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Do you know these books? Here are three books you can read.

Name: Journey to the West
Writer by: Wu Cheng’ en
About: A monk(和尚) called Tang Sanzang travel from Chang’an to the western Heaven(西天取经) with three disciples(信徒), Monkey King, Pigsy and Monk Sha. They meet eighty- one difficulties during their journey to the Western Heaven. But they win in the end.
Name: Red Star over China
Writer by: Edgar Snow(埃德加.斯诺)
About: Edgar Snow reported on China and the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army(中国工农红军) and Red Army leaders(领袖) from June 1936 to October 1936 when he conducted field interviews(实地采访) in the revolutionary base areas(革命根据地) of Northwest China.
Name: The Story About Confucius(孔夫子
Writer by: Li Changzhi
About: It’s about the life and the stories of great Chinese ideologist(思想家) and educator(教育家), Confucius. This book is the best way to know more about Confucius and his wisdom(智慧).

1. If you want know more about Monkey King, you should read _______. (       )
A.Journey to the WestB.Red Star over ChinaC.The Story About Confucius
2. What is Confucius like? (       )
A.He is wise.B.He is brave.C.He is outgoing.
3. Which book tells the stories about the Chinese revolution(革命)? (       )
A.Journey to the WestB.Red Star over ChinaC.The Story About Confucius
4. Edgar Snow is a famous _________ in America. (       )
5. How do you think about Monkey King? ______________________________
6. Which book is not the Four Great Classic Chinese Novels? (       )
A.Journey to the WestB.Romance of the Three KingdomsC.Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿)D.A Dream of Red Mansions
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年湖北省武汉市洪山区Join in 外研剑桥英语六年级下册期末考查英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读选择(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Long long ago, there was a man named Yue Yangzi. He and his wife were poor, but they lived happily. One day, Yue Yangzi found a piece of gold outside. He ran home to give it to his wife. His wife said, “A man of great character(品德高尚人) would not act like this. You should return the gold. ” Hearing this, Yue Yangzi was ashamed(惭愧的). After a period of time, Yue Yangzi went afar to study. But after one year, he came back home. He said to his wife, “I did not finish my study. I’m just homesick. ” His wife was very angry. She went to the loom(织布机). She took out the scissors(剪刀) and said to Yue Yangzi, “If you give up halfway, it is just like cutting the cloth. ” Yue Yangzi was moved and went back to study. He decided not to come back until he had finished his study.

1. When his wife said he should return the gold, Yue Yangzi was very ______. (       )
2. After ______, Yue Yangzi came back home for the first time. (       )
A.30 daysB.one yearC.three years
3. Yue Yangzi’s wife is a ______ woman. (       )
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省扬州市宝应县译林版(三起)五年级下册期末质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读判断(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 根据短文内容判断下列内容,正确写T,错误写F。

A man is going to see his friend. He takes some sandwiches with him because his friend’s home is very far. On his way he says to himself, “My friend is going to give me a very good lunch.” Then he throws the sandwiches away. He goes on and comes to a river. There’s no boat on the river. He can’t cross it. He starts to go back home. He is hungry now. And he tries to find his sandwiches. “Oh! A dog is having them.” He quickly goes up, but the dog runs away. He is still hungry and he goes back home.

1. The man’s friend’s home is not far. ( )
2. The man takes some sandwiches with him. ( )
3. The man can’t find a boat on the river. ( )
4. The man catches the dog. ( )
5. The man does not meet his friend. ( )
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年吉林省长春市长春汽车经济技术开发区外研版(一起)四年级下册期末教学质量跟踪测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读选择(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

An Argument (争论) about the Sun (太阳)

Confucius (孔子) is travelling to the east. He sees two children arguing (争论).   

“I think,” says one child, “the sun is near to us at daybreak and far away at noon.” The other thinks that the sun is far away at dawn (黎明) and near at noon. “When the sun appears (出现),” says the child, “it is as big as a wheel (轮子), but at noon it is only like a plate or a bowl. Isn’t it true that objects (物体) far away seem smaller while those nearby seem bigger?”

“When the sun appears,” says the other child, “it is cool, but at noon it is as hot as putting your hand in hot water. Isn’t it true that things nearer to us is hotter and things farther away is cooler?”

Confucius hears these, but he doesn’t know which of them is right. The children laughed and said, “Who says you know so much?”

1. Where is Confucius travelling to? (     )
2. How many children are arguing? (     )
3. When the sun appears at dawn (黎明), it looks like a ______. (     )
4. Things ______ to us is hotter and things farther away is cooler. (     )
5. Confucius ______ which of them is right. (     )
A.don’t knowB.knowC.doesn’t know
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:模拟(试题)-2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语六年级下册
阅读理解-阅读判断(约150词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 读故事,判断下列句子是否与故事内容相符用“T”或“F”表示。
Jimmy sees a small box on the table. It is full of nails.
“Is it yours, Dad?” asks Jimmy.
“Yes, it’s mine,’’ says his father.
Jimmy drops the box. All the nails fall on the floor.
What a mess!
Jimmy’s father gives him a black stone. “This stone can help you, Jimmy. Try it,” he says.
Jimmy puts the stone near the nails. The nails all stick to it. In a few seconds, the floor is clean again. “Wow, it’s a magic stone, Dad,”says Jimmy happily.
1. There is a small box on the table. (     )
2. There are full of nails in the box. (     )
3. Jimmy’s father drops the nail box. (     )
4. The nails all stick to the black table. (     )
5. The black stone is a magic stone. (     )
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年辽宁省沈阳市铁西区牛津上海版(三起)五年级下册期末文化素质测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读选择(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其序号填在括号里。

Long long ago, there was a young man named Yue Yangzi. Although he and his wife were poor, they lived happily. One day, Yue Yangzi found a piece of gold outside. Her an home to give it to his wife. To his surprise, his wife got angry. His wife said, “A good man should return the gold. ” Yue Yangzi was ashamed(惭愧). After a period of time, Yue Yangzi went far to study. He studied hard there. But after just one year, he came back home. Because he didn’t finish(完成) his study, his wife got angry. His wife went to the loom(织布机). She took out a pair of scissors(剪刀) and said to Yue Yangzi, “It takes months to finish a piece of cloth. If I cut it now, all the work will be wasted. Studying is the same thing. If you give up halfway, it is just like cutting the cloth. ” Yue Yangzi was moved and went back to study. He decided not to comeback until he had finished his study.

1. Although Yue Yangzi and his wife were poor, they lived ______. (       )
2. One day, Yue Yangzi found a piece of ______ outside. (       )
3. What does the underlined word “return” mean? (       )
4. Which sentence is TRUE? (       )
A.But after just three years of study, Yue Yangzi came back home.
B.It takes many years to finish a piece of cloth.
C.If you give up studying halfway, it is just like cutting the cloth.
5. What did Yue Yangzi’s wife advise(建议) him to do? (       )
A.Give up his study.
B.Go back to study
C.Learn how to make cloth.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省扬州市高邮市林版(三起)五年级下册期末英语试卷
完形填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 完形填空。

Little Tom was a lovely boy, but he had one _______ habit. If you asked him to do anything, he always said, “In a _______.” If his mother said “Tom, bring me the coat”, he would say, “Yes, Mum, in a minute”. And even if(即使)his father called him _______ a ride(兜风), it was not important. Tom _______ did the things at once(立刻).

One day Tom’s bird flew around in the room. His father went out and left the _______ open.

“Close the door, my dear,” said his mother.

“Yes, Mum, in a minute. I _______ the story,” said Tom. _______ the cat did not wait. She jumped in and had the bird in her _______. The books went on the floor, and Tom ran after the cat. Soon poor Tom came back with the dead (死的) _______ in his hand. Tom and his mother were both sad.

“My dear little boy, you see that many things may happen in a minute,” said his mother. It was a _______ day for Tom, but it was one he would not forget.

A.readB.am readingC.reads
昨日更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省南京市江宁区译林版(三起)六年级下册期末素养测评英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读选择(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Mr Green and his wife live in a big city. One summer, they go to a small town for their holiday. They like the town very much because it is a quiet, clean place and the air is fresh there.

One day they go for a walk early in the morning and meet an old man. He lives on the farm, and he is sitting under a warm sun in front of his house. Mr Green asks him, “Do you like to live in this quiet place?”

The old man answers, “Yes, I do. ”

Mr Green asks, “What are the good things about it?”

The old man answers, “Well, the people here know each other. They often come and visit me, and I often go and visit them, and there are also lots of children here. ”

“That’s interesting, and what are the bad things? Mr Green says.

The old man thinks for a moment(一会儿) and then answers, “Well, the same thing, really. ”

1. Why do Mr and Mrs Green visit the town? (       )
A.To see an old man.B.To spend their holiday.
C.To see a quiet place.D.To meet their friends.
2. How is the town? (       )
A.It’s quiet and big.B.It’s big and clean.
C.It’s quiet but messy.D.It’s clean and quiet with fresh air.
3. When do Mr and Mrs Green take a walk? (       )
A.In the morning.B.After lunch.
C.In the afternoon.D.After breakfast.
4. Where does the old man live? (       )
A.On a farm near the city.B.Near the farm.
C.On a farm in the town.D.In a big city.
5. Which is true? (       )
A.People in the town know each other.B.Mr and Mrs Green know the old man.
C.The old man likes playing with children.D.The old man doesn’t like living in the town.
7日内更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省扬州市江都区译林版(三起)六年级下册期末英语试卷
完形填空(约100词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 完形填空。

There’s an apple tree behind Dick’s house. Dick is near the tree. There are some apples ______ the tree. Dick is looking ______ the apples. They are big and red. Dick is hungry. He wants to ______ an apple. Dick isn’t tall. He is short. He can’t reach the apples. He is putting a box under the tree. Can he reach the apples now? No, he can’t. He is too ______. Here comes Paul. He is Dick’s brother. “Hello, Dick, what are you doing?”

“Please help ______, Paul, I can’t reach the apples. ” “Here you are, Dick. One for you, and one for me!” “Thank you, Paul. ”

7日内更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省扬州市江都区译林版(三起)五年级下册期末英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读选择(约130词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读故事,根据故事内容选择最佳的一项。

Two and One is Three

Mike is seven. It’s Sunday today. He wants to go to the zoo (动物园). After breakfast, he and his mother go to the bus stop (汽车站). They Want to take a No. Three (3路) bus to the zoo.

“Look, Mum!” the boy calls out (大声叫唤), “A No. Three bus is coming!” “No, dear,”

Mrs Smith says, “It isn’t No. Three. It’s No. Twenty-one (21路).”

“You’re wrong (错误的), Mum,” Mike says, “My teacher (老师) says two and one is three.”

1. How old is Mike? (     )
2. Where does Mike want to go? (     )
A.The zoo.B.The bus stop.C.The school.
3. Which (哪一辆) bus can get to (到达) the zoo? (     )
A.No. Twenty-one.B.No. Two.C.No. Three.
4. Who is wrong? (     )
A.Mike’s mother.B.Mike.C.Mike’s teacher.
5. What is one and two? (     )
7日内更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022-2023学年江苏省淮安市淮阴区译林版(三起)三年级下册期末调研练习英语试卷
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