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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:36 题号:11007050

Erin and Caleb Funk now live in Toledo, Ohio, and have a 16-year-old son, a senior in high school, who has already registered in a vocational(职业的)school for this school year. The idea that their son might attend a vocational school worried the Funks at first.

“Vocational schools seemed to be reserved for people who weren’t making it in ‘real’ schools, so we weren’t completely sure whether we should support our son attending one,” Erin says.

Both Erin and Caleb worked hard to be the first in their families to obtain college degrees, and wanted the same opportunity for their three children. After touring the video- production-design program at Penta Career Center, though, they could see the draw for their son. Despite their initial worries, after learning more about the program and seeing how excited their son was about it, they threw their support behind his decision.

But not everyone in the Funks’ lives understands this decision. Erin says, “When I mentioned it to a friend recently that my eldest had decided to go to the vocational-technical school in our city, her first reaction was, ‘Oh, is he having problems at school?’ There is an attitude out there that the only reason you would go to a vo-tech is that you have some kind of problem at a traditional school.”

But their son has a 3. 95 GPA, a very good score. He was simply more interested in the program at Penta Career Center. He just doesn’t care what anyone else thinks.

The Funks are not alone in their misunderstandings and misgivings about the idea of vocational and technical education. Negative(负面的)attitudes and parental worries are still there even in the face of the promising future for these middle-skill students.

“It is considered a second choice, second-class. We really need to change how people see vocational and technical education,” said Patricia Hsieh, the president of Penta Career Center in Toledo, Ohio.

1. What can we learn about the funks?
A.They want their children to receive technical education.
B.They come from rich and well-educated families.
C.They decided to support their son’s decision eventually.
D.They felt ashamed of their son’s choice at first.
2. What does the underlined word “misgivings” in paragraph 6 mean?
3. Penta Career Center differs from a traditional college in that ______.
A.it provides less interesting curricularB.it can only get second-class students
C.it mainly focuses on middle-skill trainingD.it is more sensitive to job market changes
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Should We Support Our Children’s Choice of Vo-tech?
B.Negative Attitudes to Technical Education.
C.Better Job Market for Vocational Students.
D.Is Vocational Education a New Trend?
【知识点】 说明文 当代教育问题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The universal speed limit of any kind of wave — whether electromagnetic or gravitational travelling through a vacuum has been known since Albert Einstein developed his theory of special relativity in 1905. But the maximum speed of sound moving through a solid or a liquid has just been calculated for the first time. It is about 36 kilometre per second, more than 8,000 times lower than the speed of light in a vacuum.

To make this calculation, Kostya Trachenko at Queen Mary University of London and his colleagues started with two well-known physical constants: the ratio of proton mass to electron mass, and the fine structure constant, which characteristics the strength of interactions between charged particles.

Trachenko says we have a pretty good idea of these values, because if they were changed even a bit, the universe wouldn’t look at all like it does.” If you change these constants by a few percent, then the proton might not be stable anymore, and you might not even have the processes in stars resulting in the combination of heavy elements, so there would be no carbon, no life,” he says.

Sound is a wave that spreads by making neighbouring particles interact with one another, so its speed depends on the density of a material and how the atoms within it are bound together. Atoms can only move so quickly, and the speed of sound is limited by that movement.

“The common wisdom was that diamond has the highest speed of sound, because it is the hardest material, but we didn’t know whether there was a theoretical fundamental limit to it,” says Trachenko. The theoretical bound is about twice the speed of sound in a diamond.

The speed of sound is also dependent on the mass of the atoms in the material, so there searchers predicted that solid metallic hydrogen — a material that theoretically exists at the centre of giant planets, but for which laboratory evidence has been hotly questioned — should have the highest speed of sound. They calculated that it should be close to the theoretical limit. They also looked at experimental data for 133 materials and found that none of them broke the limit.

1. How did people find out the speed of waves?
A.By measuring the speed of sounds.
B.By using modern technology and science.
C.By depending on a great scientist’s theory.
D.By comparing the theories about the universe.
2. What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. What do Trachenko’s words indicate?
A.Diamond has surely the highest speed of sound.
B.He believes in a theoretical fundamental limit.
C.Solid and liquid materials have the same speed limits.
D.Diamond has yet to be proven the hardest material.
4. What conclusion can we get if there is solid metallic hydrogen?
A.It has a close theoretical fundamental limit of speed.
B.There would be no carbon,no life in the universe.
C.Some materials broke theoretical fundamental limit.
D.It will surely travel to other sections of the universe.
2024-03-02更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Most people aren’t particularly fond of needles. But to a significant number of people, the fear of needles goes beyond anxiety into a more dangerous area, in which the fear prevents them from seeking out needed medical care.

And as the world’s hopes of returning to a post-pandemic normal rest largely on people’s willingness to take a COVID-19 vaccine (疫苗), experts and health care professionals are assuring those people that there are ways to overcome a fear of needles. Experts say it is a problem that can be overcome, whether the fear is keeping you from getting the vaccine or just causing your distress. Here are the steps they suggest taking.

A therapist (治疗师) can help people with the most severe fears, using some of the techniques that help people conquer other fears that can affect their lives. Dr. Chambless suggested working on your comfort levels by first looking at photos of needles, then photos of someone getting a shot, and working up to videos. In addition, a therapist can offer a fuller plan. If you can’t see a therapist, self-help books on overcoming fears could be a quicker choice, she said.

The whole thing will be over in seconds, and a distraction can help you get through it. It could be a YouTube video on your phone, or your favorite song playing. You could practice deep-breathing, or move your toes up and down, or look around and count all of the blue items you can see in the room.

The media can do its part by showing fewer images of people looking uncomfortable while a needle goes into their skin, which can increase feelings of anxiety, Dr. Rajapakse said. A good strategy is all of the positive photos appearing on social media of people holding their vaccination cards, she said. The more selfies (自拍), stickers and grateful posts people see, the more likely they are to associate the vaccine with positive feelings, she said.

1. What do experts think of the fear of needles?
A.It may result from anxiety.B.There are ways to help get over it.
C.There’s no need to care about it.D.It won’t stop people getting the vaccine.
2. What does the underlined word “distress” in Paragraph 2mean?
3. Which of the following is suggested according to the text?
A.Self-help books are better than a therapist.B.Counting can help focus attention.
C.Positive photos should be encouraged.D.Having someone with you is a must.
4. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A research paper.B.A health magazine.C.A medical textbook.D.A news report.
2024-02-26更新 | 10次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In today's world, online social media' has become more powerful and the most destructive thing over worldwide, although with time all generations have come to accept the changes social network has brought about, teenagers and young adults are the most enthusiastic users of these sites. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are impacting the' lives of the youth greatly. When using these sites such as Twitter, Facebook or Myspace, there are both positive and negative effects on the youth.

Firstly, social media helps the youth and any other user updated with what is happening around the world, and helps the teenagers stay connected and interact with each other even if they are many miles apart. This strengthens their relationship. Even if they finished school and moved to different locations, they stay connected and update one another.

In addition, social media sites have provided a platform whereby the youth can create groups and pages based on their common discipline and end up building connections and opportunities for their respective careers by updating different topics to discuss. Youth who have been interviewed say that social media has become their lifestyle and it makes their lives easier and more efficient.

While on the one hand social network sites seem to bring people together and stay connected, on the other hand it causes many physical and mental health problems such as eyes infection, back problems, etc. Other negative effects of social networking various people suggested included encouraging poor spelling and grammar, exposing underage to online predators (捕食者), allowing spread of misinformation that is seen as fact, decreasing productivity as those who are supposed to be working spend time in the sites to chat, providing a perfect platform for cyberbullying and providing details that increase risks of identity theft.

“The more social media we have, the more we think were connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other.” One researcher said.

In conclusion, social networking clearly portrays both positive and negative effects on the youth. It is the decision of individuals whether to use it in a right way or wrong.

1. One of the reasons why young people adopt the platform offered by social media sites is ________.
A.to practice their debate skillsB.to change their way of living
C.to improve their academic performanceD.to lay the foundation for their future careers
2. It can be inferred that the main disadvantages of social networking may ________.
A.put young people in dangerB.allow spread of information
C.result in users' health problemsD.reduce the using of poor spelling
3. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The research on online social media.B.The correct way to use online social media
C.The introduction of online social media history.D.The influence of online social media on the youth.
4. What is the author's attitude towards social media?
2021-11-16更新 | 214次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般