组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:150 题号:14324262

When I was a boy, we lived 4 miles outside of town. We lived next to the forest and I would spend hours every day playing in it with the oak (橡树) and maple trees as my companions. I would climb up their limbs, sit in their shade, and feel their peace.

That is why it was so hard for me when I found myself to be a lumberjack as a young man. It wasn't just the back breaking work, the long hours, and the low pay. It was also seeing day after day beautiful trees that had grown for half a century being sawed (锯) up and cut into flooring. Still, I couldn't help but think that they looked a lot more lovely as living trees reaching up to Heaven than as dead flooring lying under my feet.

One afternoon after a long day's work, I was feeling particularly down and depressed.I decided to take a walk in the woods like I had as a boy in hopes of lifting my spirits and calming my soul. As I walked along with my aching back and tired body, I longed for those happy childhood days. I dropped my head frustratedly and looked down at the dirt. That is when I saw it: a single, red oak acorn (橡子) that had somehow survived the hungry deer and squirrels all winter long.Then I remembered something I'd read once: “Eventually an acorn becomes a forest!” I smiled, bent down, dug up a handful of dirt, and planted that little acorn, feeling peace and joy warming my heart. Then I walked back home happy once again to be a part of God's green earth.

In this life we all start out as an acorn, but whether we become a forest or not is up to us. God gives us this glorious life here to grow, learn, laugh, love,share, smile, and help others to do the same.Embrace this gift of life. Use it to every day stretch your soul towards Heaven and create a mighty forest of love.

1. Which of the following can best describe the author's childhood?
2. What does the underlined word “lumberjack” mean in the second paragraph?
A.A person who plants trees.
B.A person who waters trees.
C.A person who cuts trees.
D.A person who protects the forest.
3. What did the author do when walking in the woods?
A.He climbed up an oak tree.
B.He planted a little oak acorn.
C.He came across a book he had ever read.
D.He found some hungry deer and squirrels.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Accepting the gift of life.
B.Taking a walk in the woods.
C.Experiencing a typical working day.
D.Refreshing the unforgettable memory.


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We all know that honesty is an important value, and that lying is wrong.    1    Researchers find that we tell on average four lies every day or almost 1,500 every year.

    2    If people tell lies to make others feel better and won’t bring any negative effect, we call them white lies. On contrary to white lies, which refers to well-intentioned lies, black lies are told to deceive someone else for their own advantage. No doubt that black lies are harmful, but not white lies.

Lies are often tied in with self-protection.    3    If they feel that they might be hurt, they immediately begin to lie. Also, we all have our own privacy. Maybe parts of the privacy are embarrassing and shameful and we would not like to give them all out. So we tell lies to protect ourselves.

On some occasions, it is necessary to tell lies to avoid hurting others’ feelings, particularly when the truth is too miserable to accept. If we tell the truth, people will get hurt.    4    Of course, it’s Ok to tell lies to make them feel better.

Anyhow, we should always keep in mind that honesty is the best policy. As a rule, we should try our best to tell the truth and do all times. If there were no lies, could the world be better? I don’t think so.    5    

A.Tell the truth or lie?
B.Telling lies is morally wrong.
C.However, we all lie and lie all the times.
D.For most of us, it is an escape from reality.
E.Lies can be divided into black lies and white lies.
F.People always care about how others think of them.
G.If well-intended, it’s acceptable to tell a little white lie.
2023-07-11更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Being perfect is something many of us want and try to achieve. It makes us feel we’re correct and that our hard work has paid off. However, as much as perfection and being perfect is not all a perfect thing.

Perfection is all about being without mistakes and criticism. Wanting or trying to be perfect can make it hard to admit a mistake. Nevertheless, it is important to own up to mistakes and work to fix them. Not being able to take criticism and fix mistakes is arrogance, not perfection.

Perfection is a double-edged sword. In our lives, we want perfection. Perfection holds us accountable; it’s the mistakes and imperfection that keeps pushing us harder and further at what we do. It’s the perfect motivator. But it’s also the perfect killer. For example, the movie “Black Swan” showcased how perfection can kill us. Working and training and stress hurt our body, mind, and so much more that we can’t do it any more.

But perfection can also have the opposite effect. The movie “High Strung” showed that perfection doesn’t exist, but practicing and pushing ourselves can bring us great rewards. In “Black Swan,” the main character tried to be perfect but he also compared himself to someone else who he thought was better than him. This added more pressure and self-doubt, which can cause unhealthy ways of achieving perfection. The main character of “Black Swan” didn’t know when to stop, whereas the main character of “High Strung” did, or at least didn’t focus so much on the comparison, and instead focused on the competition and the ones she cared about.

Perfection is something we can’t live without and can’t live with. The only way to keep the sword from cutting us is if we know when to stop. Some days are going to be good days and others will be bad. We have to take whatever day it is — perfect or imperfect — and hope that’s enough.

1. What does the underlined phrase “own up to” mean in Paragraph 2?
2. What prevents the character in “Black Swan” from going further?
3. What does the author advise us to do while trying to be perfect?
A.Try not to make mistakes.B.Push ourselves harder.
C.Stop before going too far.D.Prove our ability to others.
4. What could be the best structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)
2022-05-10更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I was terribly shy as a child. I couldn’t bear to be noticed and if I spoke people would notice me, so I spoke as little as possible. About four years ago, I was hanging out with my friends on a playground. I noticed two little girls, who came to play near where we were. The elder sister pulled the younger girl away from us but couldn’t go far, as her sister threw herself on to the ground crying and refusing to get up. I was longing to comfort her but felt unable to do so.

Then I thought: Why am I waiting for someone to give me permission to do what I feel is right? I went over to the little girl and held out my hand. I had merely intended to help her up first but instead she pulled me down into a tight hug. I instantly felt the surge of her emotions flood through me. We knelt on the ground hugging tightly for what felt like a longtime; at one point I tried to move away but she wouldn’t let me go. The elder girl had run off, and reappeared with a man I took to be their father. She pointed at me accusingly (谴责地). It occurred to me that he would probably be angry at a stranger hugging his child and might shout at me or even hit me. I then decided that it didn’t matter if he did hit me. At that moment, the only thing that mattered in the world was comforting the little girl in my arms.

To my surprise, the man wasn’t angry. He just nodded and held his arms out to his child. She calmed down and went to him willingly. He carried her away and the sister followed them. I watched them disappear into the crowd.

That day, I learned that I can speak, and if-I can’t speak, I can take action, which is often easier. I still find speaking difficult. But now I know that if I need to, I can.

1. Why did the author approach the little girl on the playground?
A.To scold her for crying on the playground.
B.To join in the play with her and her sister.
C.To understand why she was so emotional.
D.To offer comfort and assistance to her.
2. Why did the author think it didn’t matter if the father got angry or hit them?
A.Her friends would protect her.
B.She didn’t care about the consequences.
C.She believed the father was friendly.
D.She was trying to impress the little girl.
3. What is the main message the author wants to convey through this story?
A.The significance of seeking permission before helping others.
B.The benefits of taking action and making a difference to others.
C.The necessity of caution when interacting with strangers’ kids.
D.The importance of overcoming shyness and becoming brave.
2023-11-17更新 | 68次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般