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| 共计 19 道试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many people were dead in the air crash?
2. What happened after the air crash?
A.No one survived.
B.The survivors were in bad condition.
C.Only 5 bodies were identified.
3. What were adding officials busy doing?
A.Researching the reason of the crash.
B.Identifying the rest of the victims.
C.Searching the two black boxes.
4. When did the plane pass its last examination?
A.In November 2017.B.In May 2018.C.In July 2019.
2022-05-15更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届广西桂林、崇左市高三下学期5月联合模拟英语试题(含听力)
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

With the late afternoon sun setting on his farm, Steve finished feeding his horses and decided to go home. His two sons, Danny, 6, and Claus, 3, followed behind.

As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of their father, who stopped to close the gate. Danny paused at an old well. Unknown to him, the board covering the well had grown easily broken over time. When Danny stepped on it, it caved in. Steve had just finished locking the gate when he turned around and saw only his younger son.

“Where’s Danny?” he shouted. “He fell in the hole!” Claus said. Steve quickly realized what had happened. Danny could barely swim! He ran to the well and heard Danny screaming quite way below. Desperately, he jumped in .

Steve hit the freezing water at the bottom of the well. He lifted his head out of the water and grabbed Danny, who was panicked, trying to stay afloat in water that was too deep for either of them to stand.

Knowing they could float in the ice-cold water for only a short time, Steve pulled his son up onto his chest and tried all means to stand upright with two legs against the narrow well walls for support. His body was still partly submerged (淹没). “Dad, you can pull us out now,” Danny said.

If only it were that easy. There was no way he could climb out. Looking up to see Claus looking down at them from the top of the well, Steve shouted, “Claus, you’re going to have to be a big boy and save us. You have to go out to the road and get someone to help. OK?” “OK, Daddy.” Claus yelled and ran to the road.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

About 15 minutes later, Edmen and Sam, their neighbors, were driving by Steve’s farm when they noticed Claus alone by the side of the road, waving.


Forty-some minutes after he’d jumped into the well to save his son, Steve came out, cold and wet.

完形填空(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Every birthday had been a different new experience for me. But I wondered_________no one greeted me that day. It seemed all had forgotten my birthday. So I pretended to be _________.

I pepped(窥视)through the comer of my eyes. I could hear them_________, pretending to have forgotten my birthday. But I knew their _________and I was not going to fall prey.

“Samantha, you want to celebrate your birthday...”

I rolled_______, trying to rise from bed, but something held me back. This was the day of my life when I felt like a(n)_______. It was the day of demands turned into_______. So I was not going to miss it for_______. I opened my eyes fully and got up when suddenly someone_______me back to bed.

“Doctor please come quickly...” I could hear the lady________as a nurse whispering on the telephone. All around me were oxygen masks and other medical equipment. Slowly I realized I was lying in a(n)________.

Soon the doctor came rushing. He closely________me and smilingly asked, “Samantha, do remember how you came here?”

I tried hard to recollect but the doctor patted on my hands and said, “it’s________ if you don’t remember.”

The door opened and my parents along with my sister Miranda walked in. All their ________ tired, over cried and depressed. My mom hugged and kissed me on my forehead. “Queen Samantha I am at your________. Happy birthday.” I could feel Miranda cold as she held my hands. My dad stood silent.

My entire body was bound with________. I closed my eyes and tried to recall. The last thing I could remember was a________ driven truck drove towards my car.

Within minutes I felt my body growing weak, and I struggled for________. Everything looked vague till I could see and hear nothing except for a misty________. He welcomed me with a smile.

“Welcome to my kingdom, my little lamb. I have waited years for you”. I held his hands tightly as He led my way to a new________.

A.up and downB.in and outC.round and roundD.back and forth
2022-05-09更新 | 351次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期三诊模拟考试英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What place did the Mary Celeste depart from?
A.Italy.B.The USA.C.Greece.
2. When was the Mary Celeste found in the eastern Atlantic 600 miles from Gibraltar?
A.In October, 1872.B.In November, 1872.C.In December, 1872.
3. Why did the ten people leave the ship?
A.The ship was sinking.
B.The ship was badly damaged.
C.Nobody knows the real reason.
4. What was also gone besides the ten people?
A.The alcohol.B.A lifeboat.C.A survival suit.
2022-02-24更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省汉中市十校2021-2022学年高三下学期第二次联考英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Peru demanded compensation (赔偿金) Wednesday from Spanish energy giant Repsol over an oil spill (石油泄漏). It might be caused by sudden and big _________ from a volcanic eruption near Tonga in the South Pacific because volcanic eruption can cause waves.

Authorities _________ three beaches on Monday _________ 6,000 barrels (桶) of oil were spilled during the _________ of an oil-transporting ship at the Pampilla oil-processing factory off the coast near Lima. The Repsol oil spill “is the worst _________ disaster in Lima in recent times, and has caused serious _________ to hundreds of _________ families. “Repsol must make an immediate _________ for their loss,” the authority said on Twitter. “This terrible situation has put plants and animals _________ in two protected areas,” it noted. Peruvian authorities found lots of dead sea animals __________ in oil. The spill happened on Saturday at the oil-processing factory in the Lima region, __________ a 3-kilometer stretch of beaches.

Officials of the factory __________ described the spill as “limited” and said it was working with authorities to __________ the beaches. “Controlling barriers that cover all of the affected __________ have been set up. And a team of __________ in sea and land have been sent,” said the factory, which __________ the spill on the waves caused by the volcanic eruption more than 10,000 kilometers away but not a bit on the mishandling of the workers who moved the oil barrels off the __________.

The oil-processing factory could face a __________ of up to $32.3 million, the __________ ministry of Peru said on Monday. And the prosecutors (公诉人) have opened an __________ into the company for environmental pollution.

A.in advanceB.in airC.at riskD.at work
A.clean upB.take upC.build upD.cut up
2022-02-24更新 | 347次组卷 | 2卷引用:贵州省贵阳市2021-2022学年高三适应性考试一(一模)英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One of my most memorable trips took place during the summer vacation about three years ago, when my sister, my aunt and I took a trip to Spain because we were moving. On the day of the trip, I lay in bed thinking about my friends whom I was going to leave behind and thoughts were flooding in.

When we arrived at the hire station, we seemed to have some problems with our luggage because it was too much for a taxi, so we had to book a van (厢式送货车) to take our luggage to the airport. We waited for a long period to find a perfect van that would fit our luggage.

Before leaving, I felt very bad because I was going to a different country and was going to miss all my friends and family. I was not comfortable and cried.

The journey was almost perfect at the beginning, but soon it began to rain. Because of the rain, the drivers could not see far away, which caused a huge traffic jam. I was sitting by the window with a can of Coke that I had bought in the store earlier. My aunt and sister fell asleep, and during this time. I felt bored and thought about other things that bothered me. My eyes turned to the mountain in front of us.

A bus suddenly appeared in the picture. It was very close to us. Cars sped past us without any speed limit. Beside me was a very deep lake: I wondered to myself what if something or someone fell inside it. Suddenly, a bus in front of our van stopped, and because it was raining heavily and the van was going fast, no one could see what was going to happen. Then, bang, we bumped into each other. Our van overturned, but luckily, it didn’t fall into the lake. People came to help us get out of the van because we were blocked and the driver was half-dead.


We struggled to get out of the van and everything we had was gone.


I was losing a lot of blood and then the emergency aid came.

2022-01-23更新 | 502次组卷 | 7卷引用:辽宁省2021-2022学年高三一轮复习联考(五)新高考全国II 英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
7 . 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

Ken Scott kicked off the covers and leapt out of bed at his home in the Rocky Mountain town of Mullan, Idaho. He’d just heard on the radio that the nearby Silver Mountain Resort had been blessed with nearly a foot and a half of new snow. As an experienced ski addict, he didn’t want to miss this big golden opportunity. These conditions are what skiers live for.

When Scott reached Silver Mountain’s locker room, he came across his friend Paul, a former ski instructor who had also been a regular on these slopes for more than two decades. Both of them were exhilarated. Before setting off, it was Paul’s routine to check his phone tightly fixed inside his parka (风 雪外套). For the next hour the pair skied on various runs under a lightly dull sky, making fresh tracks. They were both in a playful mood, laughing as they tackled the steep runs.

Almost immediately, the snow beneath their feet gave way. In a millisecond, Paul realized what was happening. “Avalanche! (雪崩)” he yelled to Scott, who was not far behind. Scott responded. The sudden snow slide caused fear in his voice. “This is happening!” Instantly, both were hit by a mass of snow that would hit and carry them some 500 feet down the mountain. Scott felt it surrounding and enclosing him, moving quickly up his back and over his shoulders, then heavy against his neck. Snow filled the space in front of him and piled up around the whole of him. Paul, too, was swept downhill.

They remembered the avalanche survival lessons they had learned. Keep your head up. Try to swim. Stay on top of the snow. But the snow was too powerful and they felt themselves rolling like a load of clothes in a washing machine. When Scott finally came to rest, he was lying on his left side and completely buried, skis and poles still attached.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Paul was luckier, ending up partially buried and probably surviving.

Paragraph 2:

Recalling the terrible experience, Scott thanked his friend and the rescue team.

2022-01-20更新 | 285次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆外国语学校、西南大学附属中学校2021-2022学年高三上学期“一诊”模拟联合考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On a sunny Saturday in June, Alyson, 3, squealed(尖叫) with laughter as she and her mother, Marlen, played hide-and-seek in the front yard of their home. With Marlen close behind, tiny Alyson flashed into the backyard of an elderly neighbor. About halfway across the yard, Alyson suddenly disappeared, seemingly swallowed whole by a barely visible opening in the ground. Marlen screamed.

The neighbor’s caretaker, Luz, 26, was preparing dinner in the neighbor’s kitchen and assumed the shrieks were the sounds of children playing. But she ran outside anyway and found Marlen sobbing and Alyson’s sister Damary, 25, kneeing on the grass, dialing 911.

“Alyson fell in the hole!” Damary cried to Luz. Luz gave a quick glance down the hole in disbelief and saw only darkness. Then she heard Alyson’s wails(哭泣) from deep underground. “Hang on there, sweety. We’ll get you out soon.”

Luz ran inside the house and down to the basement for a ladder,which happened to be not very long. She then settled for a gray extension cord(延长线) to use as a rope with which to rappel(用绳索下降) into the hole. Back in the yard, she and Damary used their hands to dig at the hole,   widening the opening from 7 inches in diameter to about 20 inches.Marlen sat on the grass,too distracted to help.

At the thought that Alyson might get hurt and was too young to grasp and climb the rope on her own, Luz made up her mind to go down herself. When the police detective Aaron arrived a few minutes later, Luz was already in the hole up to her waist.

“Get out of here,” the officer told Luz, lifting her up by the arm. “It’s dangerous for you.”

“It’s more dangerous for the Baby,” she argued, “She’s going to die.”

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The detective begged Luz to wait for help, but she determined.


Minutes later, the Fire Department and Rescue Squad arrived.

2021-05-26更新 | 572次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市南开中学2021届高三下学期第七次质量检测英语试题

9 . There was a pretty strict system of segregation (种族隔离) in Atlanta. As a Negro child, I couldn’t go to the so-called white schools, any public _________, or a lunch counter to buy a hamburger in many of the stores downtown. I couldn’t _________ any of the theaters.

I had _________ hating not only segregation but the cruel acts that grew out of it. I had seen police brutality (残暴行为) _________ my own eyes. I can also remember the organization _________ as the Ku Klux Klan. It stood out white supremacy, and even used violence to _________ segregation and keep the Negro in their place. These things did _________ to my growing personality.

In my late childhood and early adolescence, two incidents happened that had a _________ effect on my development. One day my dad and I went to a store and took the front empty seats. Then a young white clerk came up and murmured politely: “I’ll be happy to _________ you if you’ll stand up and go to those seats in the back.” Dad immediately retorted, “There’s nothing wrong with these seats. We’re quite ____________ here.” “Sorry,” said the clerk, “but you’ll have to ____________.” “We’ll either buy shoes sitting here,” my father retorted, “____________ we won’t buy shoes at all.” So he led me out of the store. This was the first time I had seen Dad so furious. As we were walking down the street, he muttered: “I don’t care how long I have to live with this system. I will never accept it.”

I also remember riding with my dad another day when he ____________ drove past a stop sign. A policeman ____________ up to the car and said: “All right, boy, pull over and let me see your license.” My father instantly retorted: “Let me make it ____________ to you that you aren’t talking to a boy. If you persist in referring to me as a boy, I will be forced to act ____________ I don’t hear a word you are saying.” The policeman was so ____________ in hearing a Negro talk to him like that. He nervously wrote the ____________ and left the scene as quickly as possible.

The experiences ____________ to me at a very early age that my father hadn’t adjusted to the ____________, and he never has.

A.grown upB.brought upC.grown outD.brought out
A.wait onB.look onC.see onD.serve on
A.as ifB.even ifC.beforeD.after
2021-05-20更新 | 292次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省重点中学盟校2021届高三第二次联考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般