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I am an outdoor lover and I’ve made it a routine to explore different regions annually with a friend during our vacation. This year, in addition to beauty of nature, I’ve experienced something more.

It was late afternoon. A few hours before sunset, Darcy and I decided to hike to Acomat Falls, hidden in the rainforest.

Expecting to spend no more than an hour at the falls, we wore T-shirts and swimsuits and hadn’t told anyone where we were going. After crossing the wide river at a shallow spot and walking upstream about 100 yards, we reached the falls at around 4 pm. We dived into the green pool and floated on our backs, amazed at the canyon(峡谷) walls.

By 4:30, Darcy reminded me that we needed to head back to the car before dark, but I was waist-deep in the river trying to photograph the falls, the hanging vines(葡萄藤), and the dreaminess of the place. Darcy had to wait on a stone. I finally took a good photo—and then she screamed.

With a crack like thunder, a violent wall of water rushed over the falls, turning the dreamy swimming pool into a churning(旋涡的) monster. Flash flood! I jumped out of the river seconds before the flood crashed over the spot where I’d just been standing. Darcy climbed barefoot off toward higher ground. Darcy and I climbed up the canyon on all fours, grabbing vines to pull ourselves up. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the water had risen 20 feet in less than a minute.

Darcy led us through the dense bush, prickly trees, and ankle-deep mud. After we’d climbed 200 feet, we stopped to catch our breath. Now we had a different problem: The road was on the other side of the swollen river. We were stuck in the forested mountain.

We had no rain jackets and were exhausted from the climb. Darcy asked if I had my phone. It was soaking wet, but still blinked on. No service. We decided to move toward higher ground to get a better signal. It was almost dark. For a moment, I got through, and I heard the faint voice of Grace, our rental host. She said she’d call for help. Then the phone went silent—no signal again.


It seemed that we were in a desperate situation.


Trapped there, we wondered whether and how rescuers could find us.

2024-04-04更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(黑龙江辽宁名校联考)
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In my free time, I like hiking challenges. It’s how I feed myself, physically, mentally, spiritually.

I looked over at my husband, Mike, and friends Emily and Jean, who’d joined me on this climb to the top of Nippletop Mountains. They were all fit, experienced hikers, though not as enthusiastic about it as me, Mike especially. He’s more of a tech guy.

We’d set off in the morning, dressed in layers against coldness. It took us just less than five hours to cover the five miles to the peak of Nippletop, with more snow and ice on the rocky trail the closer we got to the top. It was almost 1:30 pm now. We started to head down soon before it got dark.

A friendly young hiker waved to us. “Hey, want me to take your picture?”


Mike gave the hiker his phone. That hiker snapped a few pictures for us.

We continued. I said, “I want to take a different trail so as to save time. It’s steeper (陡峭) but shorter.”

I led the way. They followed me with some distance apart. Carefully I sidestepped down the slope. A quarter mile down, I stopped and looked up the trail for the others. I couldn’t see them. Then a scream broke the quietness. Mike! He sprawled (瘫坐) on a steep, narrow, wooded part of the trail, about 100 feet ahead of me. Ice everywhere. His hands were holding his right leg tightly.

I shouted, “What happened?”

“I slipped on the ice,” he said. “Then I heard this crack. It hurts badly!”

Moments later, we got to Mike. “What should we do?” I asked. Jean checked Mike’s ankle. “We need to splint (夹板) it,” she said.

We fixed a hiking pole to Mike’s leg. What now? There was no way the three of us women could carry him down this mountain.

I pulled out my cell phone and called 911. Nothing. No signal. It was the same with the other three phones.

”Can I help?” It was the guy who’d taken our picture at the mountain top.


My words came out in a rush.


An hour went by, then another, and there was nothing we could do except wait for rescue in the coldness.

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With the late afternoon sun setting on his farm, Steve finished feeding his horses and decided to go home. His two sons, Danny, 6, and Claus, 3, followed behind.

As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of their father, who stopped to close the gate. Danny paused at an old well. Unknown to him, the board covering the well had grown easily broken over time. When Danny stepped on it, it caved in. Steve had just finished locking the gate when he turned around and saw only his younger son.

“Where’s Danny?” he shouted. “He fell in the hole!” Claus said. Steve quickly realized what had happened. Danny could barely swim! He ran to the well and heard Danny screaming quite way below. Desperately, he jumped in .

Steve hit the freezing water at the bottom of the well. He lifted his head out of the water and grabbed Danny, who was panicked, trying to stay afloat in water that was too deep for either of them to stand.

Knowing they could float in the ice-cold water for only a short time, Steve pulled his son up onto his chest and tried all means to stand upright with two legs against the narrow well walls for support. His body was still partly submerged (淹没). “Dad, you can pull us out now,” Danny said.

If only it were that easy. There was no way he could climb out. Looking up to see Claus looking down at them from the top of the well, Steve shouted, “Claus, you’re going to have to be a big boy and save us. You have to go out to the road and get someone to help. OK?” “OK, Daddy.” Claus yelled and ran to the road.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

About 15 minutes later, Edmen and Sam, their neighbors, were driving by Steve’s farm when they noticed Claus alone by the side of the road, waving.


Forty-some minutes after he’d jumped into the well to save his son, Steve came out, cold and wet.

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When I woke up, I felt pains all over. A pool of sticky blood surrounded my head. I lay trapped in the bottom of n smooth-walled pit (坑) with an empty water bottle.

I thought of what had happened. I was climbing down the mountain as I was admiring the beautiful scenery. Accidentally. I stepped on a loose rock. Then I slipped, fell with the rock and got stuck somewhere below the top. It was getting dark in the pit. Only my mother knew where I’d gone. I promised to have lunch with her. Thinking of this. I took my phone out and dialed her number with shaking fingers. No service. The silence, which earlier I’d valued, was now horrible.

With a sharp pain in my head, I was terrified. I knew I’d fallen far, but I wasn’t sure where I was. I called 911 because I knew by the pain that my back was severely injured, if not broken. My ear was torn badly. There was still no service. I dug through my bag to assess my supplies and found a whistle and some wipes.

I put the whistle around my neck and blew, though I knew no one would hear me. It was 1:15 pm and I was miles from the town where I lived. I used the wipes to clean off as much blood as I could. I rested. Then I screamed, blew my whistle, and let myself think the unthinkable. What if they can’t find me? What if this is it?

I decided to get moving. I climbed through a small opening, but when I peered over the next edge, my heart sank: there was a 30-foot drop. There was no way down. I was trapped.

I knew with that extreme Arizona heat in the day and bitter desert cold at night, I wouldn’t last long. But I thought my mother was sure to call the police for help if she couldn’t get in touch with me. With a little hope, I prayed the police would send a helicopter (直升机) to my resecu.

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Around five hours later, a growing buzz (嗡嗡声) in the air broke the silence.


Though the pilot saw me, it was difficult for the team to get to me.

2024-04-19更新 | 125次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市部分学校高三下学期一模英语试题

5 . There was a pretty strict system of segregation (种族隔离) in Atlanta. As a Negro child, I couldn’t go to the so-called white schools, any public _________, or a lunch counter to buy a hamburger in many of the stores downtown. I couldn’t _________ any of the theaters.

I had _________ hating not only segregation but the cruel acts that grew out of it. I had seen police brutality (残暴行为) _________ my own eyes. I can also remember the organization _________ as the Ku Klux Klan. It stood out white supremacy, and even used violence to _________ segregation and keep the Negro in their place. These things did _________ to my growing personality.

In my late childhood and early adolescence, two incidents happened that had a _________ effect on my development. One day my dad and I went to a store and took the front empty seats. Then a young white clerk came up and murmured politely: “I’ll be happy to _________ you if you’ll stand up and go to those seats in the back.” Dad immediately retorted, “There’s nothing wrong with these seats. We’re quite ____________ here.” “Sorry,” said the clerk, “but you’ll have to ____________.” “We’ll either buy shoes sitting here,” my father retorted, “____________ we won’t buy shoes at all.” So he led me out of the store. This was the first time I had seen Dad so furious. As we were walking down the street, he muttered: “I don’t care how long I have to live with this system. I will never accept it.”

I also remember riding with my dad another day when he ____________ drove past a stop sign. A policeman ____________ up to the car and said: “All right, boy, pull over and let me see your license.” My father instantly retorted: “Let me make it ____________ to you that you aren’t talking to a boy. If you persist in referring to me as a boy, I will be forced to act ____________ I don’t hear a word you are saying.” The policeman was so ____________ in hearing a Negro talk to him like that. He nervously wrote the ____________ and left the scene as quickly as possible.

The experiences ____________ to me at a very early age that my father hadn’t adjusted to the ____________, and he never has.

A.grown upB.brought upC.grown outD.brought out
A.wait onB.look onC.see onD.serve on
A.as ifB.even ifC.beforeD.after
2021-05-20更新 | 291次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省重点中学盟校2021届高三第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . "The firefighters of Paris told me they are very hopeful about saving the northern tower, " French Junior Interior Minister Laurent Nunez said on Twitter late Monday, adding that the firefighting efforts would continue for hours.

The Notre Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院), one of the most famous landmarks in the French capital, was engulfed in flames Monday evening as a catastrophic fire tore through the historic structure, collapsing its spire as fire officials raced to save the monument from total destruction.

Video and photos posted on social media showed flames engulfing the cathedral, thus both the ceiling and the 90-meter spire came crashing down. The fire spread to one of the cathedral's towers, but French officials said late Monday that firefighters were optimistic they could save both towers.

French President Emmanuel Macron said a national fundraising campaign would be launched on Tuesday and called on the world's "greatest talents" to assist in the effort. "We will rebuild, Macron told reporters. "We will rebuild Notre Dame because this is what the French expect, because this is what our history deserves.

Officials said there were no deaths in the fire. Jean-Claude Gallet, chief of the Parisian fire department, said one firefighter was injured while responding to the flame. Two-thirds of the cathedral's roof was destroyed,   Gal let   said. The fire broke out just before p. m. minutes after the cathedral, which has been partly rebuilt, closed to the public. Around 30 000 people visit the church daily.

Despite its long history and many treasures the Cathedral needed the help of a writer to become truly famous. Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, presented the building to a wide audience of readers. The book's ugly lead character, Quasimodo, serves as a symbol for Paris forgotten   Gothic architecture. Hugo wrote the book to remind people of it, with hope they would work to protect the beautiful old buildings of Paris. The loss of cultural relics will never come again if they are lost only once.   This is a painful loss of world civilization.

1. The following issues are wrongly stated in the text except________________.
A.the Notre Dame Cathedral was totally destroyed
B.firefighters were pessimistic because they couldn't save both towers
C.a national fundraising campaign would be launched to rebuild the cathedral
D.the Cathedral became truly famous for its long history and many treasures
2. What does the underlined word" engulfed" in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A fire broke out in the Notre Dame Cathedral
B.The mystery of the Notre Dame Cathedral
C.A national fundraising campaign
D.The rebuilding of the Notre Dame Cathedral
2020-10-10更新 | 458次组卷 | 4卷引用:2019年浙江省超级全能生高三上学期第一次联考英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Saved by the Belt

My family is one of the lucky ones. We still have what we consider most precious — each other. It is Kathy Hezlep, our superstar, that has saved our family. Sitting at the porch, I am transported to the accident ten years ago.

As a mother, I have been blessed. I have a nice, smart, good-looking son who has given me much pleasure over the years. In the months leading up to Alan’s 16th birthday, there was a lot of excitement about his upcoming rite (仪式)of passage — the driver’s license.

About a month before his birthday, there was an assembly about seat-belt safety presented at his high school. One of the presenters in this program, Kathy Hezlep, had lost her son in a horrible car crash the year before. When Kathy was first asked to speak at this assembly, she was reluctant. Her son’s death had been extremely hard on her. She often felt helpless and discouraged, and she wasn’t sure how she could make a difference by speaking with this group.

But the school had convinced her to talk to the students. Kathy spoke about how hard it had been since the loss of her son. There were days when it was an effort just to get out of bed. She spoke directly from her heart and my son took her words straight into his heart. I remember Alan coming home that day and the two of us talking about the crash. We thought it was interesting that she was a single mother(like me)and that her son, Ryan, was her only child(like Alan).

Well, the big day finally arrived. The state of Florida, in its infinite wisdom, granted my “ child ” a license to take a loaded weapon and drive it! At the time, I thought the worst feeling I could possibly experience was watching my only child drive off alone in my car. I was wrong.


Alan had his license one week when the police called me that Alan had an accident with his friends.


When I rushed to the hospital, I talked to Alan about the accident.

2022-05-23更新 | 209次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届江苏省苏州市高三高考考前模拟英语试卷
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was at the back of a group of eight horse riders when one of my fellow safari (观兽旅行) camp guides called my name, nodding to the spot behind me. I turned to see a male lion, fully grown, not 10 metres away.

I’d been working as a guide at the safari camp in Botswana for a year and had seen lions a few times, usually in the heat of the day. Guests paid to come on guided rides between tented camps 20 miles apart. It was a very remote area. We left at 7 am that morning; it was three hours later when the lion appeared.

Just as I saw it, the horses ran wildly, leaving riders hanging on as the lion began its chase (追逐). I wasn’t in control of my horse, Acaba, which was heading into a much thicker bush, away from the path and the rest of the group. I realised that the lion had chosen to drive Acaba away from the others.

I thought we were going to die together. I screamed in pure panic. Suddenly, Acaba ran into a really thick bush and stopped without control, throwing me into a bush. By the time I got myself out of the low woody plants, the lion was killing him.

Unbelievable! Acaba hid me in the bushes and left himself in extreme danger! It protected me! Scared... shocked... moved... my mind went blank. I was only two metres away! Acaba was on the ground, feet in front of him. He tried to push himself up. But the lion was on top of him, covering his body entirely, his front feet around Acaba’s neck.

I seized a device hanging around my neck, which is known as a bear banger. It has a spring, and when you pull the trigger (扳机) the spring fires off containers that explode when they land. It’s like a small firework but as loud as a shotgun.

Somehow my panic died down. I found myself moving closer to Acaba and the lion.

注意: (1) 续写词数应为150左右;

(2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

I pulled the trigger, and it worked.


Paragraph 2:

One of the guides gave me a horse and I planned to find Acaba.


2024-03-21更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省漳州市高三毕业班第三次质量检测考试英语试题

9 . Those with closed minds refused to consider any contradictory facts, and they proceed with their planned course of action, full speed ahead, with their “minds made up” and tightly shut. As an illustration, consider the situation in 1986, prior to the space shuttle Challenger’s disatrous launch that killed all seven astronauts aboard, there was a heated telephone debate between two engineers from the company that produced the shuttle booster rockets and the top officials of NASA (the federal government’s space agency). The engineers insisted that the flight was too risky because of freezing temperature at the Florida launch site. They explained that some of the seals on the fuel tanks were not designed to withstand such low temperatures and might leak under pressure, thus endangering the craft and crew.

Despite the pleas to stop the flight, officials at NASA overruled the engineers, who were best qualified to make judgments about the complex technical problems of space flight. What caused the officials to ignore the engineers? Several flights had already been postponed, and it would not look good to postpone another. It would be bad public relations to disappoint the crowds of people and news reporters waiting for the launch. Top government officials were ready to appear on the national television and take the credit for another safe flight. As a result, with their minds absolutely closed to the facts presented by the engineers, NASA officials ordered the Challenger to take off. Seventy-three seconds later, the spacecraft was enveloped in flame.

Incredibly, seventeen years later, the lesson of the Challenger disaster was repeated. In 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke apart while re-entering the earth’s atmosphere, killing another crew of seven. During the shuttle’s liftoff, a piece of foam insulation(泡沫隔热材料) had broken off, hitting the shuttle's wing at five hundred miles per hour. Lower-level engineers at NASA begged for photographs of the Columbia in orbit, which might have shown the extent of the damage, but their closed-minded superiors ignored their requests. It was the damage caused by the 1.7 pound chunk of insulation that doomed the Columbia.

There is no virtue in ignoring contradictory facts and “sticking to your guns” when the course taken shows all the signs of being the wrong one. Closed minds are especially noticeable in political campaigns and debates. Many people line up to support one candidate or another and won’t listen to any facts presented by the opposing candidate.

All those with an open mind say is this: “I don’t know everything, so I’d better keep my mind, eyes, and ears open to any new facts that may come along.” The world would be a much better and safer place if everyone had this attitude.

1. Which of the following brought about the disastrous launch of the Challenger?
A.Its crewB.The engineers
C.The fuel tanks’ sealsD.The size of its rocket
2. When the engineers appealed to stop the launch of the Challenger, the government officials ___________.
A.postponed the flight at once.
B.made judgments about the complex technical problems.
C.announced the news on national television.
D.ordered to launch the Challenger as scheduled.
3. What could be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.The Columbia disaster was impossible to foresee.
B.Engineers were to blame for the Columbia’s explosion.
C.The Columbia disaster could have been avoided.
D.The Columbia was deliberately damaged.
4. What does the underlined phrase “sticking to your guns” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Holding firm to your own opinion.
B.Remaining and firing your gun at enemies.
C.Strengthening your status.
D.Keeping an open mind.
5. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To inform readers about what an open mind is.
B.To entertain readers with two stories of tragedies in space.
C.To persuade readers to keep an open mind.
D.To criticize what NASA officials had done in aerospace history.
6. How does the author support the argument of the passage?
A.By stating arguments.B.By giving examples.
C.By explaining statistical data.D.By providing research result.
2020-11-25更新 | 451次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津市宝坻区宝坻第一中学2021届高三下学期第三次模拟英语试题
完形填空(约440词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . It was late, about 10:15 p.m., when Janice Esposito arrived at the Bellport train station; she jumped into her Honda Odyssey and began the 20-minute drive home to her husband and seven-year-old son. She’d just returned from visiting her mother and had traveled the route many times before. She practically _______ on autopilot: a left onto Station Road, then a left on Montauk Highway, and then—wham! Out of nowhere a car T-boned Esposito’s minivan, _______ her to move backward some 100 feet onto the railroad tracks. She _______ in the minivan, bruised (撞伤) but mostly just knocked out by the _________ and the airbags.

As it happened, Pete DiPinto was getting ready for _______. He’d just closed his book   and was getting under the covers when he heard the sound of metal on metal and breaking glass coming from not far outside his bedroom window. A volunteer_______and retired teacher, DiPinto, 64, never _______to think. He grabbed a flashlight and, still dressed in his pajamas   (睡衣), ran out the door. “Any firefighter would have done what I did,” he told Newsday. “We’re always on_______.”

The first car he came upon, 2,000 feet from his front yard, was the one that had _______Esposito. Once DiPinto concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and __________Esposito’s minivan positioned on the railroad tracks. And then he heard a terrible sound: the bells signaling an oncoming __________.

“The gates were starting to come down,” he told Newsday. “I see the headlight of the train.” DiPinto ran quickly to Esposito’s minivan and knocked on the driver’s side window. She __________ looked at him, her eyes unfocused. “I don’t know where I am,” she said. She     seemed unhurt. “Honey, you’re on the railroad __________,” DiPinto shouted. “We have to get   you off right now!” He pulled hard on the __________, but the door was crashed in and __________. The   heavy diesel train, traveling at 65 miles per hour, was moving fast toward them. DiPinto ran to the passenger side and threw open the __________. “Please, don’t let her be __________,” he thought.     He pushed aside the deflating (瘪了的) airbags, grabbed Esposito’s arms, and__________her toward him across the passenger seat until he could help her out and quickly get her to ____________ behind a signal box a few feet away. Within six seconds, he estimated, the train crashed into the minivan. “It was like a Hollywood movie,” DiPinto told reporters the next day.

But this one had a twist. “Last night,” South Country Ambulance chief Greg Miglino told CBS New York, “the__________ arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck.”

2020-04-07更新 | 366次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届北京市西城区高三4月统一测试英语试题
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