组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:471 题号:10501537

On March 3, Eric Johnson was asleep when the family’s six-year-old Australian shepherd, Bella, woke him up. Bella was acting unpredictably, giving Johnson the sense that “something just didn’t feel right.” Bella sensed danger, and alerted the family to the tornado that soon destroyed their home.

When Johnson woke up, he turned on the TV and found out that a tornado was headed toward their town of Cookeville, Tennessee. He quickly grabbed his wife and their three children and put them in the bathtub. Nearly 45 minutes later, around 2:00 am, the tornado hit and destroyed the house. Johnson was thrown into the backyard.

Johnson said, “Bella was hiding under our bed when the tornado hit our house. She was thrown into our yard and survived and was missing after that. It was hard for us knowing she had survived but we couldn’t find her. She was the piece of our family that was missing.” The furious 175 mph twister destroyed everything in its path. The Johnsons would not have survived if not for Bella.

Johnson suffered a head injury and his wife had broken ribs, but they soon set about searching for their beloved heroic dog. They left pieces of clothing around the destroyed neighborhood, hoping that Bella would recognize the scent and find her way back home. Church friend and dog tracker Sarah Romeyn also joined in.

She borrowed cameras from a local animal rescue group and set them up in areas where people reported seeing her. She also worked with other dog trackers and even sought tips from residents with the help of the Putnam County Police Department.

When leads dried up, the Johnsons and Romeyn pressed on. “I was still finding time searching in parking lots, but it was tough. Because nobody had found a body, in rescue you can’t give up until you know you don’t have a positive outcome. And I hadn’t given up,” Romeyn said.

Paragraph 1: In time, they found a glimmer of hope when Romeyn got a call from friend Karen Ritacco, who said that Bella was behind her shop._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     Paragraph 2: Romeyn was happy to play a part in the rescue, but also credits the community for their help.___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2020·山东泰安·三模 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 故事 自然灾害与防范


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Never give up! Never give up!” shouted my young children Max and Charley, as they marched barefoot behind their grandmother Mimi.

Mimi was leading Max and Charley on yet another adventure, straight off the beach where they had spent the day building sand castles and splashing in the waves. This time, they were seeking the ice-cream truck that was difficult to catch.

Over the years, Mimi had become our family’s symbol of positively. It was a title she earned with a lot of efforts. Having been widowed (丧偶) at only forty years old and left to raise me and my ten-year-old brother alone, she faced heart-breaking tragedy powerful enough to cloud just about anyone’s optimistic outlook. She had been the one who had to make the decision to remove our dad from life support fourteen days after he was in a car accident.

She could have lived under a black cloud. Instead, she challenged herself to find joy every day. She was always up for a new challenge, whether that was hiking across the steep, rocky terrain of a mountaintop in Austria to get a better view of the breathtaking landscape, or signing up for tap-dancing classes at fifty. Leading by example, Mom taught us just how much one could accomplish with a positive attitude.

She has taken the same approach in her relationship with her grandchildren. She always encourages and pushes them through various “adventures”, from sand-castle building to ice-cream-truck catching. Before starting her adventure with Max and Charley on that hot July afternoon, Mimi heard the familiar clang of the ice-cream man’s bell from her beach chair. She turned and saw him briefly, spotting his green shirt and catching the light reflected from his waving bell before he turned and disappeared over the dunes. Happily, the ice-cream man’s visit is a daily occurrence at the beach, although the lag time between the sound of his bell and the departure of his truck is not long. One must be quick to catch him, or he will set off for the next stop.

注意:(1) 续写词数应为150左右;
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Paragraph 1:
Max and Charley were disappointed when they didn’t catch the ice-cream man in time.
Paragraph 2:
After about twenty minutes of walking, my kids’ faith in catching him began to weaken.
2023-05-05更新 | 148次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Julia always enjoyed running through The Dark Walk towards the light at the end of it. It was a dark, damp tunnel (隧道) made of smooth branches. This year she had the extra joy of showing it to her small brother, Stephen, and terrifying him as well as herself.

One day they found a hole on one side of the walk. Inside there was water, in which they perceived a panting trout (喘息的鳟鱼). They were both so excited that they were no longer afraid of the darkness as they bent down and peered at the fish panting in his tiny prison, his silver stomach going up and down like an engine; otherwise he was motionless. Julia wondered what he ate and thought of his hunger. She found him a worm. He ignored the food, and just went on panting. Bending over him, she thought how he had been in there. All the winter, in the dark tunnel, all day, all night, floating around alone.

Nobody knew how the fish got there. Her mother suggested that a bird had carried the egg. Her father thought that in the winter a small stream might have carried it down there as a baby, and it has been safe until summer came and the water began to dry up. Before they went to bed, Stephen asked his mummy the whole story of the trout, not really interested in the actual trout, but in the story which his mum began to make up for him, and Julia, in her bed, presented her back to them and read her book. But she kept one ear cocked. “And so, in the end, this naughty fish got bigger and bigger, and the water got smaller and smaller...” Passionately, she turned around and cried, “Mummy, don’t make it a horrible old moral story. Her mom even brought in a fairy (仙子), who had made it rain and filled the hole, so that the trout could float away down to the river below. Staring at the moon she knew there was no such thing as a fairy and that trout, down in the tunnel, was panting for his life.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

She sat up in the silent night and Stephen was sound asleep.


Julia poured the trout out of the pot into the river.

2024-02-29更新 | 68次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Missus Sommers one day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money. For a day or two she walked around in a dreamy state as she thought about her choices. Her daughter Janie was wearing worn shoes and needed new ones. She would buy cloth for new shirts for the boys. Her daughter Mag should have another dress. And still there would be enough left for new stockings for her children. The idea about how to spend the dollars made her restless with excitement.

On the day she planned to go shopping with the money, she ate a light meal- no! Between getting the children fed and the house cleaned, and preparing herself to go shopping, she forgot to eat at all!

When she arrived at the large department store, she spotted a pile of silk stockings at the entrance. A sign nearby announced that they had been reduced in price a young girl behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine the silky leg coverings. She smiled as if she had been asked to inspect diamond jewelry, and started to feel the soft, expensive items. Missus Sommers picked up a black pair and looked at them closely. Two red marks suddenly showed on her pale face. She looked up at the shop girl and said proudly, “Well, I will buy this pair.”

Missus Sommers changed her cotton stockings for the new silk ones in the ladies’ rest area. She had let herself be controlled by some machine-like force that directed her actions and freed her of responsibility. How good was the touch of the silk on her skin! Then she put her shoes back on and put her old stockings into her bag. Next, she went to the shoe department, where she tried on a pair of new boots. Her foot and ankle looked lovely. She could not believe that they were a part of herself.

Paragraph 1:

After buying a pair of new boots, she walked into the clothing department.

Paragraph 2:

She was about to leave the store when a kid running around reminded her of something.

2020-05-27更新 | 388次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般