组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:11547400
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A few months ago as I wandered through my parents’ house, the same house I grew up in, I had a sudden, scary realization. When my parents bought the house, in 1982, they were only two years older than I am now. I tried to imagine     1     in two years, ready to settle down and buy the house I’d still be living in almost 30 years later.

It seemed ridiculous. On a practical level, there’s no way I could afford to buy a house anytime soon. More importantly, I wouldn’t want to. I’m not sure     2     I’ll be living in two years, or what kind of job I’ll have. And I don’t think I’ll be ready to settle down and stay in one place.

So this is probably the generation gap     3     (divide) friends and me from our parents. When our parents were our age, they     4     (get) their education, chosen a career and were starting to settle into responsible adult lives.

My friends and I--“Generation Y”--still aren’t sure what we want to do with our lives.     5     we end up doing, we want to make sure we’re happy doing it. We’d rather take risks first, try out different jobs, and move from one city to another     6     we find our favorite place. We’d rather spend our money on travel than put it in a savings account.

This casual attitude toward responsibility has caused some critics to call my generation “arrogant”, “impatient”, and “overprotected”. Some of these complaints have a point. As children, we     7     (encourage) to succeed in school, but also to have fun. We grew up in a world full of technological innovation: cell phones, the Internet, instant messaging, and video games.

Our parents looked to rise vertically--starting at the bottom of the ladder and slowly making their way to the top, on the same track, often for the same company. That doesn’t apply     8     my generation.

Because of that, it     9     take us longer than our parents to arrive at responsible, stable adulthood. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In our desire     10     (find) satisfaction, we will work harder, strive for ways to keep life interesting, and gain a broader set of experiences and knowledge than our parent’s generation did.


语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

A loyal Liverpool Football Club fan is always making sure to cheer on his beloved team whenever they play and thanks    1     a letter from his loving older brother, the team was recently able to return the favor.

Ian, a Liverpool City native,     2    hoped his hometown soccer team would do something special for his brother David,     3    (write) a letter to the club about David’s condition. Since David was starved of oxygen as an infant, he developed differently than other kids. Though David struggled    4    (academic), his enduring loyalty to Liverpool FC never left him, and he is well known in the community as being a great kid and a passionate fan.

David is a season ticket holder who       5    (try) to go and see Liverpool play as many times as he can. He could never have expected that one of the     6    (great )members of the team would go to see him while he was at work.

Liverpool FC defender Virgil Van Dijk,     7    (consider)to be the best defender and one of the best players in the world, visited David’s place of work to give him the surprise of a lifetime:     8     trip to Liverpool FC’s training ground to meet the team.

NOT only that, Van Dijk presented David with    9    (ticket )for all the rest of the game to make sure they had his support from the stands for every one of the 25    10    remain) games this season.

2020-06-01更新 | 150次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Music is everywhere nowadays. Music plays     1     important part in daily life and there are different     2     (type) of music in the world, such as Blues, Black music, Rock&Roll, Dance music of Punks, Disco, Jazz, Classical music, Rap, Pop-music and so on.

Music is absolutely useful in many fields. It     3     (use) in advertising, radios, TV, films and the supermarkets     4     people are always attracted by the sweet-sounding music. So, you can see that the companies take advantage     5     music to make more money.

Why do so many people enjoy music? In my opinion, we     6     (definite) prefer expressing through music, so we can share many feelings with other people. Music is one of the most     7     (power) things in our life. When we are tired after work or when we are nervous, listening to music makes us feel more     8     (relax) and better. Listening to music     9     (help) us face the difficulties we meet in     10     (we) life and makes us forget some problems. Besides, we can learn more about the cultures of different countries and then learn about the world better.

2024-05-31更新 | 41次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

I’m here today to share a good lesson with you. It is a true story about a student,    1     studied in Germany.

After years of hard work, this student graduated with amazing    2    (achieve). Everyone was sure that he was going to get a good job easily and have a bright future. But to his surprise, he was not even given the chance for     3    interview! The third time he    4     (refuse), he couldn’t help     5    (telephone) the company to ask why they didn’t want him. The answer was simple. “We don’t offer jobs to dishonest people in Germany.”

You might wonder what was wrong. The truth is, shortly after he    6    (arrive) in Germany, this clever student found that it was easy     7     (avoid) buying subway tickets in this country. So in order to save money, he often went in the subway    8    a ticket. As a result, he had been caught many times.

From this story, we learn that we may get short-term benefits in dishonest ways,    9    the truth will come out sooner or later and the cost is high. So remember: honesty is the     10    (good) policy.

2019-01-19更新 | 168次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般