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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:280 题号:10806958

It’s time to reevaluate how women handle conflict at work. Being overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life. It will only slow you down and hinder(阻碍) your career goals.

Did you know women are more likely than men to feel exhausted? Nearly twice as many women than men ages 18-44 reported feeling drained of energy, according to a recent study.

This may not be surprising given that this is the age range when women have children. It’s also the age range when many women are trying to balance careers and home. One reason women may feel exhausted is that they have a hard time saying “no.” Women want to be able to do it all—volunteer for school parties or cook delicious meals—and so their answer to any request is often “Yes, I can.”

Women struggle to say “no” in the workplace for similar reasons, including the desire to be liked by their colleagues. Unfortunately, this inability to say “no” may be hurting women’s health as well as their career.

At the workplace, men use conflict as a way to position themselves, while women often avoid conflict or strive to be the peacemaker, because they don’t want to be viewed as aggressive at work. For example, there’s a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, resulting in a dispute over who should be the one to fix it. Men are more likely to face that dispute from the perspective of what benefits them most, whereas women may approach the same dispute from the perspective of what’s the easiest and quickest way to resolve the problem—even if that means doing the boring work themselves.

This difference in handling conflict could be the deciding factor on who gets promoted to a leadership position and who does not. Leaders have to be able to assign tasks and manage resources wisely. Shouldering more of the workload may not earn you that promotion. Instead, it may highlight you inability to effectively make use of what you have.

1. What does the author say is the problem with women?
A.They are often unclear about the career goals to reach.
B.They are usually more committed at home than on the job.
C.They tend to be over-optimistic about how far they could go.
D.They tend to push themselves beyond the limits of their ability.
2. The underlined word s “drained of energy” can be replaced by________
3. What do we learn about the difference of men and women on the job?
A.That women usually avoid conflict and strive to be the peacemaker is because their men colleagues are more aggressive.
B.When there is an urgent problem to address, women are more likely to do the task as they usually respond quicker than man.
C.Men and women differ in their approach to resolving workplace conflicts in that women are more ready to compromise.
D.Men have more chances to be leaders because they are able take advantage of others and shoulder less workload.
4. Which of the following event will the author have most interest to take part in?
A.A training course teaching women to say “no”.
B.A campaign for more women rights.
C.A debate on whether woman is capable of working on the job.
D.A sharing on how woman can balance work and family.
2020·广东深圳·一模 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】All across America, students are anxiously finishing their “What I Want To Be …” college application essays, advised to focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) by experts and parents who insist that’s the only way to become workforce ready. But two recent studies of workplace success contradict the traditional wisdom about “hard skills”.

Google originally set its hiring systems to sort for computer science students with top grades from top science universities. In 2013, Google decided to test its hiring theory by quickly dealing with large amounts hiring, firing, and promotion data collected since the company’s establishment.

Project Oxygen shocked everyone by concluding that, among the eight most important qualities of Google’s top employees, STEM capability comes in dead last. The seven top characteristics of success at Google are all soft skills: being a good coach; communicating and listening well; possessing comprehension into others; being supportive of one’s colleagues; being a good critical thinker and problem solver; and being able to make connections across complex ideas.

Those characteristics sound more like what one gains as an English or theater major than as a programmer. Could it be that top Google employees were succeeding despite their technical training, not because of it? After bringing in more experts to dive even deeper into the data, the company enlarged its previous hiring practices to include humanities majors, artists, and even the MBAs (Master of Business Administration).

Project Aristotle, a study released by Google this past spring, further supports the importance of soft skills even in high-tech environments. Project Aristotle analyzes data on inventive and productive teams. Google takes pride in its A-teams, assembled with top scientists, each with the most specialized knowledge and able to throw down one creative idea after another. Its data analysis revealed, however, that the company’s most important and productive new ideas come from B-teams comprised of employees who don’t always have to be the smartest people in the room.

Project Aristotle shows that the best teams at Google exhibit a range of soft skills: equality, generosity, curiosity toward the ideas of your teammates, understanding, and emotional intelligence. And topping the list: emotional safety. To succeed, each and every team member must feel confident speaking up and making mistakes. They must know they are being heard.

STEM skills are vital to the world we live in today, but technology alone, as Steve Jobs famously insisted, is not enough. We desperately need those who are educated to the human, cultural, and social as well as the computational.

1. Google conducted the studies of workplace success in order to ________.
A.determine what makes a workplace-ready student
B.check whether its hiring system serves the purpose
C.prove soft skills are more important than hard ones
D.impress its competitors with the employees’ excellence
2. The underlined word “contradict” most probably means “________”.
A.add toB.back upC.bring aboutD.conflict with
3. What can be inferred from Project Aristotle?
A.Emotional safety enables people to express themselves freely.
B.Listening and hearing helps develop problem-solving abilities.
C.Learning from mistakes doesn’t necessarily mean improvement.
D.Those without specialized knowledge can also make inventions.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.STEM skills our society needs for better education
B.The principal focus students have on application essays
C.The surprising thing Google learned about its employees
D.The soft skills Google programmers lack for career growth
2023-07-01更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】A recent survey found children would rather be online influencers than astronauts. It made headlines and led to plenty of complaints about “kids these days”. Is influencing a promising career path? The lifestyles we see advertised on social media are enticing, but under the shining appearance lie uncertain income, pay inequality, disability and mental health issues.

Successful influencers will be the first to claim that anyone can make it in the industry. However, social media economy experts uncovered a huge income gap between successful influencers and everyone else. For most people trying to become an influencer, their passion projects of content creation often become free work for brands.

Most influencers are self-employed, often experiencing inconsistent income and a lack of protection that comes with long-term employment. The risks of self-employment are increased in the influencer industry by an absence of industry standards and little pay transparency(透明度). Influencers are often forced to assess their own value and determine fees for their work. As a result, content creators often undervalue their own creative labour, and many end up working for free.

Influencers are also often at the mercy of algorithms (运算法则) — the behind-the-scenes computer programs that determine which posts are shown, in which order, to users. Platforms share little detail about their algorithms, yet they finally determine who and what gains visibility and influence on social media, the threat of invisibility is a constant source of insecurity for influencers, who are under constant pressure to feed platforms with content. If they don’t, they may be “punished” by the algorithm-having posts hidden or displayed lower down on search results.

Constant online presence leads to one of the most common issues in the influencer industry: mental health concerns. Influencers can connect to their platform workspaces and audience at any time of day or night, which can lead to them overworking. Coupled with the fear of online criticism, it contributes to mental and physical health issues.

Although becoming an influencer may look appealing to more and more people, the industry’s dark underside needs to be made visible and improved through enhanced employment regulation and industry-led cultural change.

1. What does the underlined word “enticing” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What might lead to many influencers undervaluing their creative work?
A.Their belief in winning through quantity.
B.Money paid by the industry is often hidden.
C.Their eagerness to make their work visible online.
D.There’re few employment opportunities in the industry.
3. Why do the influencers feel stressed according to paragraph 4?
A.They are often punished by platforms.
B.They have little knowledge of platform algorithm.
C.They find it difficult to create new content constantly.
D.They have to work out the order of posts to be displayed.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To describe the life of self-employed content creators.
B.To stress the importance of visibility in the online world.
C.To reveal relationships between platforms and influencers.
D.To show the dark side of working as an online content creator.
2023-12-20更新 | 224次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Many young people would like to make a booth(货摊)to do business on the street in the name of entrepreneurship(创业精神)and sell lemon. It might seem like an easy sell-kids offering cool drinks. Some entrepreneurs offer their tips on how to make money from this.

Joe Mansueto, founder of the investment company Morningstar, sold lemonade as a kid. "You should always pay attention to customers," he said. "When somebody's walking down the street, get out from behind the booth, greet them, talk to them and just make friends with them to attract more customers."

However, his two sons decided to sell a different drink. When they were 8 and 10, his boys sold cocoa outside their home. The great thing about business is that there are really no rules. You can be creative and try something different, Mansueto said.

But it wasn't enough for US representative Mike Quigley and his older brother to sell drinks. They sold old books at the booth and would rent them out for customers to read while they enjoyed their drinks.

Adam Ochstein, founder of StratEx Partners, a human resources service company, gave frequent visitors cards which were printed with a lemon. Every five drinks, customers got one card which allowed them to pay less than half of the next drink. However, they didn't price the drinks. "If you want to give nothing, give nothing. If you want to give $2, give $2. I think we had let the adults give more money than they probably would like to, "Today, he suggests kids use social media for marketing. He said, "It can tell people where the booth is going to be and what unique specials you're running."

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.How to set up a big company.
B.How to attract more customers.
C.How to make friends with others.
D.How to tell apart rich customers.
2. How did Mike Quigley make his booth different from the others?
A.By selling cocoa outside their home.
B.By renting used books to the customers.
C.By making friends with his customers.
D.By lending new books to his customers.
3. What advice about the booth does Ochstein give to kids?
A.Giving visitors free drinks
B.Giving visitors cards with a lemon
C.Taking advantage of social media
D.Allowing customers to pay less money
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Street businessB.Marketing fashion
C.Service cultureD.Social activities
2019-03-23更新 | 180次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般