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云南 高一 期末 2023-07-13 293次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

一、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85)

It can be really hard to learn a language well without living in a country full of native speakers! You have to find something interesting! Here’s the solution: TV Series.

Game of Thrones

You should really start watching it. The language is beautiful and easy to understand. Drama, love and good characters mark the show and there are actors from all around the world. You won’t know what’s going to happen at the ending. This is a must-see!


A British masterpiece. Is there any language learner who has not heard of Sherlock Holmes and his friend John Watson? The writers placed the stories into London in the 21st century, so it’s basically a modern version of the original stories. Here you have everything that an English language learner could wish for: British accents, good acting, long and interesting conversations with a lot of humour.


Everybody knows Friends, which couldn’t be missed off of this list. With many different accents to be heard and lots of dialects, this is the perfect show for English learners. The plot is relatively simple to understand. Six friends battle with tough jobs, complicated relationships and life in Manhattan, New York. In parts of the show there are also British accents to listen to and learn.

How I Met Your Mother

It is one of the most successful situation comedies in the United States, attracting the audience all around the world. Ifs about the life of five friends that live in New York, focusing on their work and their favorite free time activity: sitting in their favorite bar. You get to know many modern American expressions and can enjoy a lot of dialects that make the show even more interesting.

1. Which of the following has an unexpected ending?
A.Friends.B.Sherlock.C.Games of Thrones.D.How J Met Your Mother.
2. What can audience learn from both Sherlock and Friends!
A.British accents.B.Humorous conversations.
C.American dialects.D.Wonderful performances.
3. What do we know about How I Met Your Mother!
A.It is about five American students.
B.It attracts audience from all over the world.
C.There are many formal expressions in the show.
D.It’s the only successful sitcoms in the United States.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

They say that Mexico is a country no one ever leaves. Every year, millions of tourists pass through, and Mexicans happily warn that a part of them will remain behind forever. Most visitors are vacationing North Americans who end up on the brilliant beaches of Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta. The beaches, of course, are among the world’s best – but those who venture inland are rewarded with the true soul of Mexico.

And it is a big soul. The Republic of Mexico is vast, consisting of nearly two million square miles of coastline, desert, rain forest, mountains and fertile plains. From the American borderlands of the wide, agriculturally rich north, the country narrows gently as it sweeps south and east. The two main mountain ranges, the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental, hug the west and east, finally merging into the volcanically active central highlands and the capital, Mexico City – the most populous city in the world. Further south, the country narrows to only 100 miles, then broadens again before reaching the Guatemalan border. There are two major peninsulas (半岛) in Mexico: the Baja Peninsula to the west and the Yucatan peninsula to the east.

The population is about 106 million, and the generosity (宽宏大量的) of the Mexican people is unsurpassed. Knowing a few simple sentences in Spanish will win hearts.

Mexico has been graced with an unusually temperate climate all year round. The most important thing to remember is that the Mexican summer is also the rainy season, although the rain rarely lasts more than a few hours, and typically arrives in the late afternoon. Extremes are present only in the north and in Baja, both of which have deserts where the temperature leaps above 100℉. Mexico City has a year-round temperature in the high 80s, while the coasts usually stay in the mid-90s. Night time temperatures fall somewhat, but rarely break down below a comfortable 60℉.

4. What’s the author’s writing purpose?
A.To introduce Mexico.B.To appeal people to travel in Mexico
C.To tell the beauty and ugliness of Mexico.D.To make people aware of the extreme conditions of Mexico.
5. The underlined world “unsurpassed” in the third paragraph probably means “________”.
6. You may suffer extreme temperatures if you go to ________.
A.the eastB.the westC.the southD.the north
7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65)

Biologists in the United States are sounding an alarm about a deadly disease that has been attacking a quiet, intelligent animal: the bat. The disease, called white-nose syndrome, is an infection caused by a fungus (真菌) that attack the nose, wings, and other skin areas on the bodies of bats while they are hibernating (冬眠) in large groups in their caves. The disease was first discovered in a New York cave in the winter of 2006, and it is spreading quickly. Infected caves have been discovered in 19 states and in Canada.

Scientists have discovered that the source is a strain of a cold-loving fungus usually found in polar regions. They are not sure how the fungus kills bats. One theory is that the fungus causes discomfort. The bats began to become upset and partially wake up from hibernation. This activity causes them to burn precious stored body fat and die of starvation. Experts estimate that over 5. 5 million bats across nine species have disappeared because of the disease. Wildlife experts fear that if the infection spreads to more bat populations in the Southeast and Midwest, endangered bat species, such as the Indiana bat and Virginia big-eared bat, may be in grave danger of extinction.

Why should Americans care about the loss of these creatures? In warm months, bat fly at night, eating up to their body weight in insects. They control the populations of insects that bite, eat crops, destroy forests, and spread disease. Because of this, the United States government is getting involved. It has heard announcements from bat experts and is taking seriously their pleas (请愿) for funding to study the disease. The possibility of what one lawmaker called “an ecological and economic disaster” is very real if the deadly disease spreads further.

8. What causes white-nose syndrome among the bats?
A.Ecological pollution.B.A cold-loving fungus.
C.The freezing climate.D.The lack of food.
9. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A.Where the experts discovered the disease.B.Why the bats’ hibernation is disturbed.
C.How the fungus possibly affects bats.D.What contributed to the concern of the experts.
10. What is the main concern about the extinction of the bat in the US?
A.The imbalance of the ecosystem.B.The destruction of the forests.
C.The spread of the disease.D.The decrease of the insect population.
11. What is the US government most likely to do in the future?
A.To introduce laws to protect bats.
B.To appeal to people to stay away from infected bats.
C.To declare the coming of an ecological disaster
D.To approve funding for bat disease research.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65)

The Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport announced that the capital will build 20 cycle tracks connecting popular tourist sites and another 20 linking the countryside. Also, all roads that are wider than 12 meters must have cycle lanes (车道).

It is good of the city’s transport department to care for cyclists. Cycling is, without doubt, one of the greenest ways of traveling. It uses no gas, so there are no carbon emissions (碳排放), and it also helps the cyclists become strong and reduce fat.

That’s why, in this age of automobiles, bicycles have suddenly become a popular means of transport. Today people ride cycles not for shortage of other means of transport, but for their own health. Data show that over 100 million people ride bicycles as a kind of sport.

However, to encourage more people to choose this green means of transport, good bicycle lanes are a necessity. Anybody with any cycling experience must have come across the following problems at some point of time; that there might be no cycle lanes beyond a certain point, or that the signs for cyclists might become unclear; worst of all, there might be whole rows of cars parked on the bicycle lanes or cyclists might have to compete with cars on the same lane.

The law prevents parking on bicycle lanes, but some car owners couldn’t care less. The law gives cyclists right of passage over automobile drivers, but that is often forgotten. With automobiles pushing cyclists to one side of the road, cycling often loses its attraction. Sometimes people prefer cycling on exercise bikes indoors than on the roads.

To make cycling a pleasurable experience, the governments need to do their jobs better. Apart from designing new bicycle lanes, they should also take effective actions to protect the rights of cyclists and make the sport more enjoyable.

12. Which advantage of cycling is not mentioned in this passage?
A.Cycling can help lose weight.B.Cycling is environment-friendly.
C.Cycling can help build up bodies.D.Cycling can reduce heavy traffic.
13. Why are good bicycle lanes necessary?
A.To call on more people to ride bikes.
B.To prevent parking on bicycle lanes.
C.To compete with cars on the same lane.
D.To encourage people to cycle on exercise bikes.
14. What is the author’s attitude to building cycle tracks in Beijing?
15. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Cycling, new workout trend
B.No more parking on bicycle lanes
C.Here come the cyclists, make room
D.Cycle tracks to be widened in Beijing
共计 平均难度:一般