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福建 高二 期中 2024-05-25 32次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

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阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85)

World’s Best Places to Visit

With a world full of fascinating destinations, choosing the perfect vacation spot can present a challenge. Use these recommendations to craft your travel list.

South Island

New Zealand’s South Is landfills with impressive landscapes at every turn, from dramatic mountains to grand channels. Here, you can admire the mountains of Fiordland National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, from hiking trails or a boat on Milford Sound. Besides, journey to the University of Canterbury’s Mount John Observatory to stare up at the starry skies at night.


The magnetic City of Light draws visitors from around the globe who come to see iconic attractions like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe. But what travelers really fall in love with are the city’s old-fashioned cafes, dynamic markets, and trendy shopping districts. Get lost wandering along the charming cobblestone streets, or relax on the banks of the Seine for hours.


Whether you’re driving along the Road to Hana, enjoying a bird’s-eye view of Maui’s long coastline from a helicopter, diving with sea turtles or simply relaxing on white or black sand beaches, you’ll find that this Hawaiian island is unlike any other tropical (热带的) destination. You should also attend a feast for local culture and a taste of Hawaiian specialties like poi, poke and mahimahi.

Bora Bora

Here, you’ll find charming beaches, thick jungles and luxurious resorts. The island’s extinct volcano, Mount Otemanu, makes for a great photo opportunity or challenging hike, and the friendly Bora Bora local scan help you catch the island’s best sights. To relax, head to Matira Beach for clear water and soft whites and. Although a trip to Bora Bora is very expensive, most travelers say it’s worth every penny.

1. Which place will be preferred by astronomy fans?
A.Paris.B.Maui.C.Bora Bora.D.South Island.
2. What can visitors do at Maui?
A.Enjoy local food.B.Drive along the coastline.
C.Go hiking around the island.D.Walk through shopping districts.
3. What do we know about Bora Bora?
A.Most of its locals serve as guides.B.It is a beach with fantastic scenery.
C.There are hiking trails in the jungles.D.It is appealing despite the costly trip.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)

Peterson Moturi journeyed to Nairobi, Kenya in 2014 to find a better life for himself. Initially, he would sell drinking water and groundnuts, as well as working as a car wash attendant before becoming a watchman for night duties. Since his goal was to join law school, he saved Kes 50, 000, which he used to pay for his admission to law school.

He applied for admission to the Kenya School of Law (KSL) in 2016 and was successful, but the biggest headache facing him was that he didn’t have enough money to pay his fees. Fortunately, he got some financial assistance from Mr. PLO Lumumba, who was then the school director and offered him a scholarship.

However, Moturi was then faced with the challenging task of working at night and attending class during the day. Unfortunately, when he sat for his final exams, he got a Pass, which could not allow him to move to the next stage, attaining a law degree. That meant he had to score at least a credit and find money to pay for his diploma courses. He decided to approach his employer, Radar Security, for help. He honestly told his boss that he failed and wondered if he could sponsor him for the diploma once again. To his surprise, his boss agreed, and in no time, he was back in class.

“Now I am a joyful man. I am graduating with a credit score. I can now go ahead, pursue a law degree and become an advocate,” he said at the graduation ceremony. Though dressed in the usual graduation regalia (礼服), Moturi somehow appeared different from his colleagues due to the security guard uiform he wore underneath. The 28-year-old man desires to help the less fortunate in society have access to justice.

4. What bothered Moturi most after he gained admission to the KSL?
A.Losing his day job.B.Lacking school fees.
C.Feeding his family.D.Failing in his final exams.
5. Why did Moturi decide to score at least a credit?
A.To enable his boss to sponsor him.
B.To succeed in obtaining the scholarship.
C.To graduate from the KSL ahead of time.
D.To qualify for admission for a law degree.
6. How did Moturi support himself while studying in the KSL?
A.By selling daily articles.B.By offering car washing service.
C.By serving as a night watchman.D.By asking his family for financial help.
7. Which of the following can best describe Peterson Moturi?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)

Online grocery delivery has skyrocketed (飞涨) all over the world. Since COVID-19 cases have been declining, new companies such as Zapp, GoPuff, or Getir have entered the grocery delivery market with a mission to permanently change consumer habits. These rapid grocery delivery services make a novel promise: Groceries can be delivered within minutes to your door. This option sounds great to busy parents who cannot leave their children alone to pop into the store or people who have guests and urgently need a few extra beers without leaving the house. However, shoppers should watch out for the allure (诱惑) of rapid delivery whenever possible.

While a one-time rapid delivery is certainly harmless for the shopper and the whole market, repeatedly using such services will ultimately harm grocery shops and corner shops. So far, rapid delivery companies have been backed by capital fund (资金) to finance their costs,but they need to be profitable in the long run to survive. So they will push up prices and gradually cancel promotions once their capital funding has dried up. Last week, a delivery company was reported to have shut down after running out of cash, leaving its workers jobless. We should think about the serious outcome that may come up, such as much less lively cities that miss the small shops and delivery workers who face tight deadlines and little job security.

As consumers,we often think that our daily decisions are harmless. Just as one doughnut (甜甜圈) doesn’t compromise our healthy diet and one skipped workout doesn’t affect our fitness,one rapid delivery will not harm the little shops that make our neighborhood lively. Research shows that consumers who perform a behavior regularly for about six weeks have created a habit. So ordering rapid delivery every day will hurt our neighborhoods and make us poorer once prices increase.

Thus, approach the rapid delivery option as you would refuse to accept any other allure. Be careful not to create a habit that you might later come to regret.

8. What makes rapid grocery delivery appealing to consumers?
A.Saving time and energy.B.Avoiding disease exposure.
C.Following the global trend.D.Buying highly desirable goods.
9. What consequence may the massive growth of rapid delivery have?
A.Job market will be less completive.
B.Delivery services will make more profits.
C.Local commercial business will be promoted.
D.Small shops and delivery workers will be hurt.
10. What is the function of paragraph 3?
A.To explain the harm of bad habits.B.To make the argument more persuasive.
C.To add some background information.D.To stress the value of decision-making.
11. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Delivery companies will change how we shop
B.How can we manage to avoid being cheated online?
C.Shoppers should try to resist the allure of rapid delivery
D.How do grocery delivery companies affect small stores?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)

The sound of children’s laughter is not something you often hear at a hospital. Yet in the hallways of Children’s Health of Orange County (CHOC Hospital) in Orange, California, the joyous sound of kids having fun will soon be a common occurrence. That’s because Honda teamed up with the hospital to create a first-of-its-kind electric car made just for kids!

Shogo is the child-sized electric ride-on car, which was built by Honda through their charitable “Project Courage”, an initiative aimed at adding some much-needed happiness to the days of children battling with serious illnesses in hospital.

Shogo was made entirely by Honda’s engineers, and they’re incredibly proud of it. The car has been used at CHOC in place of wheelchairs. Now, patients can drive themselves to their treatment s in various parts of the hospital, giving them a reason to look forward to these procedures instead of dreading them.

Shogo is meant for child drivers aged 4 through 9. The car has a simple stop/go mechanism they can easily use, and it’s capable of going about one to five miles per hour. Don’t worry, though; the speed is controlled not by the kids but by a nurse or caregiver walking alongside the car.

Safety was at the top of the engineers’ minds when making Shogo. Besides, the vehicle has no doors so kids can easily get in and out, a soft-to-the-touch interior that can be washed to stay sanitary (卫生的) in a hospital setting, and it comes equipped with an I. V. pole holder. There’s even a toy holder and a horn with different sound options, and kids can create their own custom license plate for the built-in holder. So far, every patient who has tried Shogo has absolutely loved it!

What a fantastic invention! There’s nothing more beautiful than the sound of kids having fun, and we’re so delighted that caregivers at CHOC will get to hear that sound more often from now on.

12. Why does Honda build Shogo with CHOC Hospital?
A.To improve the service quality of nurses.
B.To initiate the charitable “Project Courage”.
C.To make hospital stay more fun for sick kids.
D.To help patients know their treatment procedures.
13. What does the underlined word “dreading” mean in paragraph 3?
A.Being busy with.B.Being afraid of.C.Catching up with.D.Taking control of.
14. What can help keep child drivers safe when they drive the Shogo?
A.The little patients’ driving license.B.The advanced equipment on the car.
C.The design by the Honda’s engineers.D.The company of a nurse or a caregiver.
15. What can be inferred from paragraph 5?
A.Shogo can be easily controlled by the child drivers.
B.Shogo can offer a tiny patient a pleasant experience.
C.More Shogoes will be used in place of wheelchairs.
D.Honda’s engineers are proud of the design of Shogo.
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