组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 天气与气候 > 描绘天气
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:105 题号:10157462

Beijing embraces second snow this winter. The second snowfall of Beijing hit the capital Sunday evening,     1     (affect) traffic routes and scenic areas on Monday.

Starting at about 7 pm on Sunday, the snow fell from the city’s south,     2     (gradual) covering the entire capital     3     turning to moderate snow Monday morning, according to the Beijing Meteorological Bureau. The snowfall ended at noon and the blue alert     4     (issue) for a blizzard (暴风雪) was removed in the afternoon.

More than 50,000 workers and over 6,500 snow removal     5     (vehicle) were set up     6     (ensure) road safety. Flights and subway lines, as well as bus routes, have been affected when     7     snow hit the capital.

On Sunday Beijing issued a blue alert for a blizzard, the first blizzard alert this winter. A yellow alert for     8     (ice) roads was issued as well. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe, followed     9     orange, yellow and blue.

In late November, the capital     10     (experience) its first snow of the winter.

【知识点】 描绘天气 天气预报


语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Have you ever heard thunder during a big snowstorm? If so, you’ve experienced an     1    (extreme)rare weather occurrence.

The things necessary for thundersnow are so uncommon     2    it’s reported that only 0.07 percent of snowstorms     3    (link)with thunder. This explains the excited     4    (react)from the witness to a recent thundersnow

Thundersnow-when thunder and lightning occur during a snowstorm-is most likely     5    (happen)during late winter or early spring when a mass of cold air meets warm air near the ground.

Patrick Market from University of Missouri, says that heavy snowfall is common during thundersnow. In a 30-year study of snowstorms     6    (concern)lightning. Market found that there’s an 86 percent chance that at least 6 inches of snow will accumulate within a 70-mile radius(半径)of the lightning. He says     7    (witness)thundersnow is a matter of being in the right place       8    the right time, but even then, you likely won’t see much.

Thundersnow is most common in the Midwest, the Great Lakes and along coasts     9    moisture(水汽) from warm water can easily evaporate(蒸发)into the colder, drier air above. Some of the places that most frequently report the rare weather event     10    (be) Wolf Creek Pass, Colorado; Bozeman, Montana; and the shores of Lake Ontario.

2020-07-31更新 | 56次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

During my recent travels in China, I went from the top to the bottom of the country. I was astonished at     1     different the weather was in different cities.

The weather was     2     (freeze) cold in Harbin, but felt much warmer in Shanghai, Guilin, Qingdao and Yangshuo. Each place has a different feel and allows you     3     (experience) different things.

In Qingdao, we ate seafood, drank beer and even swam in the sea. In Harbin, we wore our warmest jackets and saw the     4     (amaze) ice and snow sculptures (雕塑).

Shanghai reminded me     5     a city in Europe or America. There are lots of Western cafes.

Guilin was a good place to be touring around during Spring Festival. Fireworks     6     (fill) the sky and the streets were busy with happy people. I visited several old buildings and walked around a beautiful lake.

But Yangshuo     7     (be) my favorite place so far. I could not stop taking     8     (photo) of the beautiful mountains and the Lijiang River. I rode a bicycle along the Yulong River in the warm sun. I ate strawberries and drank tea that came from farms in the mountains.

Now, I am back in Beijing. I am looking forward to     9     next trip. I think I     10     (go) to another warm place!.

2020-03-12更新 | 74次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

At the Tube Station, I see the title “Hot! Hot! Hot!” from a free newspaper. Today, the temperature in London is expected     1     (reach) 30 plus degrees! It is going to be awful on the Central Line, with no air conditioning. Going down the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano     2     is erupting. I will avoid the feeling by     3     (think) about work. I work in a tall, glass building. One very hot summer, the sun     4     (reflect) off it and melted cars parked below!

Each summer in London seems     5     (hot) than the last. Perhaps it is time to start planning for the future: I will need to learn to swim! I will join a beginner’s swimming class     6     (immediate). Once the tall buildings     7     (flood), I will be able to survive.

Looking through my newspaper, I’m shocked by photos showing that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town. Experts say this bad weather has occurred due     8     climate change. Now that it is hard to avoid a disaster on Earth, perhaps I should start considering moving to space... “    9     next station is Bank!” comes the     10     (announce), and it interrupted my thoughts.

2024-07-25更新 | 23次组卷
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