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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:43 题号:11630902

At the beginning of the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci returned to Florence after almost two decades in the employ of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan. Nearing 50, Leonardo was already famed for his scientific gift and artistic achievements. Combining practicality and observation, Leonardo applied the principle of sapere vedere (knowing how to see, in Latin) into as many areas of human enquiry as it led him.

Cesare Borgia, the ambitious son of Pope Alexander VI, became Leonardo’s financial supporter in 1502. One of the first tasks given to Leonardo was to create a map of the city of Imola, near Bologna. Borgia had taken control of the city in 1499. It was a key success for the young commander. Controlling the city would require understanding its geography and landmarks, and Borgia wanted the map from the finest mind of Leonardo in order to do that.

In the 16th century city maps tended to be symbolic and often symbolic, enlarging the size of religious buildings. Leonardo’s “Imola Plan” broke with this tradition, aiming to show the reality on the ground, and to provide a map that was of more practical use.

Leonardo applied a mapping technique developed by Florentine humanist Leon Battista Alberti, who suggested that a town should be mapped using polar coordinates (极坐标系). Starting with Alberti’s technique, Leonardo adapted it to record more accurate distances, proportions, and relationships between features.

The city’s public square was fixed in the middle of the grid (坐标方格). Historians believe that Leonardo collected data on the ground by starting at this central point and then using a compass (罗盘) and odometer (计程器) to measure streets and landmarks. Using geometry, he could then fill in the rest of the map.

Leonardo’s techniques gave rise to the first map that used data to accurately show a “flattened city” as it might be seen from above, what is called an ichnographic (平面图的) map today, perhaps the most familiar type of map used today. Leonardo’s measurements still hold up: According to historians, the “Imola Plan” can still be used to navigate the city five centuries later.

1. Why did Cesare Borgia ask Leonardo da Vinci to map Imola?
A.To rebuild it.B.To rule it better.
C.To attack and take it.D.To push mapping forward.
2. What can we infer about the city maps in the 16th century?
A.They were always of a large size.
B.They were often created by religious groups.
C.They gave special attention to certain landmarks.
D.They continued the tradition of showing reality.
3. From whom did Leonardo da Vinci get inspiration when carrying out the “Imola Plan”?
A.Cesare Borgia.B.Ludovico Sforza.
C.Leon Battista Alberti.D.Pope Alexander VI.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The popularity of ichnographic maps nowadays.
B.The expectation of the development of mapping.
C.The improvement of measures used to make maps.
D.The importance of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Imola Plan”.
【知识点】 计划 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】During the winter vacation, I spent a lot of time thinking about what need to do in the new school year. Finally, I made the following plan.

Maths: I will get some Maths games to make this subject more interesting.

English: I am going to read more books about English history. Then I can learn more about English culture. I think this will be especially helpful if I go to England to study one day.

Science: I will do more experiments in the new school year. If it is necessary, I will design a science program and carry it out with some friends. Besides these things, I have decided to read a variety of science books such as Real Science 4 Kids. etc.

History: I plan to visit some places of interest such as the Summer Palace. This is not only a good way to learn about history, but also a very interesting way.

Art: I’m very interested in art, so I have decided to take part in an art class on the weekend. I hope I can work in art after I finish my studies.

I am sure I will do well in the new school year with the study plan.

1. From the passage, we know that the writer likes ________ best.
2. Through this passage, the writer mainly wants to tell us about _________.
A.a study plan
B.her favorite subjects
C.the last winner vacation
D.the subjects she has
3. The passage is mainly developed by ________.
A.spaceB.giving reasons
4. What’s the similar meaning of underline word?
A.goodB.a lot ofC.different kinds ofD.a few
5. Which country can the writer go abroad to?
2023-10-24更新 | 16次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Research suggests that only around 8% of people feel they achieve their goals. That means around 92% don't. The question is: How do the 8% make it?     1    . But two of the most important components are making a plan and making a commitment to work on the plan. If you're ready to realize your goals, here are some tips on how to create a plan and achieve your goals.

    2    . When it comes to goal setting, many people select too many goals. That's unrealistic. Figuring out how to make plans for 10 goals is significantly more challenging than creating plans for3 or 4 goals.     3    . After all, by selecting fewer goals you can truly focus on them and make real significant progress. So take time to pick 3 or 4 main goals you want to work on right now.

Select the necessary actions to achieve your goal. For example, if you need to talk to 10 people to make two sales, what do you need to do to find 10 people? If you need to have 100 leaders to find10 people to talk to, what will you do to find 100 leaders? Make a list of tasks that need to be completed.     4    .

Once you have your daily schedule and targets to shoot for during the process of working on your goal,     5    . Do the daily tasks you've assigned yourself to do. Set aside time every month or so to evaluate how well your plan is working, and adjust it if you're not making the progress you want.

A.Less is more here
B.Select your current main goals
C.begin taking action and follow through
D.make appropriate changes in your timeline
E.Many factors go into whether or not goals are reached
F.These can change over time or change as you accomplish them
G.Then take time to put them into your schedule by making a daily plan
2022-04-18更新 | 188次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When it’s five o'clock, people leave their office. The length of the workday, for many workers, is defined by time. They leave when the clock tells them they’re done.

These days, the time is everywhere: not just on clocks or watches, but on cell-phones and computers. That may be a bad thing, particularly at work. New research shows on that clock-based work schedules hinder morale (士气) and creativity.

Clock-timers organize their day by blocks of minutes and hours. For example: a meeting from 9 am to 10 a.m., research from 10 a.m. to noon, etc. On the other hand, task-timers have a list of things they want to accomplish. They work down the list, each task starts when the previous task is completed. It is said that all of us employ a mix of both these types of planning.

What, then, are the effects of thinking about time in these different ways? Does one make us more productive? Better at the tasks at hand? Happier? In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier, they had participants organize different activities—from project planning, holiday shopping, to yoga—by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under “clock time” vs “task time.” They found clock timers to be more efficient but less happy because they felt little control over their lives. Task timers are happier and more creative, but less productive. They tend to enjoy the moment when something good is happening, and seize opportunities that come up.

The researchers argue that task-based organizing tends to be undervalued and under-supported in the business culture. Smart companies, they believe, will try to bake more task-based planning into their strategies.

This might be a small change to the way we view work and the office, but the researchers argue that it challenges a widespread characteristic of the economy: work organized by clock time. While most people will still probably need, and be, to some extent, clock-timers, task-based timing should be used when performing a job that requires more creativity. It’ll make those tasks easier, and the task-doers will be happier.

1. What is the way people often do their work according to the author?
A.They give priority to the most urgent task on hand.
B.They set a time limit for each specific task.
C.They accomplish their tasks one by one.
D.They combine clock-based and task-based planning.
2. What did the researchers find in their experiments about clock-timers?
A.They tend to be more productive.B.They always get their work done in time.
C.They seize opportunities as they come up.D.They have more control over their lives.
3. What do the researchers say about today’s business culture?
A.It does not support the strategies adopted by smart companies.
B.It attaches more importance to work efficiency than to workers’ lives.
C.It does not lay enough emphasis on task-based practice.
D.It aims to bring employees’ potential and creativity into full play.
4. From the passage, we can conclude that           ?
A.It is important to keep a balance between work and life.
B.Performing creative jobs tends to make workers happier.
C.Task-based timing is preferred for doing creative work.
D.A scientific standard should be adopted in job evaluation.
2020-10-24更新 | 21次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般