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广东 高三 二模 2017-07-20 409次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约310词) | 适中(0.65)
        Teenage years can be confusing for both teenagers and parents. At about 15, many teens start thinking about how they feel about themselves and _______ out how this matches or mismatches what others think of them. Most teens work through this _______ by the age of 16 or 17.
        Often teenagers are treated like _______ bigger children, but they will never become _______ and responsible if they are not allowed to make some decisions for themselves. If parents forbid their children from doing something, chances are that they will do it _______ without permission anyway. The role of a parent must, therefore, change from that of protector and keeper to that of friend and _______ .

Yet even the most caring parents misunderstand their children sometimes, and some think of teenagers as insecure, stubborn and _______. As a result, teenagers always keep their _______ from their parents. Teens often _______ that their parents repeat the same things over and over again and never listen to them. Parents must understand that teens need to be allowed to ________ their side of any problem and express their point of view.

     Thus, more private and level-headed communication is needed for the parents. Every parent should try to schedule time to be ________ with their child, like taking a short trip together. This time allows parents to talk and listen without ________ from work or other family members. It might also be good to encourage teens to ________ important issues at dinner. Discussion time shows teens that parents are interested in them and their lives.

       A person’s teenage years are a key time for them to identify their own ________, like distinguishing good from evil. Handling and improving communication with teenagers is not easy, but success will be ________ for parents and teens alike.1.

二、语法填空 添加题型下试题

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.64)
Umbrella is what we easily forget and leave behind in our daily life. When the weather is fine, we certainly don’t think of it; only when it's raining, we’ll carry it purposefully. But as soon as the rain stops, most likely we’ll forgetwe’ve put it. It has to wait patiently and pitifully forowner to claim it, otherwise it’ll remain alone as a deserted umbrella.
Once I suddenly found my longtime(use) umbrella “disappeared”. I really got lost and regretted quite some time my own carelessness.
Several days later, out of my (expect), I saw it quietly stand in a corner of the house where I worked. I was extremely glad to regain it. Looking carefully at it, though it was so familiar me, I found for the first time its wooden handle (wear)out as a result of repeated rain-wash for years. I sought for it only when I needed it. It occurred to me that I should have paid (much) attention to it.
It sets me thinking. Around us there are always people giving us support in silence just like umbrella that protects us from the rain or any wretched weather. Will gou think of those individuals have helped you get through difficlty when you are leading a comfortable life?

三、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65)
I am a single working mother and going to college for a better life for my three-year-old child and myself.I am taking a nurse course called “Urban Community(社区)”.We were asked to do a major project on problems in urban communities.I chose the topic “Homeless”.
Each day I would walk down the streets of the homeless and offer them something to drink and to eat.I know it’s tough to survive on the streets.Last night I ran into a group of 30 kids who were living on the streets in New York.____________ and I just wanted to cry.But I had to be strong.
I asked about their families and if they contacted them to let them know they were alive.Most of them said, “NO!” They all looked like a happy family and they took care of one another.I tried to persuade them to get help and to contact their families but they did not want to.I did not want to make them to do it as they had their own reasons.
All these kids were very respectful.None of them was high on drugs nor were they drinking.Some of them enjoyed reading and writing.Some of them enjoyed skateboarding, dancing and playing music.
One girl asked me if I could give her a hug and I did so.She started to cry and said, “Thank you for not treating us as freaks(怪人)like everyone else does.People don’t realize that we all have our own problems and some are worse than others.” She told me that her stepfather (继父) was extremely mean to her and her mother did not believe her.She ran away.Her street name was Little Mary.
They were good kids just trying to make ends meet.I told them that I didn’t have much to offer because I was a single mother just making ends meet.I had offered them sandwiches and drinks.They were so happy to have something to eat and told me that I couldn’t change the world but at least there was someone who really cared.
26. The author is _______.
A.a homeless mother with a three-year-old kid
B.a single mother who attends college in New York
C.a teacher who teaches the “Urban Community” course
D.a full-time housewife with a three-year-old kid
27. What does “My heart went out to them” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.My heart was taken away by them.
B.I wanted to hug them
C.I felt sympathy for them
D.I fell in love with them
28. What kind of feeling did the author show when she failed to persuade the children to contact their families?
29. Little Mary left home and became a wanderer because ________.
A.her stepfather didn’t want to live with her
B.her stepfather treated her so badly that she was injured
C.her mother treated her so badly that she felt hurt
D.her mother didn’t believe her and her stepfather treated her badly.
30. What’s the best title for this passage?
A.A Story of a Single Mother
B.Care for the Homeless Kids
C.An Urban Community
D.How to Survive on the Streets
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65)
I was going to Paris, which I’d always wanted to see.But now I was frightened to travel alone.I arrived at the train station in Paris.I hadn’t spoken my college French for twenty years.On my first metro ride, I came across an incompetent(不胜任的)thief.I just stared at him, and he stopped his hand from my purse and disappeared into the crowd. Somewhere in this confusing city was my hotel hidden, but the directions suddenly weren’t easy to find. When I finally found the hotel, my heart was beating heavily, and I was sweating like a basketball player.I couldn’t stay.Could I? The wallpaper looked like it had been through a fire.The bathroom was downstairs, and the window looked out onto the brick wall of another building.Welcome to Paris.I sincerely wanted to die.I missed my friends.I was entering my third week away from home and my kids, and I had arrived in the most romantic city in the world, alone, lonely and frightened.
The most important thing I did in Paris happened at that moment.I knew that if I didn’t go out, right then, and find a place to have dinner, I would hide in this small room my entire time in Paris.I might never learn to enjoy the world as a single individual.So I went out.Evening in Paris was light and pleasant.I walked along a path, listening to birds sing, watching children float toy boats in a huge fountain.No one seemed to be in a hurry.Paris was beautiful.And I was here alone and suddenly not lonely.My sense of accomplishment overcoming my fear and weakness had left me feeling free.I wore out two pairs of shoes during my week’s stay in Paris.I did everything there was to do, and it was the greatest week of my European vacation.I returned home, becoming a believer in the power of traveling alone.Now when I meet difficulties I just say to myself, “If I can go to Paris, I can go anywhere.”
31. What happened on my first metro ride?
A.I came across a skillful thief.
B.I bravely caught a thief trying to steal
C.The thief successfully stole my purse
D.I scared away a thief trying to steal
32. The room in the hotel where I lived ______.
A.had just gone through a big fire
B.was in very poor conditions
C.had a good sight through the window
D.was very small and untidy
33. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.I was not lonely when I got to Paris.
B.I felt frightened travelling alone in Paris at first.
C.I then felt not lonely for the people around me in Paris.
D.I had a lot of walking during my stay in Paris.
34. The lifestyle of French people can be considered as ________.
35. As to the writer, the power of traveling alone is _______.
A.the power of being independent
B.the power of feeling free
C.the power of becoming optimistic
D.the power of overcoming difficulties
共计 平均难度:一般