组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:232 题号:11858900

Balancing preservation of the land with our desire to travel is a challenge for us travelers. When seeing cities face constant resource and waste problems, I couldn’t help but think about how much travel can affect the environment.

Back in my youth, I was an environmental activist. But over the years, I leave the lights on. I fly a lot. I drink out of plastic bottles. I eat a lot of meat. And I love fish, especially tuna. However, recently, I’ve begun thinking harder about how travel affects the environment and how I affect the environment. In doing so, I’ve tried to be a lot more aware of my actions.

I don’t know if there is an easy solution for this problem. The most environmentally friendly activity is not to travel at all, but that’s unrealistic and too extreme. There’s so much money in travel that I don’t think the government and regulation can do much. Only when their profits are hurt will hotels, operators, and the industry as a whole begin to listen. Instead, it’s all about the consumers. The only good way is to get people to be more environmentally conscious and make better decisions.

Consumers have a lot of power. Why did Wal-Mart start selling only sustainable fish and whole milk? Consumers wanted it. I think if we as travelers begin to demand more environmentally friendly practices and avoid companies with poor environmental records, we can change things.

Now, I recycle more, I use fewer water bottles, I shut off the lights, Most importantly, I use operators and stay at places that are reducing their environmental impact.

Travel can destroy the environment but it doesn’t have to. We have the power to make things better. We can do small things and demand more of the places we stay and visit. We can and should demand more of places, and of ourselves.

1. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.My experiences of protecting the environment.
B.Can we balance travel and the environment?
C.Is there an easy way to solve environmental problems?
D.How can we travel in an environmentally friendly way?
2. Why does the writer list his actions over the years?
A.To show he is wealthy.
B.To tell he is fond of travelling.
C.To indicate he has become less environmentally conscious.
D.To explain his hobby.
3. What’s the realistic way to solve the problem according to paragraph 3?
A.People do not travel at all.
B.The government takes effective measures.
C.Tourism industry follows environmental rules.
D.Consumers become more environmentally conscious.
4. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
A.Travel will surely destroy the environment.
B.Few things travelers can do to protect the environment.
C.We can get a lot from the places we travel.
D.What travelers do can make a difference to the environment.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Our planet is rich in life.Tigers and turtles,bats and bees,gnats and gnus,crabs and crabgrass-the list seems endless.We have named more than 1.5 million species,and suspect that millions more remain undiscovered.Scientists call this mind-boggling variety of life biodiversity.With so many species,it is surprising to realise that so many are in danger of becoming extinct.

Extinct species are plants and animals that once lived on Earth,but no longer live anywhere in the world.Endangered species are those most in danger of extinction.Even large populations of animals can be at risk.Passenger pigeons once darkened the skies of the US.Over time,habitat destruction and hunting decreased the population of these birds.The last one died alone at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.

Dinosaurs,dodos and passenger pigeons are all extinct.Extinction used to happen naturally,but in modern times,people have pushed wildlife to the brink much more quickly than ever before.We are losing wildlife very rapidly!

After realising this severe situation,many countries and international organisations have carried out rules and principles to protect endangered animals.The US Endangered Species Act of 1973,for example,was passed to protect threatened wildlife and habitats so they don't go the way of the dodo.

So why do animals become endangered?The main reason is the loss of habitats.Habitat destruction can make it extremely hard for wildlife to survive.However,as people learn to take better care of plants and animals as well as their habitats,endangered and threatened species may begin to make a comeback.In fact,many species such as bald eagles already have.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Biodiversity refers to the large variety of life on Earth.
B.Extinct animals and plants no longer live on Earth.
C.Only animals with a small population can be extinct.
D.Actions have been taken to protect endangered animals.
2. What does the author mean by using the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?
A.Passenger pigeons used to fly in cloudy days or at night.
B.Most of the passenger pigeons had black feathers.
C.Passenger pigeons were so large in size that they blocked the sunlight.
D.There used to have a large amount of passenger pigeons in the US.
3. What is the main reason for animals to be endangered?
A.Unexpected accidents.B.Natural disasters
C.The loss of habitats.D.Serious diseases
4. What is the authors attitude towards protecting endangered species?
A.The author believes things are getting better as people have realised its significance.
B.The author doesn't care much about protecting endangered animals.
C.The author doesn't think it is more important than developing the economy.
D.The author thinks that there is lttle hope for the endangered species to make a comeback.
2020-08-30更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍的是Gayle Bennett创始在线复古商店Soul and Flare的背景。

【推荐2】Gayle Bennett is the founder of online vintage (古董衫) shop Soul and Flare. One of the biggest aims of her company is to get rid of fashion waste by encouraging others to shop vintage and look after the clothes they already own.

Some of the vintage clothes have been worn on and off for up to 70 years-something of a miracle and testament (证明) to their quality as well as how they’re looked after, she says.

For some, buying vintage is a new experience, but Bennett has been learning her trade for a long time. She really knows what she’s talking about.

“I’ve been running Soul and Flare for around five years but have been in the vintage trade for more than a decade. I fell into it in many ways but, growing up, my mom would drag us around charity shops and car boot sales (后备箱集市). In her own way,she was sustainable even if she didn’t know what the word meant then. When I left college, I got a job at a vintage clothing shop. That’s when I started witnessing the vast amounts of clothing wasted in the UK, and my passion for reviving, repairing and making clothing last began.

“In the past, charity shops were there to help poor families, so you didn’t want to go there. But now people love going to charity shops,”Bennett says. The joy of going to charity shops is in the looking. “Around 90 percent of the time you’re going to be wearing something unique.” And that’s something every fashionist wants whether they’re wearing it to a wedding, or for a Zoom party.

1. What was Bennett’s purpose of establishing Soul and Flare?
A.To make fashion sustainable.B.To lead the fashion trend.
C.To promote worn-out clothing.D.To improve people’s fashion sense.
2. What do we know about the vintage clothes from Soul and Flare?
A.They are expensive.B.They’re of low quality.
C.They are well preserved.D.They are from charity shops.
3. What inspired Bennett to start her business?
A.Her mother’s encouragement.B.Her familiarity with the trade.
C.Her love for fashion design.D.Her knowledge of fashion waste.
4. Why do people love charity shops now according to Bennett?
A.They can save a lot of money.B.They’re influenced by fashionists.
C.They want to give to charity.D.They can get something special there.
2022-04-23更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A new set of R's are here: Recycle, Reduce and Reuse. These three “Rs”,when used every day, can reduce the amount of waste going into landfills, reduce the litter polluting the land and water, conserve (节约) energy and save your money.

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to save energy, money and time while reducing the amount of garbage going into landfills.

Most communities have roadside pick­up service to recycle common household items like glass, steel, aluminum, newspaper and cardboard. By separating out the recyclable items from normal household trash, you can reduce the amount of trash entering a landfill by more than 75 percent.

Recycling one aluminum beverage can saves enough energy to run your television for three hours. Even better, local recyclers or scrap­metal dealers may pay money for your metal recyclables.

It is estimated that the 54 billion cans recycled last year in the US saved 15 million barrels of oil. That is equivalent (相等的) to the US oil consumption for one day. Recycling other household items offers similar savings in money and energy.

Composting food waste will reduce your trash load even more. A basic compost pile built with the help of instructions from numerous resources on the web can be constructed over a weekend, using materials easily obtained from local hardware or home improvement stores. In addition to reducing your waste, this all­natural recycling provides safe, clean and organic fertilizer for your garden, eliminating the need to buy chemical­derived products.

Finally, recycling other household items like computers, televisions and monitors and household chemicals like pesticides (农药) and paints will remove dangerous chemicals like mercury (水银) and lead from the landfills.

If your community doesn't offer recycling programs, contact your local government to get one established.

1. What's NOT true about recycling in the eyes of the author?
A.It's energy­efficient.
B.It's money­saving.
C.It's time­consuming.
D.It's environmentally­friendly.
2. Recycling________aluminum beverage cans save enough energy to keep your TV on for half a day.
3. What's the possible meaning of the underlined word “composting” in the sixth paragraph?
A.Turning waste into fertilizer.
B.Throwing waste into dustbin.
C.Making waste clean and useful.
D.Finding new land to put the rubbish in.
4. The passage tells us the way of living a ________life.
2017-08-04更新 | 95次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般