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Last Saturday, I went out to see a film after supper. On my     1     to the cinema, I met an Englishman. He looked puzzled (茫然的). So I walked up to him and said     2     to him. His     3     name was Kevin. I asked if I could help him. He told me he had     4     his way. So I     5     up the opportunity to see the film and took Kevin to his hotel.    6     going there, I told him the great changes that had taken place in my hometown in the     7     few years and Kevin told me     8     interesting about his country.

Though I didn’t see the film, I felt very     9    ,for I had not only helped Kevin get out of     10     but also practiced my spoken English. I also realized that if I had not worked hard at English, I would not have been able to help Kevin.

19-20高一·全国·假期作业 查看更多[1]


选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: Fill m each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. access             B. created             C. donating             D. opportunity             E. pick             F. purchase
G. promoting       H. recycle             I. rewarding             J. serving                    K. started

Amazing Kids of the Month — Hannah and Alexander Laman

Hannah and Alexander Laman, 11-year-old twins from Ohio, love reading. They both love reading so much that it is almost impossible to     1     a favourite book. “I have many favourite books. If I had to select one, it would be Believe It or Not,” Hannah said.

So when these two young bookworms heard that some children didn’t have     2     to books, they believed that was a problem they just couldn’t ignore. In 2011, they     3     Adopt A Book, an organisation that donates books to schools and programmes in need. “We wanted to make a difference because we love reading lots of books,” Alexander said. They     4     by sharing their own books, and then the organisation grew by taking book donations from others.

So far, the twins’ organisation has donated over 45,000 books to schools, and programmes     5     children in need from Cincinnati to as far away as Zimbabwe.

With a successful book-    6     organisation that just keeps expanding, what’s ahead for these two? Well, they’ve already started it! Hannah and Alexander are     7     literacy for children through their Little Free Library.

“The library is free and you can take a book and leave a book the twins’ mum, Angela, explained.” This has encouraged many kids and adults to     8     their reading materials and also encourage others to read.

The twins have received many rewards through promoting literacy. “Other kids have the     9     to read and own books of their own. That’s the most     10     part of sharing books with others,” said Hannah.

Maybe you want to start small. Collect gently-used books from your home that you don’t need anymore, and donate them to Adopt A Book. Any little bit that you can do truly makes a difference!

2021-10-14更新 | 110次组卷
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【推荐2】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. launched     B. utilized     C. complete     D. jointly     E. further     F. realized
G. currently     H. accessible     I. specifically     J. recognized     K. reliable

Sanofi Launches Grant (拨款) to Help Children with Dlabetes (糖尿病)

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of China-Franco diplomatic ties, the French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi cooperated with the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation to     1     unveil the Sanofi China Charity Grant on Thursday, as part of the company’s efforts to     2     participate in the Chinese market and contribute to local people’s livelihoods.

As one of the first French companies to enter China, Sanofi has continuously increased investment and promoted innovation in the health care sector over the past few decades. The company has been committed to making innovative medicine and medical services more     3     to Chinese people, said Wayne Shi, president of Sanofi Greater China.

Olivier Charmel, the company’s executive vice-president, said Sanofi has benefited a lot from its long-term investment in China and will always stand as a     4     partner. The company expects to further contribute to the exchanges between China and France not only in the field of health care, but also in science, economy, and culture.

Shi said the company     5     the Sanofi China Charity Grant with an aim to better meet the health needs in China, and its first project will     6     focus on diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents.

Ji Linong, director of Department of Endocrinology at Peking University People’s Hospital, highly     7     the importance of the diabetes project at a panel discussion held after the launch ceremony. He said China     8     ranks fourth in the world for the number of children and adolescents suffering from type I diabetes.

With the help of the charity grant, Ji said he expects China to establish a more     9     health care system especially for type I diabetes. Doctors, professional equipment and nutritionists should be provided to help patients correctly inject insulin and effectively control blood sugar levels.

In addition to diabetes, the Sanofi China Charity Grant will also be     10     to combat other diseases such as immunity diseases. It is expected to directly benefit over 10, 000 people and indirectly benefit more than one million people in the next three years.

2024-04-15更新 | 44次组卷
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【推荐3】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. establish   B. address   C. practices   D. inconvenient   E. issues   F. demonstrating   G. currently
H. hopefully   I. complete   J. approach   K. install

Providing Houses with Heart

Homelessness is not usually a simple matter of “rooflessness.” Some causes of homelessness are personal, such as     1     with physical or mental health, addiction and domestic violence. Other causes are systemic an over-priced housing market, job loss in a weak economy and poor government policies. Since both kinds of causes keep the problem occur, we must     2     both to solve the problem. Thankfully, innovative organizations are rising to meet the challenge.

3D-printed houses

Brett Hagler personally witnessed the homelessness caused by Haiti’s 2010 earthquake. That thoughtful experience prompted him to     3     New Story, an organization that helps destroyed communities recover by building houses faster, better and, hopefully, cheaper.

New Story is,     4     working on building the world's first 3D-printed neighborhood in Tabasco Mexico. It takes about 24 hours to “print” the walls of a house, after which local workers     5     the roof, doors and plumbing. The houses are designed to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes and will     6     last for generations. After developing and demonstrating their methods in Tabasco, New Story intends to offer the use of their technology to governments and other housing nonprofits.

A bridge that can't be burned

Abilene, Texas, is seeing success through an innovative     7     to homelessness called Built for Zero. Built for Zero team members believe that with homelessness, the problem isn't the people; it's the systems. So while they're developing personal relationships with homeless “neighbors,” they're simultaneously helping with problems like inefficient housing assistance policies and     8    

They practice “radical hospitality,” which means learning every person's name and treating them like they're important. They take people out for coffee, fix cars and charge batteries in the homeless camps. They help neighbors     9     the assessment process for housing assistance when they're ready, even when it's     10    . “Radical hospitality promotes the dignity and worth of those we serve,” they explain, “and it produces the best results.” They want to be a “bridge that can't be burned.”

2021-06-22更新 | 79次组卷
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