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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:112 题号:10270021

What do top minds from various fields think about     1     life will be like in 30 years? Mathematical biologist Joel Cohen says that the majority of the people in the world will live in urban areas. According to Bill Mitchell, director of MIT’s Smart Cities research group, by 2050 self-driving cars     2     (make) the roads safer, providing more efficient transports. To find out more about the predictions of future life, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I     3     (attend) a seminar held by the Future World Forum.

【知识点】 畅想未来


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Have you ever wondered what life is like in a smart city? Well, when you go to a certain shopping mall now, you can enjoy     1    (it) free Wi-Fi there. When you want to take a taxi, you can book one with your phone. In fact, all these can be seen     2     the basic parts of a smart city.

The idea of a smart city     3    (bring) up by the US company IBM in 2010. Generally, a mart city is a city     4     uses digital technologies such as the Internet to improve the     5    (manage) of the city, save money and resources, and make our life     6    (easy) and more convenient.

In 2009, Dubuque became the first smart city in the US.     7    (use) a smart system, people were able to make better use of their resources, like water, electricity and     8    (nature) gas. This way, they helped reduce waste.

Santander in Spain also gives us     9     look at the future. The government provides an app that collects data on almost everything: light, temperature, and the movements of cars and people. Open the app near a supermarket,     10     you’ll find immediate information on special offers.

2023-12-04更新 | 88次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

There are many     1     (predict) about what the future will be like,but no one knows for sure. There will be many new     2     (innovation) in technology. These new advances will make thousands of new products available that people may hardly resist     3     (buy). However,not everyone may have the money to integrate new technology     4     their lives, and some people may not have access to those products that will combine convenience     5    comfort. In light of such     6     (prospect), many people who have     7     good command of the latest technology are persuaded     8     (work) hard to make new products cheaper, and hence everyone can benefit from it.

昨日更新 | 3次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

The Change 4 spacecraft landed on the so-called dark side of the moon at 10:26 am on Thursday, brought the country    1    (close)to its goal of becoming a space power. Change 4 sent a picture    2    ( take) at 11:40 am back to Earth. It shows that the moons far side is not    3    (absolute) dark. But it is often called the dark side because it faces away from Earth and little    4    (know) about it. In fact,the far side of the moon is a rather quiet place that is free from disturbance from radio    5    (signal) from the Earth.

Hou Xiyun is a professor at Nanjing Universitys school of astronomy and space science,     6    told the Associated Press,       7    the whole, Chinas space technology still lags behind the West,with the landing on the far side of the moon, we have raced to the front.

He added,”The landing is    8    example of Chinas growing desire     9    (strengthen) its position as an international power.

China plans to explore Mars, Jupiter and asteroids in the future.

Theres no doubt that our nation will go farther and farther.

Its hoped     10     our space dream to make China stronger will come true soon.

2019-01-30更新 | 107次组卷
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