组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 做人与做事 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:952 题号:10724996

My daughter was being thrown out of the sixth grade. The teacher said, “She may not be up to what we’re trying to accomplish.” He was really saying she didn’t have the intelligence. I got mad because I knew she was smart, just as my father had known I was smart when I was failing in school. We had her tested. I decided to get myself tested as well, and found that the troubles she was having were exactly what I had had — dyslexia. By then I was a successful television writer, and had won an Emmy Award for “The Rockford Files.”

If I had known earlier that something beyond my control could explain why I was a low achiever, I may not have worked so hard in my late 20s and early 30s. I was writing and writing. I was working for no other reason than to hear people praise me, because I did badly in all my courses.

I once asked a friend who had always gotten an A, “How long did you study for this?” He said, “I didn’t. I just glanced at it.” So he must be smarter. I began to ask, “What will happen to me when I’m not good at anything?” Despite my doubts, I did become successful, and people now say to me, “So you’ve overcome dyslexia.”

No. You don’t overcome it, you learn to compensate for it. Some easy things are very hard for me. Most people who go through college read twice as fast as I do. I avoid dialing a phone if I can, because I sometimes have to try three times to get the number right.

Despite my weaknesses I view dyslexia as a gift, not a curse (诅咒). Many dyslexics are good at right-brain, abstract thought, and that’s what my kind of creative writing is. And I can write quickly, and can get up to 15 pages a day. Writing is my strength.

The real fear I have for dyslexic children is not they have to struggle in school, but that they will quit on themselves before they get out of school. Parents have to create victories for them, whether it’s music, sports or art. You can make your dyslexic child able to say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have other things I can do.”

1. The writer decided to get himself tested as well because he________.
A.wanted to know if they had the same problem
B.didn’t believe his daughter had the problem
C.had to take a regular medical examination
D.accepted that his daughter was not smart
2. We can learn from the second paragraph that the writer________.
A.struggled and got better grades
B.didn’t work hard when he was young
C.was praised for overcoming dyslexia
D.was thankful not knowing of dyslexia earlier
3. According to the passage, a dyslexic person________.
A.is less intelligentB.always fails in school
C.reads more slowly than normal peopleD.performs worse in left-brain activities
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Clumsy birds have to start flying early.B.God shuts one door but opens another.
C.Never judge a person by his appearance.D.No one can make a good coat with bad cloth.


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Everybody has been rejected .Being rejected often makes you disappointed , depressed and angry .     1    

1. Realize it’s inevitable

Let’s face it .Not everyone is going to think you are as indispensable and wonderful as your mom does .The expression , “Get used to rejection “ may be trite and overused , but it certainly is true .

2 See rejection as an opportunity to learn

    2    Even if you were rejected unfairly , there is always something positive you can take away from the experience .

3.If you deserved to be rejected , then own it .

Sometimes , believe it or not , we all deserve to be turned down for something .Take responsibility for any foolish decisions you made , or behavior in which you engaged .     3    

4. Be compassionate toward others who face rejection

Once your heart’s been broken by that rejection email , you can empathize with others who are going through the same thing . Be there for them .And someday you may have to write that rejection email .     4    

5. Take the high road

Avoid the temptation to blast the person or organization that just turned you down ,especially on social media .You can never take that tweet or Face book status down .It’s there forever . If you must speak to the experience of rejection publicly , then let your words reflect grace and dignity .


If you give up on that book idea ,business venture , grad school idea , or whatever , then your experience of being rejected was a waste . Never let a devastating , cry-your-eyes -out , come -from -nowhere experience of being rejected go to waste .

A.Don’t give up .
B.Actually , we can learn a lot from rejection .
C.Rejection can hurt a person easily .
D.Don’t let yourself move on until you can verbalize to yourself at least three lessons from the experience of rejection .
E.If you are rejected , you should think about the reason why others reject .
F.When you do , remember how it feels to be on the receiving end .
G.Then ,do yourself a favor : don’t repeat the error .
2021-07-26更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There once was a master who went to India. in those times, we didn’t have the communications or airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now. So the master went to India on foot. he had never been to India before; perhaps he came from Persia. And when he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. In India they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is expensive because they can’t grow much due to the water situation. So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive at all.

So he went up and asked, ‘How much per kilo?’ And the shopkeeper said, ‘Two rupees.’ Two rupees in India is nothing; it’s like dirt. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it: Oh, my God! His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burned, his eyes were burning, his head was burning and his face became red. As he coughed and gasped for breath, he jumped up and down, saying, ‘Ah!Ah!Ah!’

But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, ‘You’re crazy, man. Those are chilies! You can’t eat so many; they’re not good for you! People use them as a condiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can’t just eat them by the handful like that; they’re not fruit!’ So the stupid master said, ‘No, I can’t stop! I paid money for them, and now I’ll eat them. It’s my money!’

And you think that master was stupid, right? Similarly, we sometimes do a lot of things like that. We invest money, time or effort in a relationship, business or job. And even though it’s been a long time, bitter expereince tells us it won’t work, and we know there’s no more hope that things will change in the future - this we definitely know by intuition - we still continue just because we’ve invested money, time, effort and love into it. If so, we’re kaput(故障)in the brain. Just like the man who ate the chilies and suffered so much but couldn’t stop because he didn’t want to waste the money he’d paid. ________________________. That’s better than continuing to lose.

1. After the master went to India, ________.
A.he bought much fruitB.he thought the fruit there was just like dirt
C.he bought some chiliesD.he ate a lot of fruit
2. The function of ________ is similar to ‘condiment’ (Paragraph 3) when cooking?
3. Which sentence can be added before ‘That’s better than continuing to lose?’
A.No pains, no gains.
B.We can’t waste anything.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.
D.So even if you’ve lost something, let it go and move on.
4. Which of the following words can best describe the master?
2020-10-17更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What Makes Me “Me”?

My culture comes from where I am from and where I was raised. I am an American. I was born and raised in Alaska. My ethnic background is German, English, and Scottish. Culture is all about family. It is a family’s belief systems, the cultural traditions that are celebrated, and the special holidays and events that occur in the year.

My parents raised me with a lot of beliefs that have had an impact on who I am today. These are the beliefs that don’t just belong to my culture, but they come straight from the values of my family.     1     I was raised to believe that through hard work, I could become successful and have a good life. I strive to do this every day and to be good at my life and my jobs. I’m not really religious.     2     I believe that if you are a good person to others, you will be rewarded for it in many ways.

There are a lot of cultural traditions that my family has. Some are from my cultural background and some are from the place where I was raised. I raise my son to have manners and to be well behaved. I raise him to know that hard work is important and that he is expected to put his best effort into things.

    3     We gather every summer in Haines so that all the cousins can grow up together. Birthdays were always important events while growing up. My mom was excited to celebrate every holiday. Trick or treating on Halloween, hiding baskets on Easter, giving out cards to classmates on Valentine’s Day, wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day, and of course loads of presents under the tree on Christmas morning. My parents always made holidays a big deal, so now my son also gets to be excited for them every year.

My culture makes me a person that celebrates life. My family has a lot of good friends and we are usually a good part of the community.     4     We like to go outdoors and have adventures. My belief systems, cultural traditions, and special events have made me a happy person who is fun to be around and who can have a positive impact on others.

A.Holidays are when my family gathers and has a good time together.
B.School education has civilized me with a mind for peace and calm.
C.I believe that women are more intelligent than men because my mother is a strong woman.
D.Summer is the time when we always organize some special events as a big family.
E.However, I know that it is important to follow the golden rule and to treat others with dignity and respect.
F.We take care of each other and try to treat others with respect.
2021-12-01更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般