组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:11779293

The winter had been busy and long. I desperately needed a getaway from work, so I decided to book a trip to the Caribbean with my wife. But just three days before my trip, the human-resources manager of the company called and asked to speak with me in his office. I sensed something wrong. Just months shy of my ten — year anniversary with the company, I was laid off.

I was in complete shock — too shocked to even cry. But I wouldn't cancel my trip, as I needed it now more than ever. The night before my trip, I had a dream that the suitcase I had brought to the hotel was empty. When I woke, I interpreted this dream to mean that I was leaving all of my “baggage” behind — and I did. I enjoyed my vacation more than any others I had taken. And when I was back, I decided to do one thing I loved but never had the spare time to do: writing.

My works had never been published, but I wanted to try. I wrote a few pieces and sent them out to magazines and newspapers. After several non-responses and rejections, the most-read newspaper in Canada agreed to publish one of my travel stories. I shared the thrilling news with my family and friends. People I hadn't talked to in years contacted me to tell me they read my story. How amazing!

I started writing because I liked it. What I didn't realize was that my first published story would open several doors. Being published in a major publication made my resume impressive and led to interviews for writing positions. It also led to more publications noticing the articles I submitted. I am satisfied that now I work full-time as a corporate writer and my works have been published in a number of magazines.

Getting laid off was an experience that could have been fatal (毁灭性的),But there was something about that dream after it happened. That dream helped me put everything behind me and gave me the confidence to pursue new possibilities.

1. Why did the author decide to go to Caribbean?
A.To go on a business trip.
B.To have a break from work.
C.To fill a position in the company.
D.To celebrate his wedding anniversary.
2. What can we infer about the author?
A.He is gifted in writing.
B.He is an optimistic person.
C.He gave bad job performance.
D.He suffered much from losing his job.
3. How did the first published story help the author?
A.It tightened his family bond.B.It brought back long-lost friends.
C.It earned him a job in a magazine.D.It enabled him to become a writer.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.A Trip Has Changed My FutureB.Fill Your Life with Surprises
C.Leave the Baggage BehindD.Dare to Dream; Dare to Win


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.

The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups — porcelain(瓷), plastic, glass — telling them to help themselves to the coffee. Meanwhile the professor stood nearby watching.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, “If you have noticed, all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. It is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, which is the source of your problems and stress.”

“Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really want is coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other’s cups.”

“Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of the life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Savor(品味) the coffee, not the cups! Don’t let the cups drive you... enjoy the coffee instead.”

After listening to his words, the students tasted coffee carefully and found it more delicious than ever.

1. Why did the professor take out various cups with a large pot of coffee?
A.To show his wealth.B.To tell students the philosophy of life.
C.To offer more choices to students.D.To match different coffee tastes.
2. According to the professor, what is the source of the students’ problems and stress?
A.Looking for good jobs.B.Searching for nice companions.
C.Buying a big house.D.Pursuing perfection.
3. Why did students eye each other’s cups?
A.To make sure their own cups were better.B.Only to talk about their coffee.
C.To intend to have others’ cups.D.To exchange their coffee with others.
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Coffee is the best.B.Cups are nothing.
C.Learn to enjoy your life.D.The appearance is everything.
2022-12-20更新 | 201次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

When someone gives you advice, listen without judgment, try to find value in what you’re hearing, and say: “Thank you”. This wise advice is easy to understand yet hard to practice. I’ll give you an example from my life when I totally blew it in terms of practising what I teach.

In my work I travel constantly. I always put off going to the airport until the last second. My wife, Lyda, was sitting next to me in the front seat. I was racing along and not paying much attention. Lyda cried out! “Look out! There is a red light up ahead.”

Being a trained behavioral science professional, who teaches others the value of encouraging advice, I naturally screamed at her: “I know there is a red light up ahead! Don’t you think I can see?” When we arrived at the airport, Lyda didn’t speak to me. I wondered why she seemed mad at me.

During the flight to New York, I did a cost-benefit analysis. I asked myself: “What was the cost of just listening when Lyda called out the warning? Zero.” I then reasoned: “What was the potential benefit? What could have been saved?” Several potential benefits came to mind, including her life, my life, and the lives of other people.

I landed in New York feeling ashamed of myself. I immediately called Lyda and told her my cost-benefit story. I convinced her: “The next time you help me with my driving, I am just going to say, ‘Thank you.”

A few months passed, and I had long forgotten the incident. Again, I was racing off to the airport, when Lyda cried out: “Look out for the red light!” I was embarrassed, and then shouted: “Thank you!”

I’m a long way from perfect, but I’m getting better. My suggestion is that when some people may tell you things like “Look out for the red light”, you should remember that there is possibly some potential benefit and say: “Thank you.”

1. According to the passage, what job does the author do? (no more than 5 words)
2. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 probably means ______. (no more than 5 words)
3. Why didn’t the wife speak to the author when they got to the airport? (no more than 10 words)
4. What did the author do on his way to New York? (no more than 10 words)
5. What lesson can we learn from the author’s experience? (no more than 15 words)
2023-10-02更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】About six years ago, I was on a plane next to a talkative woman. I was tired and wanted to take a nap. But before I could go into “ignore mode,” she tapped me on the shoulder to introduce herself and I knew she was called Helga.

While talking with Helga, I mentioned that I had started an organization in high school called R.A.K.E (Random Acts of Kindness, Ete.). As I described what we did, Helga got very serious and told me that she thought “there was nothing more important in the world than kindness.” I was curious why she was so enthusiastic and, as the plane took off, she talked about her last fight to Arizona three years ago. Just as the plane was about to leave for Phoenix, her father’s doctor called to inform her that her dad had suddenly passed away. For the three hour plane ride, she sat in stunned silence around strangers. When she arrived at the airport in Arizona, she walked to the nearest wall, sat down, and cried.

And here is the part I’ll never forget about Helga’s story. For two hours she sat and wept while thousands walked to and from at the airport. Helga looked at me and said, “Houston, nobody stopped and asked if I was okay that day. Not a single person. It was on that day that I realized kindness isn’t normal.”

Kindness isn’t normal. That has stuck with me all these years — especially now that I work in schools nationwide speaking about sympathy, kindness and love. I’m reminded all the time that, we spend so much time worrying about our problems and our lives that we walk by or ignore people in need of kindness every day. I’m often so worried about ME that I’m really bad at taking care of YOU.

So, I’ve made it my duty to do my part in making kindness normal. I share stories with students, teachers, and parents about our need for character and compassion. I provide young people with practical ways to exercise kindness (they don’t always know what it looks like!).

1. If you go into “ignore mode”, you ________.
A.refuse to answer any questionsB.introduce yourself voluntarily
C.pay no attention to othersD.start talking with other people
2. Why did Helga cry at the airport?
A.She knew that her father died.B.She felt sick after a long flight.
C.She was surrounded by strangers.D.She arrive data completely new city.
3. How did Helga’s story influence the author?
A.He found a better way to exercise kindness.
B.He thought that most people were nice and kind.
C.He realized the importance of using stories in speech.
D.He began his mission to teach others about kindness.
2021-05-30更新 | 20次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般