组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:364 题号:11753329

It’s funny that you can always tell when somebody’s laughing behind your back. Jodie hadn’t really heard anything, maybe a whisper(耳语), but when she turned around, the girls in the back row of the class were looking at her, trying to hide smiles and laughs. She looked back at her teacher. Mr Swales was talking about what people did all day. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to be when they grew up. He called on Billy first.

“My daddy works in a bank,” Billy said. “I guess I want to work in a bank, too. There’s lots of money in the bank.”

“My daddy runs a company,” Emmy said. “My daddy is the big boss. And I want to be a boss, too.”

Jodie like it when Mr Swales asked them questions like this. He was about to call on Jodie when the girls in the back row suddenly started laughing. Shirley shouted, “Jodie’s daddy is a garbage man(清洁工)!” Everyone in the class laughed out loud.

Jodie felt her face turn red.

【知识点】 故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

My mother eyed me with suspicion. I dared not look at her. Knowing that I was late from school five days in a row, I could not offer an acceptable explanation. However, realizing she had little choice but to accept my explanation that I had extra curricular activities every day and arrived home after 5 p.m., she told me that dinner was in the refrigerator and to warm it up in the microwave oven. She had to rush for her night work at the local clinic.

After our dad passed away in an accident, my mother became the only breadwinner. I was the eldest among the four siblings (兄弟姊妹) and it fell upon my shoulder to ensure that they would become responsible adults. Aside from helping Mother with the housework, I regularly coached them in their studies. Thankfully, never once did I have to raise my voice or force them to complete their homework. But all of us missed Dad deeply, who was a model father and husband. Mom had never recovered from the tragic incident.

However, she managed to pull through to raise us and secured a job at the clinic. It was very tough on someone like her who had never worked before in her life. But money was scarce and there were five mouths to feed. We stopped dining out and had our meals mostly at home. We basically lived from hand to mouth. That’s when it dawned on me that I had to do my part for the family. I knew Mother would not agree but I threw caution out of the window and managed to get a part-time job at a fast food restaurant. I worked three hours a day and managed to bring home money so that my siblings and I could go out for occasional movies or meals.

I was sure Mother suspected something wrong. But she could not quite point the figure to the source of her suspicion. However, I was awfully guilty and had to constantly reassure (宽慰) myself that contributing financially to the family was the least I could do to lessen my mother’s burden.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

One day, while serving the customers, I was surprised to see Mother leading my siblings in.


I walked over to see Mother was already crying.

2022-04-03更新 | 237次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

Toby the cat was in a small cardboard box marked “free kittens” when Daisy met him and took him home. And from that moment on, he loved boxes.

He slept in hatboxes, gift boxes and takeout food boxes. He slept in Daisy’s sock drawer, if she left it open. When he was a kitten, the size of a small loaf of bread, he had slept in shoeboxes. But he grew and grew, and now he was a lot bigger than a loaf of bread. When he tried to sleep in a shoebox, his furry stomach hung over the sides.

Toby didn’t just sit in boxes, though. Sometimes he sat in flowerpots, or laundry baskets.

Daisy had a beautiful dollhouse for her birthday, a dark green three-story house with lots of furniture. Daisy loved it. So did Toby. He liked to push the furniture out of all the rooms and sit in the bedroom on the second floor.

One day Daisy came home from school, and she couldn’t find Toby. He wasn’t in the dollhouse, or her sock drawer, even though she’d forgotten to close it.

“Mom, Dad!” Daisy wailed. “Toby is gone!”

Daisy’s mom looked in the attic. There were boxes and dust bunnies, and even a mouse that had escaped Toby’s notice, but no Toby.

Daisy’s dad looked in the kitchen cabinets. There were pots and pans, and cans of soup, but no Toby.

Suddenly—“I found him!” Daisy cried.

The big cat was inside her mom’s new glass vase, and he didn’t look happy at all. Daisy tipped the vase over gently and tried to pull him out, but Toby just howled.

“We’ll have to break the vase to get him out!” Daisy cried.

Now her mom didn’t look happy. It was a beautiful vase.

“No,” said her dad. “If we break it, the glass pieces might hurt Toby. Maybe we can put butter on the inside of the vase and slide him out, like the time you got that ring stuck on your finger.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Immediately, Daisy fetched some butter.

Paragraph 2:

Soon they were at the vet's office.

2021-06-02更新 | 153次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

I was hit on my back as I walked down the hall. I turned around angrily, only to discover a lovely cat. His name was Oscar and he was born at the shelter I was visiting. The volunteer let me know that the mother was abandoned by her owner. She and the rest of the litter (幼崽) had been adopted quickly, but Oscar remained.

I could tell he was just what we needed. We were just married, full of love and hope, but we were also facing a few unexpected trials. Just weeks after our wedding, my husband was injured in an accident at work, which not only broke his body but his spirit. Hours of physical treatment led to sleepless nights. I hoped that this little cat would cheer up my husband.

When I brought Oscar home, I asked my husband to shut his eyes and open his hands. I handed him the cat, who reached up and rubbed his paws (爪子) against my husband’s face. It had been months since I saw my husband smile like this, and Oscar himself couldn’t stop purring (发出呼噜声).

Years passed, and our sweet Oscar continued to bring us comfort. He had an ability to know if someone was having an emotional moment; he would always try to help.

One day, I received a phone call from my mother telling me that my father had cancer. I swore to do everything I could to help him. Feeling upset, I took a bath to try to collect my thoughts. Oscar reached up, opened the closed door, and jumped directly into the bathtub with me. Hearing the loud noise, my husband ran into the bathroom to find Oscar all wet just inches from my face. That little guy was all heart.

Fortunately, my father beat cancer and recovered fully. Following his final treatment, he was given two weeks of rest at home. He asked if he and my mother could “babysit” Oscar for those weeks. We were more than happy to share.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 段落开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:

On the final day of Oscar’s visit, my father decided to bake cookies for me and my husband to thank us for “lending” him our cat.

Paragraph 2:

“Did you add these paw prints on the cookies?” I asked my dad surprisingly.

2023-03-18更新 | 119次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般