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陕西 高三 一模 2021-12-23 107次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围、单词辨析、短语辨析

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Hot air balloon festivals are held annually in many places throughout the year. Here are some of the best hot air balloon festivals around the world.

The Saga Balloon Festival

More than 100 balloons from about 20 countries took part in the annual five-day competition and celebration in Saga, Japan, in 2019.

The most beautiful sight at the Saga Balloon Festival happens in the evenings. The balloons all light up at once and an extraordinary glow is reflected in the river.

The balloon festival in Saga takes place in early November.

The Leon Balloon Festival

The first Leon International Balloon Festival took place in 2002 with just 25 balloons. It is now the biggest balloon festival in Latin America. Like at other festivals, the balloons come in different colors and shapes.

The yearly balloon celebration takes place from November 15 to November 18.

The Albuquerque Balloon Festival

The biggest hot air balloon festival in the world takes place in the American city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. There are about 600 balloons and pilots from around the world.

The festival also appeals to photographers and it has long included a competition for best pictures of the celebration.

This festival takes place from the first weekend of October to the second weekend, lasting 9 days every year.

The Chateau- d'Oex Balloon Festival

The Chateau- d'Oex Hot Air Balloon Festival got its start in 1979, when 12 balloons from five countries gathered to promote Chateau- d'Oex at the suggestion of Hans Brücker. The festival grew over the years, and in 1999,the first hot air balloon to fly around the globe without stopping left from Chateau- d'Oex. These days the festival hosts a number of special events and contests, drawing balloonists from all over the world. The festivities include a unique children 's themed night show with fireworks and music.

This festival takes place in the last week of January and lasts 5 days every year.

1. How many balloons were shown at the 2019 Saga International Balloon Festival?
A.Only 20.B.Just 25.C.More than 100.D.About 600.
2. Which is the largest balloon festival in Latin America?
A.The Leon Balloon Festival.B.The Saga Balloon Festival.
C.The Albuquerque Balloon Festival.D.The Chateau- d'Oex Balloon Festival.
3. What is special about Chateau- d'Oex Hot Air Balloon Festival?
A.It is best known for colorful balloons.
B.It has a children 's themed night show.
C.It starts the earliest and lasts the longest.
D.It draws balloonists from different countries.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65)

When I was a boy, we lived 4 miles outside of town. We lived next to the forest and I would spend hours every day playing in it with the oak (橡树) and maple trees as my companions. I would climb up their limbs, sit in their shade, and feel their peace.

That is why it was so hard for me when I found myself to be a lumberjack as a young man. It wasn't just the back breaking work, the long hours, and the low pay. It was also seeing day after day beautiful trees that had grown for half a century being sawed (锯) up and cut into flooring. Still, I couldn't help but think that they looked a lot more lovely as living trees reaching up to Heaven than as dead flooring lying under my feet.

One afternoon after a long day's work, I was feeling particularly down and depressed.I decided to take a walk in the woods like I had as a boy in hopes of lifting my spirits and calming my soul. As I walked along with my aching back and tired body, I longed for those happy childhood days. I dropped my head frustratedly and looked down at the dirt. That is when I saw it: a single, red oak acorn (橡子) that had somehow survived the hungry deer and squirrels all winter long.Then I remembered something I'd read once: “Eventually an acorn becomes a forest!” I smiled, bent down, dug up a handful of dirt, and planted that little acorn, feeling peace and joy warming my heart. Then I walked back home happy once again to be a part of God's green earth.

In this life we all start out as an acorn, but whether we become a forest or not is up to us. God gives us this glorious life here to grow, learn, laugh, love,share, smile, and help others to do the same.Embrace this gift of life. Use it to every day stretch your soul towards Heaven and create a mighty forest of love.

4. Which of the following can best describe the author's childhood?
5. What does the underlined word “lumberjack” mean in the second paragraph?
A.A person who plants trees.
B.A person who waters trees.
C.A person who cuts trees.
D.A person who protects the forest.
6. What did the author do when walking in the woods?
A.He climbed up an oak tree.
B.He planted a little oak acorn.
C.He came across a book he had ever read.
D.He found some hungry deer and squirrels.
7. What is the best title for the text?
A.Accepting the gift of life.
B.Taking a walk in the woods.
C.Experiencing a typical working day.
D.Refreshing the unforgettable memory.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较难(0.4)

If you’ve ever had a dog, you know just how deep a connection you can develop with “man’s best friend”. But a dog has a much shorter life span — about 12 to 15 years long — than humans, which means every dog owner has to go through the heartbreaking moment when their loving pet passes away.

Why not make a clone of that dog then? This is the solution offered by a South Korean company, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. The company has successfully cloned at least 400 dogs, mostly for US customers, ever since it pioneered the technique in 2005. Now, Sooam Biotech is planning to introduce their business to UK dog owners, offering them dogs that look just like their lost ones.

Meanwhile, another dog is selected to supply an egg. Researchers then replace the DNA in the egg with that from the skin cell and implant the egg into the womb (子宫) of a female dog. The egg grows into a puppy over the following two months. To clone a dog, researchers first need to take a skin cell from a living dog or one that has just died.

The whole process takes less than a day, but it comes at a shockingly high price — around £63,000 (614,000 yuan). But if you can’t afford it now, you can also save the cells in a laboratory and access them at a later date. Just like identical twins of humans, they share the exact same DNA but there will still be small differences between them. “The spots on a Dalmatian clone will be different, for example,” Insung Hwang, head of Sooam Biotech, told The Guardian. However, as magical as cloning might sound, there is no guarantee that the cloned dog will be a perfect replica of the original one.

Dog owners will also have to accept the fact that personality is not “clone-able”. Apart from genes, personality is also determined by upbringing and environment, which are both “random elements [that] cloning technologies simply cannot overcome”, Professor Tom Kirkwood at Newcastle University, UK, told The Telegraph.

Perhaps bringing our dogs back with cloning is not the best way to remember them after all.

Kirkwood, a dog owner himself, pointed out: “An important aspect of our relationship with them is coming to terms with the pain of letting go.”

8. According to the article, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation is ______.
A.working on plans to help dog owners enjoy their pets longer
B.offering a way to help dogs give birth to more puppies
C.providing a service that will make copies of pet dogs
D.introducing a completely new technique to clone dogs
9. Which of the following statements about dog cloning is TRUE according to the article?
A.Dog cloning technology hadn’t been put into practice until recently.
B.Dog cloning is very expensive and usually takes several months to complete.
C.Dog cloning is very popular among US and UK pet owners.
D.Cloned dogs might develop different habits and characteristics even though they look very similar.
10. Which of the following shows the correct order of the dog cloning process?
a. an egg is taken from another dog
b. a skin cell is taken from the pet dog and saved in a laboratory
c. the egg is placed in the womb of a female dog
d. the DNA of the egg is replaced by the DNA from the skin cell
e. the egg grows into a puppy in two months
11. We can learn from the article that Kirkwood ______ dog cloning.
A.disapproves ofB.supportsC.is afraid ofD.is curious about
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)

Many studies have shown that getting more exercise is good for our brain. But can it happen the other way around? Can working on elevating mood help us to exercise more? The answer to this question is positive.

A study conducted by Emmons and McCullough formed three groups. One group was told to journal once a week and list 5 things that happened during the week that they were grateful for. Another group was told to journal once a week and list 5 things that had been a problem for them. A third group was told to journal once a week about 5 things that affected them, but were not given instruction as to whether they should be positive or negative.

After 10 weeks, the group that had focused on gratitude ended up 25%happier than the other two groups. Astonishingly, the gratitude group also exercised almost 1. 5 hours longer per week than the other groups.

Daniel Amen, in his book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, notes that emotional tagging of events is critical to survival. If we tag an event negatively, it can cause an avoidance response. If we tag an event positively, it can drive us to action.

Apparently, our survival is more dependent on being able to perceive a threat to our being, rather than notice that something good is happening. Focusing on the negative can cause us to lose sight of the big picture.

Jonathan Haidt, in his book The Happiness Hypothesis, explains that once we take a negative stance, we look for evidence that supports it. If we find some evidence-enough so that our position makes sense-we stop thinking. When this happens, often people will not start a change of thinking for themselves.

Jonathan Haidt notes that gratitude increases one's sense of control over a situation. A sense of control can bring about an increase in action, energy, and happiness. This can translate into sustained optimism, the ability to consider new options, set new goals, and, yes, even exercise more.

12. What were the three groups in Emmons and McCullough's study asked to do?
A.Write five things downB.Take exercise regularly
C.Focus on being thankfulD.Express their true feelings
13. Why is emotional tagging significant?
A.It protects us from negative emotions.B.It allows us to think in a positive way.
C.It tells us how to manage our feelings.D.It determines how we respond to events.
14. How can being grateful benefit us according to Jonathan Haidt?
A.It helps us to get rid of unrealistic goals.B.We feel situations are more controllable.
C.It is a great way to stop thinking too much.D.We will regard everything around wonderful.
15. What is the best title for the text?
A.Changing Thinking Model Is NecessaryB.Staying Optimistic Brings Active Thinking
C.Working Out Regularly Is Good for Our BrainD.Being Grateful Motivates Us to Exercise More
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