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1 . Four Must-visit Campsites in Western Australia

Fair Harvest

Playing host to campers looking for a more environmentally-friendly stay, Fair Harvest has an outdoor kitchen made from wood harvested on site and a farm cafe where you can buy fresh produce and home cooked meals. Guests are free to wander in the gardens, go bushwalking in the private forest, or take a class in the on-site yoga (瑜伽) barn — the only campsite yoga studio in the area.

Lucky Bay

In 2017, a scientific study was carried out to discover which Australian beach had the whitest sand and Lucky Bay, in Cape. Le Grand National Park on the southern coast of Western Australia, emerged victorious. Up close, the beach is often frequented by kangaroos bounding at the sand’s edge. The Lucky Bay campground sits right behind the beach and is well-equipped with toilets, showers, barbecues and picnic tables-though campers do need to bring their own drinking water.

Rottnest Island

More commonly a day trip destination, Rottnest is a car-free island best explored by bike and ringed by glorious Indian Ocean beaches. There are options for luxurious glamping (豪华野营) at Discovery Parks Rottnest Island, but those looking for a more traditional camping experience should head instead to the Rottnest Island campground. Here, you’ll find bathroom blocks, a camp kitchen and barbecues, but the highlight is the site’s large population of quokkas, which are close relatives of the kangaroo.


Located at the foothills of the Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges, Imintjii is a simple yet well-maintained campground that includes washing facilities, fire pits, barbecue shelters,outdoor seating and water taps. It’s a great base for visiting the dramatic landscapes of Bell Gorge, Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge. It’s also one of the few campsites in the world that are famous for their own art center, with works by local artists on sale.

1. What can campers do at Fair Harvest?
A.See kangaroos.B.Buy home-cooked meals.
C.Admire the whitest sand.D.Get works from local artists.
2. Which is the best way to tour Rottnest Island?
A.Walking.B.Driving.C.Taking a boat.D.Riding a bike.
3. Where should campers go if they want to visit Bell Gorge?
A.Imintji.B.Lucky Bay.C.Fair Harvest.D.Rottnest Island.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了拥有罕见血型“熊猫血”的哈萨克斯坦人Tulenov Ruslan 热爱中国及文化、多次在中国献血并成为中哈两国之间友谊的一个象征的故事。
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Small changes can have large consequences. The idea came to be known as the “butterfly effect” which indicates that the beating of a butterfly’s wings might     1     (possible) cause a tornado. Tulenov Ruslan, a man from Kazakhstan, is     2     real-life example of this.

Ruslan, with the rare Rh-negative blood type     3     (refer) to as “panda blood”,     4     (donate) more than 6,000 milliliters of blood since he came to study in China in 2009. Having great     5     (admire) for China and its culture, Ruslan chose to learn Chinese at Hainan University when he was 17 years old.

This kind-hearted Kazakh man,     6     Chinese name is Lan Tian (blue sky), said it was his mother who had encouraged him many times to help others before he came to Hainan. In 2014, when a victim of a traffic accident urgently needed blood transfusion (输血), Ruslan left a comment to show his concern,     7     (add) “Lan Tian brother wishes to help you.”

Ruslan’s simple act of kindness won praise from the Chinese government. Now, Ruslan has the opportunity     8     (serve) at a provincial department in Hainan as a global media officer. “Lan Tian brother” takes     9     (impress) action to show his pure love to China and he never imagined that his rare blood type would become a symbol of friendship     10     China and his home country.

完形填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要介绍了作者的父亲曾经 给他的一条很有价值的建议——如果在一本书的前50页之后你没有被吸引,你可以停止阅读,等你准备好了再读。这条建议让他学会不要操之过急。

3 . My father once told me some advice. “The advice,” he said, “was that if after the first 50 pages of a book you don’t get _________, you’re allowed to cease reading and _________ again later when you feel ready for it.”

A reader, he suggested, needs a little _________ to adapt to a book’s _________ tone, rhythm and voice. But at the same time, this advice gives a person permission to _________ reading. Nobody needs to _________ themselves to finish reading a book they’re not interested in. I _________ like the gentle suggestion to return to a book “when you feel ready for it”. It’s a(n) _________ that reading is a kind of relationship with yourself and that this relationship is not _________.

I like to think my father’s readerly advice can be __________ in life more generally. Give things a fair __________; don’t judge too hurriedly. It’s helped me when confronted with common landscapes, unanticipated __________ and awkward social situations. Resisting the __________ to escape or to complain, has meant I’ve come to __________ the particular charm of a wide variety of places and personalities. Besides, when something doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to quit it, __________ for the time being.

A.in briefB.on earthC.at leastD.in addition
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了John Hayes教授对于成为顶级精英所需时间的研究。通过分析莫扎特、毕加索等大师的作品,Hayes发现几乎所有杰作都是在创作者生涯的第十年后诞生的,强调了“十年沉默期”的重要性

4 . How long does it take to become an elite (精英) in your field?     1     That’s what John Hayes, a cognitive psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University, wanted to know.

For decades, Hayes has been investigating the role of effort, practice and knowledge in top performers.     2     The research focused on people like Mozart and Picasso-to determine how long it took them to become world-class at their craft.

Let’s talk about what Hayes has discovered about world-class-performers. And more importantly, let’s discuss how you can use these insights to achieve your goals and become your best.

    3     He analyzed thousands of musical pieces produced from 1685 to 1900. The central question that drove his work was, “How long after one becomes interested in music is it that one becomes world-class?” Eventually, Hayes developed a list of 500 pieces of “masterworks” in the field, which were created by a total of 76 composers.

text, Hayes mapped out the timeline of each composers career.     4     What he discovered was that virtually every single “masterwork” was written after the tenth year of the composer’s career. Not a single person produced incredible work without putting in a decade of practice first. Even a genius like Mozart had to work for at least ten years before he produced something that became popular.     5    

In follow-up studies, Hayes found similar patterns among famous painters and popular poets. These findings have been further confirmed by research from professors like K. Anders Ericsson, who produced research that revealed that you needed to put in “10, 000 hours” to become an elite or expert in your field.

A.It takes time to achieve your goals.
B.And what do people like doing in their spare time?
C.He has studied the most talented creators in history.
D.Hayes started his research by examining successful composers
E.Professor Hayes began to refer to this period as the “ten years of silence”.
F.And what do the successful people do differently than the rest of us?
G.And then he calculated how long they had been working before they created their popular works.
2024-06-10更新 | 285次组卷 | 4卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学、大庆铁人中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

5 . What’s in a Game?

Picture you and your friends sitting around one Saturday, bored. You’ve read every book, watched every movie and played every game. There is absolutely nothing left to do.     1    ? Here are some guidelines to help you invent a new game that’s both playable and fun.

The Ohjective

The first thing you’ll need to design a great game is an objective or goal for players to work toward.     2    . For example, Hockey games and Risk, a kind of card game, have one thing in common — when one player or team reaches the final objective, they win.


Next, you’ll need rules to let your players know what they can and can’t do. It might seem like a game with no rules would be more fun. You can do anything you want! Unfortunately, this often results in confused players arguing about how the game should be played. Rules set limits and define what the game is — and what it isn’t. Players need to know what they can and can’t do, and what will happen when they do different things.

Meaningful Choices

While you are creating your rules, think about the choices players will make and what effects those choices will have.     4    . If the same thing happens no matter what choice the player makes, they’ll wonder why they have to choose.

Don’t Forget to Playtest!

Any game you see in stores has gone through many rounds of testing and revision. Rules that seem clear to you might be confusing for others. Situations might come up that you didn’t expect.     5    .

A.The Place
B.The Rules
C.What can your players do
D.What if you could invent your own game
E.Every choice a player makes needs to have an effect on the gameplay
F.The best way to make sure your game is playable and fun is to playtest it
G.Objectives can take many forms, but they should always be clear to the players
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Nicholas Chorier is not a usual photographer. He is a kite aerial (航空的) photographer. He uses a kite to hoist (吊起) his camera into the skies and clicks photographs. As a teenager, Nicholas had two passions — photography and kite flying. During a trip to India to make a photo report on kite making, he learnt about this unique style of photography. Fascinated, he literally tied his two hobbies together for a living. Nicholas learnt to make strong kites modeled on the Japanese kites, Rokkaku that could stand high winds. A newbie in his chosen field, he then set out to train himself,

Today he is one of the most well-known kite aerial photographers in the world. The technique is to tie a basket containing the photography equipment to the string of the kite and then fly it, thus launching the camera into air. From the ground, Nicholas controls the angles of the camera with a remote. An air-to-ground video link enables him to see the view from the kite’s point. Once satisfied with the frame, he clicks a picture, However, the job does have its pitfalls, too. Once, his kite disappeared in the Yamuna River, with his expensive camera following it.

He is especially fond of India, having made a couple of trips and taken many spectacular photos. “India is a too vast and beautiful country to be captured through the cameras in one life,” he says. He recently released a book, Kite’s Eye View: India between Earth and Sky. Though it includes photographs of “No Photo” sites like the Taj Mahal, it shows them from a totally different perspective.

1. What were Nicholas’s two hobbies?
A.Design and reading.B.Traveling and drawing.
C.Kite making and selling.D.Photography and kite flying.
2. What is “Rokkaku”?
A.A technique.B.A Japanese.C.A kind of kite.D.A beginner.
3. What does the underlined word “pitfulls” in paragraph 2 mean?
4. Which word can best describe Nicholas?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Anyone who has seen a waterfall up close will agree that their majesty(壮观)is almost indescribable. These are the four falls on the planet, each of which is wonderful in its own way.

Niagara Falls

At 3,950 feet wide, Niagara Falls is far from the largest waterfall around, but it is the falls with the largest volume of water traveling through it and is undoubtedly the best known waterfall on the planet. It receives somewhere between 14 and 20 million visitors annually. It has three separate parts: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Horseshoe, or Canadian Falls.

Chutes Kongou

Also known as Kongou Falls, Chutes Kongou measures 10,500 feet wide, making it the world’s third largest existing waterfall. It’s part of the Ivindo River in Gabon, and is roughly 185 feet tall. Among the most powerful waterfalls in the world, roughly 31,800 cubic feet of water f low down it each second. It is located within the Ivindo National Park, which was set up to protect the biodiversity of the Ivindo River.

Salto Para

Salto Para, or Para Falls, is an 18,400-foot wide waterfall on the Rio Caura in the Bolivar region of Venezuela. These half-moon-shaped falls are formed where two parts of the river come together and drop down almost 200 feet, each side of which is a green jungle island.

Chutes de Khone

Chutes de Khone—also known as Khone Falls—is the largest waterfall in the world. At 35,376 feet wide, it’s almost twice the width of its next largest competitor. The falls are part of the Mekong River in Laos, and occur where the river divides into seven large channels and many more smaller ones. It’s made up of several different rapids and falls, pouring down from a height of 69 feet.

1. What is special about Niagara Falls?
A.It is the most famous waterfall.B.It is next to a green jungle island.
C.It is made up of four separate parts.D.It is a half-moon-shaped waterfall.
2. Where is Chutes Kongou?
A.In Laos.B.In Canada.C.In Gabon.D.In Venezuela.
3. Which is the largest waterfall in the world according to the text?
A.Salto Para.B.Chutes de Khone.
C.Chutes Kongou.D.Niagara Falls,
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Would you rather be an impressive employee in an ordinary firm, or land a role at the most well-known company in your industry?

The answer to that question might seem highly personal, based on factors like whether or not you are a competitive person and how much you enjoy a challenge. In fact, there’s another strong factor at play: People from different cultures react very differently to that question. The psychologists from the University of Michigan asked people theoretical questions about the decisions they take. Specifically, the researchers compared people with East Asian backgrounds and European American backgrounds. They found that Americans are much more likely to favor being a big fish in a small pond. East Asians, and specifically Chinese people, are much more likely than Americans to lean towards being a smaller fish in a bigger pond.

Researchers first asked 270 students at a large American university whether they would rather be a “big fish in a small pond” or the opposite. Of the students with East Asian American backgrounds, three quarters said they’d rather be a small fish, compared with just under 60% of students with European American backgrounds who said the same.

The researchers then compared American and Chinese adults. They asked the participants whether they would rather attend a top university but perform below average, and whether they would rather work for a top global company but do less well in comparison to their peers. Over half the Chinese adults chose the famous university, compared with just a third of Americans. In the case of the firms, well over half of people from both groups chose to do better at a less well-known firm, but Chinese people were still more likely to choose being a “small fish” than were Americans.

The final experiment sought to discover how American and Chinese people made judgments about whether they were succeeding. They found that Chinese people were more likely to compare their performance to the performance of people in other groups. Americans, meanwhile, were more likely to compare themselves to people within the same group, to judge whether or not they were doing well.

In East Asian cultures, it’s “not enough that you know you’re doing well in your school,” said Kaidi Wu, a PhD student in psychology who led the research. “It is much more important that other people — an outsider, a family relative, a future employer who has five seconds to glance through your resume — also recognize your academic excellence.”

America is the opposite: “Think about how many times themes like ‘You are your own person’ or ‘Stop worrying about what other people think’ course through song lyrics and self-help books,” Wu said, concluding: “The choices we make are the products of our culture.”

1. The psychologists from the University of Michigan find that ______.
A.Americans tend to achieve success in a big company
B.Chinese are likely to perform better in a big company
C.Americans prefer to shine in a relatively small company
D.Chinese are comfortable with working in a small company
2. The final experiment aims to ______.
A.compare different attitudes towards competitionB.find different views about personal success
C.judge performances of different groupsD.confirm which culture is better
3. A Chinese student will be more satisfied if he gains recognition from ______.
A.his neighborsB.his classmatesC.his teachersD.his parents
4. According to Kaidi Wu, culture ______.
A.plays a key role in people’s choice makingB.shows who we grow up to be in the future
C.is the most important factor behind successD.determines students’ academic performance
2024-06-05更新 | 114次组卷 | 3卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了77岁的Carmen Cruz在被诊断为早期阿尔茨海默病后,积极面对现实,通过学习、遵循医嘱和家人支持,努力生活并完成撰写自传的目标,展现了与疾病抗争的勇气与乐观态度。

9 . My name is Carmen Cruz and I am seventy-seven years old. Two years ago, I was diagnosed (诊断) with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. A few years prior, I ________ that I was ________ parts of my daily routine, and was tested. To my ________, the results were negative. A year later, I ________ noticed bouts (发病期) of forgetfulness, only this time they were more ________. Again I requested the appropriate ________, and this time, it was ________ that I had early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

Despite Alzheimer’s intention to rob (剥夺) me of my experiences, I have triumphed (成功) since my diagnosis.

The first thing I did was to ________ my reality. I absorbed all the information I could find, ________ the doctor’s recommendations, and committed to ________ them out. I am determined to fight, the ________ of what the disease wants me to do. And with my family’s ________, I continue each day living life to the fullest of my abilities.

Upon being diagnosed, I made it my goal to write the story of my life and I managed to complete this task in one year’s time. It was an incredible ________; I put my mind to work at full speed.

I’m ________ that in my situation, the disease is progressing extremely slowly. The final stage may be unavoidable, and as human beings, we can only do so much. However, in pursuing ________ tasks that put your mind to work, you make the most of the life you have.

A.talked aboutB.passed onC.gave upD.listened to
2024-06-04更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市大庆中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Dr Hart, a psychologist, interviewed three people     1     (discover) what “me” means and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves.

Wanting to look good and obtain the praise of others, 24-year-old Jade has become     2     (addict) to selfie apps that can remove her freckles, en large her eyes and even slim her jawline. She spends     3     (hour) every day editing and posting her selfies, expecting “likes” to boost her     4     (confident). In Dr Hart’s opinion, people     5     pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves.

Never really     6     (care) about his appearance, Anthony only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. His roommates at college registered him for a TV programme, A New You. Surprised at     7     good he looked after a makeover, he realised the importance of external beauty.

Emma     8     (bother) by her “big” body shape since she was little. She made every effort imaginable to lose weight, including dieting and weight-loss pills, but this brought her nothing but pain     9     poor health. Her idea of beauty shifted when she came across the inspiring success story of Tess Holiday, a plus-size model. And she has acknowledged that keeping fit not only makes us much    10     (beautiful), but happier, too.

2024-06-04更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市大庆中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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