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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:783 题号:11460208

My great-grandfather, my grandfather and my father are farmers, and so are all my family. My father has a fixed idea that I would become a farmer too. Although I respect him and am indeed skilled at doing some farm work, I don’t agree that I should automatically follow in my father’s footsteps.

When I was a teenager, my father happened to take me to an airport which belonged to one of his friends. It was the first time I had seen an aeroplane in real life. Knowing that I had never been on board, my father’s friend Tom offered me an opportunity to fly with him in his small aeroplane. I quickly accepted his offer! When we took off, I felt nervous but thrilled. Being up in the clouds and looking at the view below was unlike anything I had ever felt. I was just enjoying it. I assumed being a pilot would be the most awesome thing in the whole world. From that day a thought crept into my mind that I wanted to become a pilot, but I doubted whether my father would support me. After all, it was a totally different path from what he had planned for me. Therefore, I put the thought to the back of my mind, because I knew he would still insist on holding onto his previous idea.

Anyway, besides helping my father on the farm, I would frequently visit Tom’s airport. Gradually, I got familiar with every button and switch on the aircraft and I learned a lot about planes, such as how to fill the plane with fuel, how to check the engines and so on. But what I had learned just left me wanting more, so I decided to go to college to become a professional pilot.

Paragraph 1:

This time I would not hide my desire any more.

Paragraph 2:

At the graduation ceremony, with my father present, I, as “Best Pilot”, had to deliver a speech.

20-21高三上·辽宁丹东·阶段练习 查看更多[21]
【知识点】 故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

The afternoon was hot and fierce as the midday sun shone with all its might. Richard had just gotten down from a truck and could barely stand on the hot road. He breathed heavily, looking around for a frozen drink. But as far as his eyes could see, there was not a drop of water. Suddenly, he noticed a little bike lying there.

Richard wondered and approached the spot, staring with shock at a water bottle and a small pink helmet lying nearby. He went closer and noticed fresh little muddy footsteps disappearing into the woods...It seemed unusual for a little kid to be all alone there. “Something was wrong,” so he cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to the child.

“Hello, anyone there? Hello?”

Just a she changed course, he heard a faint (模糊的) cry from the heart of the woods. It was a little girl’s cry for help.


“I’m coming. Hold on,” Richard rushed toward the voice. A she got nearer and nearer, Richard heard the sound of running water. The fierce current in the muddy-brown river flooded through the rocks.

“Don’t give up! I’m coming!” her an screaming after noticing a little girl and her dog holding on to a log floating on the river. The current was washing away everything on its course, and the girl was lucky the log was stuck on to something under the surface. But that would not hold on for long as the current grew faster and stronger.

Richard was running out of time. He could not think of anything immediately. His only hope was to somehow pull the two out to the shore before they were washed toward the edge of the waterfall, which was just meters away. Just then, his mind acted fast, and he ran back to get something. “Hold on...I’ll be right back,” he assured her.


Moments later, Richard returned with along jungle vine (藤蔓) tied around his waist.


Richard was glad that he had saved them in time and then asked how the girl got there.

2023-04-25更新 | 146次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

New Year was just around the corner. I was second grade then, 7 years old. One day, on my way home from school, a lady gave me a piece of paper saying that the neighborhood was asking people to give New Year presents to those who needed them. When I got home, I showed my mother the paper and said that I wanted to take part in this plan. My mother thought this was a very good idea and encouraged me to spread kindness to others less fortunate than us. She said we would become “Neighborhood Angels (天使)”.

Several days later, my mother said, “Get ready, and we will go.” “Where are we going?” I asked my mother. “I will drive you to Boots Department Store to buy something you think would be suitable for a neighborhood present.”, she replied. As we went into the store, my mother gave me £20 to pay for the present. Then she said, “I’ll see you outside in the car.” She left me alone to do the shopping. I was not used to buying things on my own, as I had always been with one of my parents before. Everything seemed very strange and confusing to me, but I carried on. I asked myself what I should buy and for whom. An idea quickly occurred to me. There was a poor boy called Ralph who lived in our neighborhood. I used to see him often without a jacket during the freezing winter months, so I decided, then and there, to buy him a warm jacket.

I looked at many jackets and eventually chose a heavy blue one. The price was just within my spending limit. The assistant at the checkout asked, “Is this for someone?”, as I paid for the jacket happily. I said it was, and she wished me a Happy New Year. I felt as if I were a real “Neighborhood Angel”.

Paragraph 1:

That evening, my mother helped me pack the jacket in beautiful paper.

Paragraph 2:

My mother and I waited breathlessly for Ralph’s front door to open and finally it opened.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
2020-02-06更新 | 335次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

On a flight, an eight-year-old boy named Louis was excitedly reading his favorite storybook loudly, much to the annoyance of a fellow passenger named Tyler sitting next to him. Edward, the boy’s father, had brought the book, hoping to read it to his son himself, but Louis insisted on reading it aloud on his own.

Tyler, who was trying to have a rest, became a little bit angry at the noise. “Hey, sir. Could you please tell your son to keep his voice down? I’m trying to sleep for a moment,” he complained to Edward. Although the father politely asked Louis to read in a low voice, the young boy was too excitedly absorbed in the storybook to notice his disturbance to others. His noisy reading disturbed not only Tyler but also a few other passengers nearby.

Tyler`s anger increased as he loudly admonished (责备) Louis` lack of manners and consideration. To deal with the matter, he called the flight attendant. When she arrived, Tyler completely lost his cool, admonishing both Louis and Edward. “Have you heard this boy? He’s been yelling out the whole time! And you’re still trying to defend his rude behavior! A child of his age should understand that he is causing serious disturbance and needs to show some respect for others!”

In the heated scene, the flight attendant tried to calm Tyler down. However, Tyler was a bit too disturbed to calm himself down. Edward continuously apologized while attempting to explain the situation. “Excuse me, sir. I admit what Louis did was wrong, but he meant no harm. He’s simply overjoyed at being able to read again after years of difficulties…” Edward’s eyes welled up and he was in tears before he realized it. He explained to the people around them that it was the first time in three years that Louis was able to see the world around him and could read his favorite book, one his mother who died three years ago used to read to him as a baby.

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Then he revealed the heartbreaking story.


At this point, Tyler and everyone else on the flight fell silent.

7日内更新 | 12次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般