________.
A.has become rich by keeping bees
B.cares little about the death of his bees
C.has never used pesticides on his farm
D.doubts whether pesticides have killed his bees
4. In which part of a website can we most probably read the text?
阅读理解-七选五(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
There are thousands of coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the world; Unfortunately, however, they are now in serious danger. More than one-third are in such bad shape that they could die within ten years.    1    Here are the three main causes discovered.
The first cause is pollution on land. The pollutants run with rainwater into rivers and streams, which carry the poisons into the ocean.    2    So they will be easily infected (感染) with diseases.
    3    Higher ocean temperatures kill the important food source (来源) for the coral—the algae, the tiny greenish-gold water plants that live on coral.    4    This process has happened more and more frequently in recent years.
The last factor contributing to the disappearance of coral reefs is people. People sometimes crash into reefs with their boats, breaking off large blocks of coral.    5    Moreover, some people even break coral off to collect for souvenirs since it is so colorful and pretty.
A.Global warming is another reason.
B.Many might not even last that long!
C.Divers who walk on reefs can also do serious damage.
D.Reefs provide a home for 25% of the fish in the ocean.
E.Chemicals from the poisons kill reefs or make them weak.
F.Steps must be taken now to stop over-fishing and pollution of the oceans.
G.When the algae die, the coral loses its color and it also dies in the end.
2016-11-26更新 | 864次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海浦东新区2023-2024学年高二上学期开学摸底英语考试
共计 平均难度:一般