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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:40 题号:11127298

George Li was born in 1995 and now is a young pianist on the rise. At age 10,he gave his first public concert and in 2015, he won a silver medal at International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. Li recently released his first album, performing with some of the world’s great orchestras.

The centerpiece of Li’s album is the passionate Piano Sonata No. 2 by Chopin—the one with the funeral march as its third movement. Chopin is close to Li’s heart, as it was Chopin’s music that earned him the top prize at the Cooper International Competition at Oberlin Conservatory when he was just 15.

Li’s album, Live at the Mariinsky, released last fall on Warner Classics, opens with the Piano Sonata in B minor by Haydn. Li’s gentle touch makes the music shine. “I think the main requirement is the touch. It has to be so sensitive,” he says about Haydn. Imagine the champagne bubbles, or just that sound when the champagne pours into glass. ”

Li was born in Boston. His parents came to the U. S. from China in the 1980s. he says they had few opportunities to hear classical music in the process of growing up. Li began playing the piano at age four and thought of it only as a hobby. But one day, when he was 11, playing Beethoven’ First Piano Concerto, everything changed.

“All of a sudden,in the middle of the performance I felt different,” he says. “I was kind of transported in some other reality. And I felt all these emotions within the piece and within myself.” And that’s when Li’s light bulb switched on. After that moment he wanted to do this for the rest of his life. Fortunately for George Li’s fans,that’s likely to be a very long time.

1. What can we learn about George Li from the passage?
A.He was born and grew up in an artistic family.
B.He won the top prize at International Tchaikovsky Competition.
C.He played Haydn’s Piano Sonata in B minor in a gentle manner.
D.He released his album with Beethoven’s First Piano Concerto in it.
2. What does George Li mean by saying the underlined sentence in paragraph 5?
A.He didn’t know what reality was any more.
B.He felt as if he were transported to another space.
C.The performance seemed too excellent to be real.
D.His emotions responded to what was expressed in the piece.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Key to George Li’s Success
B.George Li’s Journey into the World of Piano
C.The Birth of a Talented Pianist George Li
D.George Li’s Extraordinary Piano Skills
【知识点】 音乐与舞蹈 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Sing with us! Dance with us! And be part of this absolutely unique Virtual Choir that we will create with you for Thanksgiving Day. There will be other young singers from all over Ireland members from the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir and together we will perform the super energetic song “The Best Day of my Life” by the band American Authors.

So that we can tell you more details, you need to register to be part of the choir and you can do that by sending an e-mail to GSGCproject2023@gmail.com.

On this page you will find all the information and you will find our “how to” videos where Cathy and Michael,the great leaders of the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir will tell you lots about singing,dancing and teach you the “The best Day of My Life” song.

The videos wi1 take you through warm-ups,song+line demonstrations, dancing design, and complete instructions on how you can record yourself at home on a. Smartphone. These “how to” videos will be published one a week in May on YouTube and in four steps we will teach you the song for our Virtual Choir. When we have learned the song together, we will invite you to send us your own video.And Chris,our talented video magician, will turn us all into a once-in-a-lifetime Virtual Choir.Be part of the fun and be a proud singer in a cool choir! Sing your heart out!

1. Why will the Virtual Choir be created?
A.To celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
B.To gather the Irish singers together.
C.To teach the locals a super song.
D.To cooperate with a famous band.
2. What will happen if you check the page on a weekend in May?
A.You will sing a choir with others.
B.You will find a new posted video.
C.You will become a popular singer.
D.You will meet a talented musician.
3. What does Chris do?
A.He is a talented Irish singer.
B.He is the leader of a local choir.
C.He is a professional video editor.
D.He is an instructor of dance design.
2023-05-04更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Lisa walked into the chorus room with a smile on her face. The class was auditioning (试演) for parts in the holiday musical. Lisa loved to sing and this was her chance to get one of the lead roles.

Mr. Beckman passed out lyrics for the auditions. Lisa could hardly wait to sing quietly to herself. Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on the music stand at the front of the room. “I know you’re all excited to audition, but before we do I have an announcement. This year will witness a very special performance by a select number of students,” Mr. Beckman said. Lisa squeezed the sheet music in her hands. Maybe it was a chance to be featured as one of the best singers.

“These individuals will be dressed in distinctive costumes and will set the stage for the rest of the show,” Mr. Beckman continued. “Brandon, Adriana, Tina, and Lisa, would you come up front please?” “Yes!” Lisa yelled, rushing to the front of the room.

Mr. Beckman removed a costume from the supply closet, “You four will be our wooden soldiers!” Lisa stared at the strange clothes. “No one is going to recognize us wearing those!” “Don’t worry, Lisa. Your names will be listed in the program under Wooden Soldiers.” Mr. Beckman said.

“But even my own parents won’t be able to tell which soldier is me!” “This is a very special honor,” Mr. Beckman said, “Lisa, I selected the top students in the class to open the show for us. You’ll need to learn a special march and dance, but if you don’t want to be a soldier, I can assign the part to someone else.” Lisa saw a few of her classmates’ eyes widen at the thought of taking her place. Maybe being a soldier was a good thing since Mr. Beckman had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to let him down. “Can we start practicing our march?” Lisa asked.

1. Why was Lisa in the chorus room?
A.She was watching the audition for the holiday musical.
B.She wanted to audition for a part in the school musical.
C.She wanted to convince Mr. Beckman that she was qualified to be a soldier.
D.She was attending her music class in her school.
2. Why did Mr. Beckman tap his baton on the music stand in Paragraph 2?
A.He wanted everyone to get involved in the audition.
B.He wanted people to volunteer to be a soldier.
C.He was trying to get the attention of the class.
D.He was having troubling holding on to the baton.
3. What can we infer about Lisa at last?
A.She was unwilling to be recognized by parents.
B.She expected to be replaced by others.
C.She complained about being a soldier.
D.She thought it a great honor to be a soldier.
2022-04-22更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night? If so, here is a piece of advice for you:listen to some soft music.

    1     . This works for sleepers of all ages,and even for those with sleeping problems. Soft music can help us fall asleep faster,wake up less during the night and feel more rested in the morning. You may not notice the effects overnight,though.     2     .

Why can soft music help us sleep better?The reasons aren’t clear yet. It may have something to do with the relaxing effect of a good song. Music can have real physical effects,too. Soft music can lower our heart rate and slow down our breathing.     3     .

Scientists say that for most people,music that has 70 beats per minute works best.     4     . Familiar songs work well,too. You may need to experiment to make your own playlists. If you are not sure how many heats a song has in a minute,you can find out by entering its title into songbpm. com. And remember to get the volume right.     5    . Otherwise,you may be woken up by the sudden silence.

It is very important to get enough high-quality sleep. Before you go to bed tonight,play some soft music. Then,just prepare to be rocked off to dreamland!

A.This prepares us for sleep
B.Make sure that the final piece is one that slowly fades out
C.It would take as many as three weeks to see any improvements
D.Therelore,folk music is something that anyone can understand
E.Classical,jazz and folk music are usually more effective than other musical styles
F.Scientists have found that soft music can help to improve sleep quality and quantity
G.Music plays a more important role in our life than just being a source of entertainment
2020-06-28更新 | 171次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般