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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:462 题号:10520257

As you can see, many Chinese families drink tea after dinner or serve tea when     1     (greet) visitors. This is not only a healthy habit but also shows rich culture and history. Chinese people can chat with a friend for a whole afternoon over a pot of good tea. In China, tea can be commonly seen as     2     sign of respect to the older generation. In the Chinese traditional wedding ceremony,     3     ( express) their gratitude (感谢),both the bride and bridegroom kneel in front of their parents and serve them tea. People also make a serious     4     (apologize) to others by presenting tea. These various tea     5     (custom) make up the rich Chinese tea culture.

As for     6     (it) history, tea, originating from China, is consumed around the world now. About 2,000 years ago, tea     7     (introduce ) in Chinese texts as a healthy drink that made people live longer. Additionally, both green and black tea are said to be useful to prevent cancer, heart disease, and many other deadly diseases. The only thing     8     people should be aware of is that tea should not be drunk along     9     meals.

Today, tea is gaining popularity around the world. In Japan, a tea ceremony is often held while people are drinking tea together. The ceremony, usually     10     (host) in a teahouse, dates from the 16th century.

【知识点】 饮食习俗


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易 (0.85)

Chinese Medicine Food

Medicine food is     1     unique cooking style in Chinese cuisine. It is a perfect combination (合并) of Chinese cooking and traditional Chinese medicine to get the effects of health keeping. It is a skillful application of the yin and yang (阴阳) theory     2     (strength) the function of food and herbs.

The Chinese sort each type of vegetable and meat in terms of yin and yang, and combine vegetables with meat,     3     will make each cooked dish balanced.

During the 5th century BC, cooks created cuisines with medical values and developed Chinese art of cooking,     4     (use) the nature of food to balance the diet. There were rules on how to arrange daily diet and lists of certain herbs and vegetables beneficial     5     the body.

By the Song dynasty,     6     was recorded that many diseases could be cured through proper diet. Different foods were sorted according to their original mature. Cold foods     7     (believe) to remove fever whale warm foods reduce running noses.

Knowing the nature of individual foods     8     (enable) the Chinese to eat right food to protect     9     (vary) of inside organs and balance the yin and yang of the body. For example, sour food eases some disorders.     10     (slight) sweet food relieves illness related to the veins and bitter food helps to cure an overheated body.

2022-05-11更新 | 161次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

There are four major cooking styles in China: Sichuan, Cantonese, Shandong and Huaiyang, with each     1    (have) dozens of branches. All styles are represented in Beijing with thousands of restaurants. In addition, recent years     2     (see) the emergence of restaurants offering French, Russian and Italian foods as well as American fast food.   

Peking Duck has the reputation of being the     3     (delicious) food in the world. The Chinese have a saying: Visitors to Beijing must do two things: climb the Great Wall and eat Peking Duck. Over 800 years when Beijing served as the nation’s capital, a cooking style     4     (cater) to the royal court developed into a major school on a par with other national cuisine. Today, ordinary people can sample food of this cooking style,     5     was formerly reserved for royals only. Restaurants specializing in court food are not only meticulous about the quality of raw food     6     (select), but lay great emphasis     7     the ambiance and decoration of the dining rooms.

One evening in early 1993, 35 Chinese and foreign tourists clad in clothes that made them the look-alikes of       8     Qing emperor, his queen, his concubines and court officials filed into the Fang Shan Restaurant. They were the fifth group     9     (sample) Man Han Quan Xi, or Feast of Complete Manchu-Han Courses, in the 70-year history of the restaurant. A Beijinger who has long resided abroad says:     10     miss most are the numerous snacks back home.

2024-07-01更新 | 74次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易 (0.85)

Identity     1     (be) an important topic among the overseas Chinese since Chinese traders established Chinatowns throughout Indonesia in the 1400s,     2    (kick) off centuries of Chinese migration (移民) all over the world.

The later generations of these waves of migration have shaped and been shaped by each of     3     (they) new homes. Many of the Chinese overseas locate home in comforting regional Chinese dishes which they     4     (eat) during childhood.

For many of them, home tastes are like a mix of markedly Chinese foods and foods which are not     5     (typical) Chinese. “Cantonese cuisine values vividly fresh ingredients (原料), so my parents loved searching for the best     6     was available off the Pacific West Coast,” said Lee F. Man, Chinese-Canadian food writer and founder of the Chinese Restaurant Awards. “Fish caught by my father, cabbages     7     (gather) by my mother, and locally raised chickens all made their way     8     our dinner table.”

Many interviewees described their kitchens as windows into their true     9     (self). “To a lot of these people,” they said, “dining table is a safe and comfortable space, because home cooking is allowing you to feel your Chinese identity.”

Gabe Chan,     10     Chinese-Canadian chef, said in his interview, “Chinese food existed before us and will exist long after us. Chinese food forever.”

2024-01-19更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般