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四川 高三 期中 2024-05-25 61次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围、单词辨析、语法、短语辨析

一、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85)

Whistler Travel Guide

Snow-capped peaks and powdered steeps; sparkling lakes and rushing waterfalls; challenging hiking routes and inviting restaurants — Whistler’s offerings suit every season.

Things to do

The entire town displays the ski-chic atmosphere, hosting dozens of ski and snow board competitions and festivals annually. In the warmer months, more outdoor enthusiasts come out to play. Visitors can try hiking or cycling up the mountains. While Whistler is an ideal vacation spot for the active types, other travelers can enjoy the local museums and art galleries filled within formative exhibits. Plus, there are family-friendly activities and attractions like summer concerts, along with plenty of shopping options.

When to visit

The best times to visit Whistler are from June through August and between December and March.

How to get around

The best ways to get around Whistler are on foot or by bike. Or, you can take the shuttlebuses from Whistler Village, which transport visitors to Lost Lake Park and the Marketplace. Meanwhile, having a car will allow you the freedom to explore top attractions like Whistler Train Wreck and Alexander Falls without having to spend a lot of cash on a cab.

What you need to know

●Whistler receives feet of snow each year. If you’re driving in winter, slow down and make sure to rent or come with a reliable SUV.

●Snowslides are likely to occur on Backcountry routes, so only advanced skiers should take to this off-the-map area.

●Whistler’s wilderness is home to many black and grizzly bears. Keep your distance and do not feed them.

1. What are active travelers recommended to do in Whistler?
A.Bike up the mountains.B.Host ski competitions.
C.Go shopping at the malls.D.Visit museum exhibitions.
2. Which of the following is the most popular among travelers?
A.Whistler Village.B.Lost Lake Park.C.The Marketplace.D.Whistler Train Wreck.
3. What are travelers prohibited from doing in Whistler?
A.Driving a rented SUV.B.Feeding grizzly bears.
C.Exploring the wilderness.D.Skiing on Backcountry routes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

I used to believe that only words could catch the essence of the human soul. The literary works contained such distinct stories that they shaped the way we saw the world. Words were what composed the questions we sought to uncover and the answers to those questions themselves. Words were everything.

That belief changed.

In an ordinary math class, my teacher posed a simple question: What’s 0.99 rounded to the nearest whole number? Easy. When rounded to the nearest whole number, 0.99=1. Somehow, I thought even though 0.99 is only 0.01 away from 1, there’s still a 0.01 difference. That means even if two things are only a little different, they are still different, so doesn’t that make them completely different?

My teacher answered my question by presenting another equation (等式): 1= 0.9, which could also be expressed as 1=0.99999.... repeating itself without ever ending.

There was something mysterious but fascinating about the equation. The left side was unchangeable, objective: it contained a number that ended. On the right was something endless, number repeating itself limitless times. Yet, somehow, these two opposed things were connected by an equal sign.

Lying in bed, I thought about how much the equation paralleled our existence. The left side of the equation represents that sometimes life itself is so unchangeable and so clear. The concrete, whole number of the day when you were born and the day when you would die. But then there is that gap in between life and death. The right side means a time and space full of limitless possibilities, and endless opportunities into the open future.

So that’s what life is. Objective but imaginative. Unchangeable but limitless. Life is an equation with two sides that balances itsef out. Still, we can’t ever truly seem to put the perfect words to it. So possibly numbers can express ideas as eually well as words can. For now, let’s leave it at that: 1= 0.99999... and live a life like it.

4. What does the author emphasize about words in paragraph 1?
A.Their wide variety.B.Their literary origins.
C.Their distinct sounds.D.Their expressive power.
5. What made the author find the equation fascinating?
A.The repetition of a number.B.The way two different numbers are equal.
C.The question the teacher raised.D.The difference between the two numbers.
6. Which of the fllowing can replace the underlined word “paralleled” in paragraph 6?
7. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Perfect EquationB.Numbers Build Equations
C.An Attractive QuestionD.Words Outperform Numbers
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

“Why does grandpa have ear hair?” Just a few years ago my child was so curious to know “why” and “how” that we had to cut off her questions five minutes before bedtime. Now a soon-to-be fourth grader, she says that she dislikes school because “it’s not fiun to learm.” I am shocked. As a scientist and parent, I have done everything I can to promote a love of learning in my children. Where did I go wrong?

My child’s experience is not unique. Developmental psychologist Susan Engel notes that curiosity defined as “spontaneous (自发的)” investigation and eagerness for new information-drops dramatically in children by the fourth grade.

In Wonder: Childhood and the Lifelong Love of Science, Yale psychologist Frank C. Keil details the development of wonder — a spontaneous passion to explore, discover, and understand. He takes us on a journey from its early development, when wonder drives common sense and scientific reasoning, through the drop-off in wonder that often occurs, to the trap of life in a society that devalues wonder.

As Keil notes, children are particularly rich in wonder while they are rapidly developing causal mechanisms (因果机制) in the preschool and early elementary school years. They are sensitive to the others’ knowledge and goals, and they expertly use their desire for questioning. Children’s questions, particularly those about “why” and “how” support the development of causal mechanisms which can be used to help their day-to-day reasoning.

Unfortunately, as Keil notes, “adults greatly underestimate young children’s causal mechanisms.” In the book, Wonder, Keil shows that we can support children’s ongoing wonder by playing games with them as partners, encouraging question-asking, and focusing on their abilities to reason and conclude.

A decline in wonder is not unavoidable. Keil reminds us that we can accept wonder as a desirable positive quality that exists in everyone. I value wonder deeply, and Wonder has given me hope by proposing a future for my children that will remain wonder-full.

8. What is a common problem among fourth graders?
A.They upset their parents too often.B.They ask too many strange questions.
C.Their love for fun disappears quickly.D.Their desire to learn declines sharply.
9. What can be inferred about children’s causal mechanisms in paragraph 4?
A.They control children’s sensitivity.B.They slightly change in early childhood.
C.They hardly support children’s reasoning.D.They develop through children’s questioning.
10. How can parents support children’s ongoing wonder according to Keil?
A.By monitoring their games.B.By welcoming inquiring minds.
C.By estimating their abilities.D.By providing reasonable conclusions.
11. What is the text?
A.A book review.B.A news report.C.A research paper.D.A children’s story.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

Each year, the world loses about 10 million hectares of forest—at area about the size of Iceland — because of cutting down trees. At that rate, some scientists predict the world’s forests could disappear in 100 to 200 years. To handle it, now researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have pioneered a technique to generate wood-like plant materials sin a lab. This makes it possible to “grow” a wooden product without cutting down trees.

In the lab, the researchers first take cells from the leaves of a young plant. These cells are cultured in liquid medium for two days, then moved to another medium which contains nutrients and two different hormones (激素). By adjusting the bormone levels, the researchers can tune the physical and mechanical qualities of the cells: New the researchers use a 3D printer to shape the cell-based material, and let the shaped material grow in the dark for three months. Finally, the researchers dehydrate (使脱水) the material, and then evaluate its qualities.

They found that lower bormone levels lead to plant materials with more rounded, open cells of lower density (密度), while higher hormone levels contribute to the growth of plant materials with smaller but denser cell structures. Lower or higher density of cell structures makes the plant materials softer or more rigid, helping the materials grow with different wood-like characteristics. What’s more, it’s to be noted that the research process is about 100 times faster than the time it takes for a tree to grow to maturity!

Research of this kind is ground-breaking. “This work demonstrates the great power of a technology,” says lead researcher, Jeffrey Berenstab. “The real opportunity here is to be at its best with what you use and how you use it. This technology can be tuned to meet the requirements you give about shapes, sizes, rigidity, and forms. It enables us to grow’ any wooden product in a way that traditional agricultural methods can’t achieve.”

12. Why do researchers at MIT perform the research?
A.To grow more trees.B.To reduce tree losses.
C.To protect plant diversity.D.To predict forest disappearance.
13. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about the lab research?
A.Its scientific origins.B.Its theoretical basis
C.Its usual difficulties.D.Its main processes
14. What does the finding suggest about the plant materials?
A.They are better than naturally grown plants.
B.Their growth speed determines their characteristics.
C.The hormone levels affect their rigidity.
D.Their cells’ shapes mainly rely on their density.
15. Why is the research path-breaking according to Berenstain?
A.It uses new biological materials in lab experiments.
B.It has a significant impact on worldwide plant growth.
C.It revolutionizes the way to make wooden products.
D.It challenges traditional scientific theories in forestry.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难(0.4)

The Upside to Being Outside

Research shows that being in nature makes people feel good, whether they’re roughing it in the wilderness for days or just hanging out at a local park for a while. One study was conducted in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. Researchers found that most participants’ mood and well-being improved significantly when they spent time in urban parks, even though the average visit was only around half an hour.

    16     For example, scientists in the United Kingdom studied the impact of the “30 Days Wild” campaign. It challenged people to interact with nature for 30 days by enjoying earthy activities like feeding birds and planting flowers. Participants were measurably happier and healthier throughout the challenge…and for months afterwards, too.    17    

How does nature boost people’s happiness? Scientists say that spending time in natural settings reduces stress and anxiety, which benefits mental and physical health. Research shows our brains are more relaxed in natural settings.

To most people, it’s not news that nature can be calming. But multiple studies have found that spending time in nature also has some more surprising benefits, like improving creativity and problem-solving.     18     Another found that exposure to nature helped people score better on tests. That’s more proof that going outside is a smart move!

What accounts for the connection with cognition and creativity? It could be that a good dose of nature acts as a cure to information overload. Everyday life involves a lot of multitasking. Some scientists theorize that spending time in nature enables our brains to rest and recover from mental tiredness.     19    

Naturally, scientific studies don’t cover everything that’s great about the great outdoors.     20     From recreation and exercise to happiness and creativity, there are lots of upsides to getting outside.

A.One study revealed that people were better at figuring out puzzles after a four-day camping trip.
B.According to many scientific studies, there’s a good chance it’ll make you happier, healthier, and more creative.
C.What’s more, the lift people get from nature is long lasting.
D.Lots of people enjoy fun activities outside, like swimming, riding bikes, or climbing trees.
E.When the only light you’ve seen all day is the glow of a screen, it might be a good idea to switch it off.
F.This means that whether you’re studying or playing video games, heading outside to give your brain a break might help you get to the next level.
G.So, kicking back in a park is a bit like treating your mind to a restful mini vacation.

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约530词) | 困难(0.15)

Although it is difficult to make direct year-to-year comparisons because of increase in viewing on digital devices, the trend over the past decade is clear in numerous studies, including the Nielsen ratings. The average age of those who watch nationally televised Major League Baseball games has been _____ these years. Asked in a survey whether they _____ baseball, nearly two-thirds of those ages 18 to 36 said no.

Michael Haupert, a professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin ----la Crosse who studies baseball as a business, explains why many young people might be _____ by what to an older and more knowledgeable fan is one of the most exciting experiences in sports: a no-hitter. ” Failure is more ______ than success,” he says. ”If my students get a third of the answers right on their test, they fail. However, if a ballplayer gets a hit a third of the time, he’s often one of the _____ .” But watch an NBA game for 15 seconds, and you will likely see one team score.

It is not surprising that ______ the length of games----about three hours in recent years-----and increasing the pace of action has become a subject of discussion among those who love baseball. MLB commissioner Rob Manfred is strongly ______ of both. For the 2018 season, the league issued a set of new rules designed to do just that. Mound visits are limited. A timer countdown is designed to shorten the break between innings(局).

No one knows if any of these changes will significantly shorten games. According to MLB, the average length of a nine-inning outing this season has been three hours---about five minutes shorter than the 2017 average, itself the longest mean on record.

All of those proposed changes seem to ______ the point. I interviewed at least 100 semi-fans in their late teens and early 20s for my recent book. All considered themselves fans to some degree, though they ______   watched more than snatches—on iPads or smartphones. They told me it made no difference whether a game lasted two or three hours: they would not pay attention for _____ amount of time.

The historic May 14 Supreme Court decision allowing all states to legalize sports betting could have an impact on all this. More people will soon be able to gamble on sports while watching a game on their couch. But whether ______ gambling will attract more young people to baseball is a huge unknown. Many already gamble, both legally and illegally, on fantasy sports, but legalization will provide yet another ______ during games in real time. Will some states allow betting reports in broadcasts? Will it make the young more likely to bet on baseball than on other sports? Stay tuned.

I don’t know what will hook young people on baseball. But abandoning the game’s unique selling proposition---the timelessness that provides both suspense and great conversationhe educated fan -----is not the ______ . Baseball, Clark told me, is like a game of chess---and too many ______ - changes might turn it into something “more similar to a game of checkers.” Baseball may survive in spite of its challenges, precisely because it stands out and stands up against the short ______ spans that negatively affect every aspect of our culture, including politics and education. As Casey Stengel is reported to have said,” Never make predictions, especially about the future. ”

A.Held upB.taken upC.picked upD.fed up

三、语法填空 添加题型下试题

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较易(0.85)
阅读下面材料, 根据上下文在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The cool night filled us with eager anticipation as we began climbing Mount Tai. Along the way, we met fellow travelers, all     36     (pursue) the same goal: the sunrise. In the moonlight, their faces seemed     37     (familiar), but our shared purpose united us. “Keep going; we are almost there!” someone cheered, giving us the     38     (motivate) to continue as we paused for a break, “You can do it!” added another voice. These words of encouragement were like a warm wind, refreshing our tired bodies and minds. After about four hours, we finally reached the peak,     39     the temperature was     40     (noticeable) lower. Wrapping     41     (we) tightly in rented coats, we found a suitable spot and settled down to await the sunrise.

The sky gradually     42     (transform), shifting from deep blue to rosy colors. Suddenly a red sun jumped out from behind the clouds,     43     thousands of rays of light shone on the peak.     44     golden clouds delicately suspended in the air, Mount Tai appeared like a fairyland, creating a breathtakingly beautiful scene. Bathed in the brilliant sunlight, the entire mountain seemed to come alive with birds singing and trees swaying, as if nature itself was joining in the celebration of the new day.

    45     (strike) by the beauty of the moment, we sat there, feeling proud to have witnessed such a magical sight.

2024-05-25更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省四川大学附属中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期期中考试英语试卷

四、单词拼写 添加题型下试题

单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65)
46. In the Great Smog in 1952 in London, smog caused severe breathing problems and masses of people got________(感染).(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2024-05-25更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省四川大学附属中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期期中考试英语试卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 较易(0.85)
47. Hannah Fraser, an environment enthusiast, is a model and performance artist________(奉献) herself to ocean conservation. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2024-05-25更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省四川大学附属中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期期中考试英语试卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65)
48. In the nature reserve, a lot of ________ (鹿) are being looked after well by caregivers. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2024-05-25更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省四川大学附属中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期期中考试英语试卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65)
49. ________ (担心、关心) about Ben, who was on bad terms with his classmates, the Agony Aunt attempted to offer him some practical advice on how to fit in with them. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2024-05-25更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省四川大学附属中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期期中考试英语试卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 适中(0.65)
50. The first European settlers had a hard time_________(调整;使习惯) to the new surroundings in America. It was the local Indians who helped them get accustomed to the new life there. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2024-05-25更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省四川大学附属中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期期中考试英语试卷
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