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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:141 题号:12181550

In a small farm lived three close friends, Charlotte, a spider, Templeton, a rat and Wilbur, a pig. When Wilbur was told that he was going to be killed and eaten at Christmas, he turned to Charlotte for help. Charlotte had the idea of writing words in her web to express Wilbur’s excellence, reasoning that if she could make Wilbur famous, he would not be killed.

In the cool of the evening, when shadows darkened the Fair Grounds, Templeton, the rat, climbed out from his cave and looked around. Wilbur lay asleep in the farm. Charlotte was building a web. Templeton’s keen nose detected many fine smells in the air. He decided to go exploring. Without saying anything to anybody, he started off.

“Bring me back a word!” Charlotte called after him. “I shall be writing tonight for Wilbur’s survival.” “Got it,” the rat said, disappearing into the shadows.

After the heat of the day, the evening came as a welcome relief to all. Templeton kept out of sight. In the tall grass behind the cattle farm he found a folded newspaper. Inside it was remained food from somebody’s lunch: a half sandwich, a piece of Swiss cheese, part of a hard-boiled egg, and the core of an apple. The rat went in and ate everything. Then he tore a word out of the paper, rolled it up, and started back to the pig farm.

Charlotte had her web almost finished when Templeton returned, carrying the paper. She had left a space in the middle of the web. At this hour, no people were around the farm, so the rat and the spider and the pig were by themselves. “I hope you brought a good word which would let Wilbur alive when Christmas comes.” Charlotte said. “Here,” said Templeton, showing the unrolling paper.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“What does it say?” asked Charlotte. “You have to spell the word for me.”
Wilbur said, “Charlotte, do you really think my master will not kill me with the help of the word?”
【知识点】 故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

For years, my wife Teresa taught physical education at the elementary school level. Travelling on a regular schedule to the six schools in her district, she had a chance to get to know most of the kids in the area and see them at their best and their worst.

One day, in her class, Teresa noticed a third-grade girl, Meagan, who was short and grossly overweight, with a closed and hopeless look on her face. Meagan always sat alone in class, played alone at break, and ate alone from a recycled paper sack at lunch. The teachers and staff were kind to Meagan, but the students were not.

The stories made your shoulders drop. Teresa heard that when the playground supervisors (管理员) turned their backs, kids would run up to Meagan, calling her “Meagan the Fat Pig.” They did far worse than isolate (孤立) her; they filled her school days and walks home with physical and emotional torment (折磨). Also, Meagan’s single mother, a hard-working woman, was trying her best to make ends meet but she had never made it before.

Meagan’s situation disturbed my wife deeply. After talking with the principle and other teachers, Teresa came up with an idea. She knew from talking to Meagan that the child had never had a pet. Teresa was sure a pet would be the perfect way to inject some high-powered love and acceptance into Meagan’s life.

So one Saturday afternoon, Meagan was invited to Teresa’s office. When the door buzzer sounded, a dog engaged in a predictable and vigorous welcome. Getting down on one knee, Teresa introduced herself to Meagan. She told Meagan her thought that she could take away a puppy if she liked. Like any creature that has been cared about, Meagan gleamed in her eyes and playfully lifted the puppy almost off the ground. That day Meagan left the office with the puppy.

Paragraph 1: Now she had a living, breathing friend who wanted to play with her.
Paragraph 2: Ten years later, Teresa received an invitation to the high school graduation ceremony from Meagan, where Meagan made a speech.
2024-03-16更新 | 61次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Holly was confused as she opened the birthday present from her best friend,Susan—it was a twelve­by­eight inch dark blue carpet.Her “thanks” was hardly heard as Holly tried hard not to show her disappointment.

The next morning,I carried a kitchen rubbish bag outside only to find Susan’s carpet lying there.I immediately reached in and pulled it out of the rubbish can.After giving it a brushing,I brought it into the house and put it away.

Before Holly’s birthday,Susan had been a regular visitor in our home.But suddenly I realized that it had been nearly three weeks since we’d heard the mention of Susan’s name.I missed her warm smile very much.

“Susan invited us to go to her house after school tomorrow.” Holly said as soon as she arrived from school.From her voice,I sensed she was pleased with the invitation.

We were traveling along the winding country road that led to her house the following day.On the way Susan talked nervously about her foster mom and the seventeen cats they had taken in and cared for.

When we came to a stop,Susan’s foster mom—who introduced herself as Glenda—gave us a warm welcome.Susan guided us through the house.She proudly showed us her room,which was only decorated with some shabby used furniture.

I followed Susan’s foster mom,Glenda,into the kitchen.After clearing a small area,Glenda poured us each a cup of black coffee with her trembling hand.Then she began to relax as we drank our coffee and chatted about her cats.

Her eyes shone as she showed her fondness for Susan.But her expression turned blue when she referred to the girl’s past.In an instant,I came to respect this warmhearted woman who had opened her home to a younger girl and tied hard to make a difference in her life.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:

As daylight began to fade,we offered our thanks for the visit and said goodbye.

Paragraph 2:

“Is this what you were looking for?”

2020-10-21更新 | 354次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

From the time I started playing basketball at six years old, my father never missed a game. He would stand beside the basketball field from the beginning to the end and cheer for me and my team. When I was on the team at Trinity College, he would leave work and drive two hours from Massachusetts to the Connecticut campus to see me play. He always stuck around after the game (no matter how long the coach kept us in the locker room) and then turned around and headed home to start his shift at his second job.

Growing up, I played every sport, but basketball really connected me to my father. He was raised in a rough-and-tumble household with four older brothers and one older sister, and playing basketball with them was something he looked forward to. To this day, he still holds basketball records at the high school we both went to. My dad was the person I could ask for feedback on how I played, and the one I could practice with on the little half-court in our backyard.

When I joined a co-ed AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) team at the age of twelve, it was the first time I remember him giving me inspiring talks and telling me that I could hang with the boys and not to be afraid of being small. As I got older, I was always the workhorse of the team and the player who did the dirty work—I had to wear knee pads during my games because I’d scramble(争夺)so hard for the ball—which earned me a role as captain.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The day came soon when I would compete again.


After the game, as usual, I told my father about the game.

2022-04-01更新 | 179次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般