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| 共计 273 道试题
1 . --- You don’t look well. Are you ill ?
--- No, the exam is coming and I _______ reading until midnight.
A.kept upB.got upC.stayed upD.woke up
2 . _______ in having trade talks with a foreign company, she has stayed up for several nights.
A.OccupiedB.Being occupiedC.Having occupiedD.To occupy
3 . The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _______ to the sudden change of weather.
4 . --- I’ve looked everywhere, but I haven’t found any chalk.
--- Then, I’m afraid there is _______ left.
A.nothingB.no oneC.noneD.neither
5 . --- what do you think of “The Voice of China ”, the reality TV show ?
--- I can’t help _______ it. I got _______ whenever I watched it !
A.to love ; excitingB.to love ; excited
C.loving ; excitingD.loving ; excited
6 . It was in the street _______ I went shopping with you last week ________ I met Zhang Hua, our old classmate.
A.where ; thatB.which ; whenC.that ; thatD.that ; which
7 . What ______ surprise! He came ______ first in the race.
A.a, theB./, /C.a, /D.a, a
8 . At the police station, she ______ her handbag as soon as she saw it.
9 . —Have you heard the exciting news? We are going to a concert for free after the exam.
—________. You must be joking!
A.That’s not trueB.Cheer upC.Good luck to youD.Take it easy
10 . The tennis player hopes she can improve more when she ________ a better training program.
A.offersB.will offerC.is offeredD.will be offered
共计 平均难度:一般