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江西 高一 期末 2017-07-20 109次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.64)
Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships do not last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous; be understanding.
Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you do not tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest, you may lose your friend’s trust. Good friends always trust one another to speak and act honestly.
Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes of course. Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your hobbies and your interest. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend.
Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand.
No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends, you must practice honesty, generosity, and understanding.
1. Some friendships don’t last very long because ____.
A.some people receive friendship but don’t give friendship back
B.they don’t know friendship is something serious
C.those who give others friendship receive friendship from others
D.there are too many people who want to make friends
2. The best title of this passage is _____.
A.Honesty is the Best Policy
B.A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
C.Three Important Points in Life
D.Three Important Points in Making Friends
3. Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A.Always tell your friends the truth.
B.Sharing your mind with your friends is of great value.
C.A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.
D.Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem.
2015-03-30更新 | 159次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年江西奉新县第一中学高一上期末英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 适中(0.65)
Easy for one to learn a foreign language? When A student is learning to speak British English, he wonders: Can I communicate with Americans? Can they understand me? Learners of English often ask: What are the differences between British and American English? How important are these differences?
Certainly, there are some differences between British and American English. There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say “in hospital”and "Have you a pen?”, Americans say “in the hospital”and ‘Do you have a pen?’.Pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound theirs in words like “bird”and “hurt”. Speakers of British English do not sound theirs in these words. There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour”and “honour”are British, “color” and “honor”are American.
These differences in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary are not important, however. For the most part, British and American English are the same language.
4. According to this passage, we can guess a student who is learning to speak American English might be afraid that ________.
A.British people cannot understand him
B.American people cannot understand him
C.the grammar is too hard for him
D.the spelling is too hard for him
5. What is NOT talked about in the passage?
A.Whether there are differences between British English and American English.
B.Whether British English and American English are one language or two.
C.How the differences between British English and American English came about.
D.How important the differences are.
6. Most __________ say “Do you have a watch?”
A.British peopleB.Americans
7. According to this passage, British people and Americans have __________ difficulty in understanding each other.
2016-11-26更新 | 149次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年江西奉新县第一中学高一上期末英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65)
Here is something about Christmas. Every year just after Christmas the January Sales start. All the shops reduce their prices for two weeks, and they are full of people looking for bargains. My husband and I do not normally go to the sales as we don’t like crowds and are short of money as we have to buy lots of Christmas presents.
Last year, however, I took my husband with me to the sales at the large shop in the center of London. We both needed some new clothes and were hoping to find a television set. When we got to Oxford Street, it was so crowded that we decided to split up and meet again at the underground station. So I left my husband and started looking around the shops. Unfortunately all the clothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me. But I did buy a television at a very low price, so I felt quite pleased with myself.
When I arrived at the station, my husband was not there. So I sat down in a nearby cafe to have a cup of tea. I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meet him. He looked very happy. Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavy cardboard box. “Oh, dear!” I thought. Yes, we had no new clothes but two televisions. We shall not go to the sales again.
8. In January ________.
A.lots of people go shopping for something cheaper
B.people have a lot of money to spend after Christmas
C.all the shops close for a two-week Christmas holiday
D.people don’t have enough money to buy new clothes
9. The husband and the wife in the story ________.
A.wished to buy a TV
B.went to the sales the year before
C.often went to the sales to buy clothes
D.were usually not short of money after Christmas
10. The underlined phrase “split up” in the second paragraph probably means ________.
A.break apartB.cause to break
C.break into piecesD.go in different directions
11. After their day’s shopping, they ________.
A.were happy with their bargains
B.had got everything they wanted
C.got more than they had hoped for
D.had to go back to the sales the next day
2016-11-26更新 | 208次组卷 | 1卷引用:2014-2015学年江西奉新县第一中学高一上期末英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.64)
Ten years ago, with only about 1, 000 pandas left in the world, China was desperately trying to clone(克隆)the animal and save the endangered species(物种). That was a move similar to what Texas A & M University researchers had been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah’s Ark”(诺亚方舟).
Noah’s Ark was aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎), semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen. If certain species should become extinct, Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A & M’s College of Veterinary Medicine, said there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.

It was estimated that as many as 2, 000 species of mammals, birds reptiles would become extinct in over 100 years. The panda, native only to China, was in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.
This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They were then trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.
The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.
“The nucleus transfer(核子移植)of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available(capable of being used)panda eggs could be a major problem,”Kraemer believed. “They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy(having a baby). It takes a long time and it’s difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort, ”added Kraemer, who was one of the leaders of the project at Texas A& M, the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog.
“They are trying to do something that’s never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah’s Ark. We’re both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly appreciate their effort and there’s a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It’s a research that is very much needed. ”
At present, the project has worked. The number of the pandas has increased to more than 1, 500.
12. The aim of “Noah’s Ark” project was to    .
A.make efforts to clone the endangered pandas
B.save endangered animals from dying out
C.collect DNA of endangered animals to study
D.transfer the nucleus of one animal to another
13. According to Professor Kraemer, the major problem in cloning pandas would be the lack of    .
A.available panda eggsB.host animals
C.qualified researchersD.enough money
14. The best title for the passage may be    .
A.China’s Success in Pandas Cloning
B.The First Cloned Panda in the World
C.Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas
D.China—the Native Place of Pandas Forever
15. From the passage we know that    .
A.Kraemer and his team had succeeded in cloning a dog
B.scientists tried to implant a panda’s egg into a rabbit
C.Kraemer would work with Chinese scientists in clone researches
D.about two thousand species would probably die out in a century
2015-03-30更新 | 197次组卷 | 6卷引用:09-10年福建省莆田一中高一上学期期末考试
共计 平均难度:一般