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河南 高三 模拟预测 2022-03-23 174次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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Best Bike Tours in Barcelona 2021-compared

Steel Donkey Bike Tour

Founded back in 2010, Steel Donkeys pioneered the rise of hip (时尚的) and alternative tourism in Barcelona with their small-group tours and off-the-beaten path philosophy. Their aim from the beginning was to treat their customers like friends and show them the hidden sights of the city, along with local secrets and hip hangouts. Their tours often sell out, especially in summer, so best to book your space as far in advance if possible!

• Price: € 35 per person

• Duration: 4 hours

• Max. group size: 8 people

City Highlights Bike Tour

If you’re new in town and you want to start your exploration of Barcelona with the main attractions, like Sagrada Familia and Gaudi’s epic (宏大的) houses, then it’s hard to beat this classic bicycle tour. For actually entering La Sagrada Familia, you can buy tickets online and skip the long queue.

• Price: € 27 per person

• Duration: 3 hours

• Max. group size: 15 people

Street Art Tour by Bamboo Bicycle

Your ride for the day is a beautiful handmade bamboo bicycle that will make you the envy of other cyclists! After that it’s time to explore the colourful heritage of street art in the Catalan capital, most of which can be found in the former industrial district of Poblenou.

• Price: € 53 per person

• Duration: 3 hours

• Max. group. size: 10 people

Montefusco Cycling

This company offers road bike rental (with delivery to the airport or your hotel), as well as a range of lung-bursting tours in the beautiful Catalan countryside—such as the Montseny and Montserrat mountain ranges.

If you have a little less time on your hands, you can choose the Hills Around The City tour and enjoy truly epic views over Barcelona from the local Collserolla mountain range.

•Price: € 90 per person

•Duration: 4 hours

•Max. group size: 4 people

1. Which tour has the lowest price?
A.Montefusco Cycling.B.Steel Donkey Bike Tour.
C.City Highlights Bike Tour.D.Street Art Tour by Bamboo Bicycle.
2. What is special about Montefusco Cycling?
A.It offers the coolest bicycles.B.It delivers bikes to your hotel.
C.It favors the hidden sights.D.It focuses on the main attractions.
3. What can we know about the tours in the text?
A.They vary widely in duration.
B.They need booking in advance.
C.They aren’t individual bicycle tours.
D.They aren’t in the city, but in the countryside.
2022-03-20更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年河南省普通高中毕业班3月高考适应性测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

As the daughter of immigrants, Chanthaphone’s primary language at home was Lao. At 5, she learned to speak English. But she didn’t know how to read and write - let alone how to fit in at school or communicate with classmates. Mrs. Lewis, Chanthaphone’s second-grade teacher, changed everything. She taught her students that it was OK if they did not know English and it was all right for them to use words in their home language to explain how they were feeling or thinking. Chanthaphone got more and more confidence and wanted to do what her teacher did in the future.

Now, at 26, Chanthaphone is an English teacher at Fort Worth ISDs William Monnig Middle School. Like Mrs Lewis, Chanthaphone aims to help her non-English-speaking students to gain the confidence they need to fulfill their potential in life.

At the beginning of each school year, Chanthaphone recounts her story to her new classes She tells them she knows what it feels like not to want to participate in class or raise her hand. She reminds them that she once sat in their seat and felt different because of her upbringing. But she stresses that’s what makes each of them special.

Her students, though, are usually unconvinced. She has to take out photos of her graduating college and tell them about her parents and what her school was like. Then it finally clicks.

In the classroom, Chanthaphone allows students to communicate in whichever way they feel most comfortable. For some, it may be raising their hand and voicing their thoughts. For others, it may be writing their thoughts on a piece of paper and handing it to Chanthaphone.

However, Chanthaphone does encourage her students to go out of their comfort zone. She wants them to work with students they don’t know because teamwork and collaboration with unfamiliar people is important.

“I’ve always wanted to be the teacher who supported students and advocated for them in and outside of classroom,” Chanthaphone said. “When I get notes or see Facebook posts from parents talking about previous teachers, including me, I feel like my goal has been completed.”

4. What do you know about Mrs. Lewis?
A.She is ambitiousB.She is inspiring.
C.She is knowledgeable.D.She is demanding.
5. Why does Chanthaphone tell her schooling experience to her new students?
A.To make a good beginning of her class.B.To make herself well known to her students.
C.To encourage her students to be confident.D.To push the students to voice their thoughts.
6. What does Chanthaphone focus on in the classroom?
A.Students’ strong curiosity.B.Students’ mental health.
C.Students’ unique talent.D.Students’ communicating ability.
7. What can be the best title for the text?
A.I was once like youB.You are the only one
C.No one can say no to youD.Everything can be possible
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4)

The yogurt that’ s past its sell-by date. The banana in your lunch that turned brown. The leftovers in the fridge that you forgot to eat. For most people, all that food goes right into the garbage can.

Eight to ten percent of global greenhouse gas emissions (放) are related to food waste, according to a report by the U. N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “When you throw away an egg or a sandwich,” says Yvette Cabrera, food waste vice director at the Natural Resources Defense Council ( N. R. D. C. ) ,“you’ re also throwing away all the resources that went into producing those things.”

That includes not only all the water, land, and fertilizer (化肥) that went into producing that food, but also the massive amounts of fossil fuels used to power the farms, transport the food, and create the packaging.

Then there’s the issue of what happens to food after it’s thrown out. More food ends up in U.S. landfills than any other type of trash. Food rotting in landfills produces methane (甲烷), a greenhouse gas that’s roughly 25 times more powerful at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, which is produced by burning fossil fuels.

Food waste is a difficult problem to solve, though, in part because it happens for different reasons depending on the country. In developing nations,40 percent of food is lost before it ever reaches people’s homes, because many of those countries lack the technology and tools to preserve food.

It's another story in wealthier countries, where most of the food is wasted in people’s kitchens. Americans, for example, throw out a quarter of their groceries each year, on average, according to the N. R. D. C. That's like going to the grocery store, leaving with four bags of groceries, and then throwing one of them into the garbage before you get home.

8. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The problem of food waste.B.The awareness of food saving.
C.The necessity of food diversity.D.The ways of preservation.
9. What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The leftovers in the fridge.B.The packaging for products.
C.The thrown egg or sandwich.D.The resources to produce food.
10. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 4?
A.Provide a persuasive example.B.Add more background information.
C.Discuss a more serious consequence.D.Summarize the previous paragraphs.
11. In what stage does food waste mainly happen in developed countries?
2022-03-20更新 | 338次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022年河南省普通高中毕业班3月高考适应性测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

Researchers have 3D printed a heart using a patient's cells, providing hope that the technique could be used to heal hearts or engineer new ones for transplants.

“This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart,” Professor Tal Dvir said in a statement. Dvir is the senior author of the research, published on Monday in the journal Advanced Science.

The cells that made the heart came from a donor's fat tissue. Researchers separated the cells in the tissue from the rest of the contents. The cells were reprogrammed to become stem cells with the ability into heart cells. The cells and hydrogel were first used to create heart patches with blood vessels (血管) and, from there, an entire heart.

At this stage, our 3D heart is small, the size of a rabbit's heart,” Dvir said. “But larger human require the same technology.” Previously, scientists had been able to print only simple tissues without blood vessels.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the developing world. Heart transplantation is the only way to treat end-stage heart failure, highlighting the importance of developing techniques such as 3D printing, according to the authors.

Dvir also explained that using the patient's own cells is key to engineering the tissues and organs. “It's important because it prevents the possibility of rejection,” he said.

Next, the researchers plan to train the hearts to behave like real ones. Dvir explained, “The cells need to form a pumping ability; they can contract, but we need them to work together.”

If researchers are successful, they plan to transplant the 3D-printed heart in animal models and, after that, humans. “Maybe, in ten years ,there will be organ printers in the finest hospitals around the world ,and these procedures will be conducted routinely,” Dvir said.

12. What can we know about the 3D-printed heart?
A.It is almost of the same size as the human heart.
B.It uses the cells coming from an animal fat tissue to 3D print a heart.
C.It can provide the technology human hearts required in the future.
D.It can replace the patient’s heart in treating heart disease in ten years
13. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Value of the new technique.B.Procedures of dealing with cells.
C.Tips about heart disease treatment.D.Materials used in the 3D-printed heart.
14. What do we know from what Professor Tal Dvir said?
A.The researchers are successful in 3D printing human heart.
B.Every hospital will have organ printers around the world.
C.Researchers will transplant the 3D-printed heart in ten years.
D.Professor Dvir is looking forward to the success of the research.
15. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To show how to 3D print a heart.B.To promote heart disease research.
C.To introduce a medical breakthrough.D.To call on people to care about health.
2022-03-20更新 | 216次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年河南省普通高中毕业班3月高考适应性测试英语试题
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