组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 自然灾害与防范
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:12259811

There have been fires in every Australian state, but New South Wales has been   hardest hit. Fires have torn through bushland (丛林地), wooded areas, and national parks. Some start and are controlled in a few days, but the biggest fires have been burning for months.

Each year there is a fire season during the Australian summer, with hot, dry weather making it easy for fires to start and spread. Natural causes are responsible for fires most of the time, like lightning hits in drought-affected forests. Dry lightning was to blame for starting a number of fires in late December, which then traveled more than 20 kilometers in just five hours. Humans can also be responsible. Police have charged at least 24 people with starting bushfires on purpose, and have taken action against 183 people for setting fire since November.

Fire season in Australia is always dangerous -- the 2009 Black Saturday fires killed 173 people in Victoria, making it the deadliest bushfire disaster on record. But conditions have been unusually bad this year, making fires burn more strongly and making firefighting conditions particularly difficult. Australia is experiencing one of its worst droughts over the years. Meanwhile, a heatwave in December broke the record for highest nationwide average temperature, with some places under temperatures well above 40 degrees Celsius. Strong winds have also made the fires and smoke spread more rapidly, and have led to deaths.

About half a billion animals have been affected by the fires across NSW, with millions likely dead -- and that's lower than what is probably the real number. That number of total animals influenced could be as high as one billion nationwide. Almost a third of koalas in NSW may have been killed in the fires, and a third of the places where they live have been destroyed.

Some species, like koalas, aren't in any immediate danger of extinction because they are spread out across the country. But others that live in more suitable environments with lower populations, including certain types of frogs and birds, could be destroyed entirely if their home is hit by the fires.

1. Fires in Australia _________.
A.may last a long timeB.often happen in spring
C.mainly happened in some statesD.are easily controlled in a few hours
2. Fires in late December ___________.
A.spread rapidlyB.caused by humans
C.were put out by policeD.were due to wet weather
3. What does the underlined word “heatwave” probably mean?
A.big fireB.strong wind
C.serious droughtD.period of hot weather
4. Why aren’t koalas in danger of extinction at once?
A.Because they can run fast.
B.Because they live far and wide.
C.Because their home is well protected.
D.Because they have a lower population.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Major Natural Disasters in 2021

Natural disasters are extreme and sudden events that injure people and damage property. Earthquakes, storms, floods and volcanos strike anywhere on earth, often without warning. A number of countries around the world fought against a wave of extreme events from the earthquakes in Haiti to storms across Europe and Asia in 2021.

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), floods swept through the countries around the world, being nearly a third of the major natural disasters, with hurricanes and storms accounting for an additional 50%of the 2021 list. It reported that as the atmosphere got warmer, it held more moisture, which meant it would rain more during storms, increasing the risk of floods.

Here is a list of the deadliest natural disasters that happened in 2021.




Number of deaths

Economic losses

Insured losses

29August—2 September


United States and Canada




12—19 July












13 February






10—11 December


United States




27—29 April


United States



14 August









Losses in millions USD

1. Which of the following natural disasters had the biggest effect on the earth in 2021 according to WMO?
2. How many people were killed by the earthquakes in Haiti?
A.Less than 100.B.Around 200.C.About 900.D.Over 2,000.
3. Where did the disaster that lasted the longest happen?
A.In China.B.In the United States.C.In Spain.D.In Japan.
2022-04-24更新 | 97次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】During an earthquake, you should know what to do. If the earthquake strikes while you’re inside a house, you should lie on the floor under a strong table or other furniture. If there is no furniture, you can cover your head with your arms and keep still in the corner of the room. You should keep away from windows, glass walls, or anything that can fall.

If you are in bed, hold firmly onto your bed and make use of a pillow to safeguard your head. You may use a doorway but only when it is close to you. It should also be considered whether it is strong enough to deal with the load.

If you are running out, do not use lifts, even if they work. Electricity may go out at any time. Many injuries happen when people try to rush out. This means you ought to stay in your house or perhaps wherever you are.

When you stay outdoors, you should stay far from buildings, power wires or lights. You should be in the open until the quake stops. Remember that many earthquake deaths outside the house come from falling-apart walls, flying glass and other falling things.

If an earthquake strikes and you are driving, you should pull up to the side of the highway and stop as quickly as possible. You ought not to stop under trees, buildings or energy wires. Don’t stop in the middle of the street as it could trouble others.

When trapped, you shouldn’t move. Your mouth should be covered with a piece of clothing or a handkerchief. This is because it is possible for you to breathe in some dust. Do not shout whenever possible. You should only shout in the end to get help from rescuers.

1. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To tell us the dangers of an earthquake.
B.To tell us what to do before an earthquake.
C.To tell us what to do when an earthquake strikes.
D.To tell us why running during an earthquake is dangerous.
2. If there is no furniture in the room during an earthquake, you should________.
A.lie still on the floor
B.stay near the window
C.stay in the center of the room
D.keep still in the corner of the room
3. According to the passage, during an earthquake, you’d better not________.

a. use a lift to escape       b. stay outdoors

c. cut off electricity       d. keep driving to escape

4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.When to call out for help in an earthquake.
B.What to do when trapped in an earthquake.
C.How to make use of a handkerchief in an earthquake.
D.How to avoid breathing in some dust in an earthquake.
2017-06-17更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The results of failing to keep the world’s temperature down are beginning to show.Extreme weather events are likely to become more frequent, and the world’s peoples and their governments are being urged to do more to handle climate change.

Ma Jun, director of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, an environmental group in Beijing, said the consensus among scientists now is that “climate change has resulted in an increase in extreme weather events across the globe, including temperature extremes, heavy rains, river floods, droughts, storms, as well as compound events”.

Over the past few years heat waves have occurred in places that had previously enjoyed mild weather, higher temperatures have occurred in normally colder regions, and places that are hot are now frequently enduring wildfires, he said, citing a report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) that includes a whole chapter on weather extremes.

The IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report said it is an“established fact”that human-caused greenhouse gas emissions have led to an increased frequency of some weather and climate extremes since preindustrial times.

The global surface temperature is now about 1.09C higher than in the preindustrial period(1850-1900), with stronger warming over land (1.59 C) than over oceans.

Extreme weather events have continued to hit the glebe this year and have killed many people, disrupted (扰乱) the lives of millions and disrupted production.

In Europe, after a summer of extremely high temperatures, violent thunderstorms and hurricane-force winds have hit the continent, leaving at least 13 people dead in Austria, France and Italy by Friday, authorities said.

The Netherlands is one of many European countries that have suffered drought this summer, bringing water shortages in the low-lying country as inland rivers and lakes have fallen to historically low levels.

1. What is the consensus among scientist?
A.Increased extreme weather events resulted from climate change.
B.There will be more extreme weather events in the near future.
C.The government are to blame for the increased extreme weather.
D.The government should reach a consensus on climate change.
2. What can we conclude from the third paragraph?
A.People in tropical areas will have to endure more wildfires.
B.Places enjoying mild weather will always have heat waves.
C.Cold regions normally have experienced higher temperatures.
D.The IPCC report places great emphasis on weather extremes.
3. How do you understand“an established fact”mentioned by the IPCC?
A.It means the fact has to be proved through experiments.
B.It means the fact has been agreed on commonly by scientists.
C.The fact is that green gas is to blame for more extreme events.
D.Scientists have to establish the fact by doing more experiments.
4. What might be the best title of the article?
A.An SOS Goes out as Globe Burns and Drowns
B.More Disasters will Happen around the World
C.The Global Surface Temperature is Higher than Ever
D.Governments are being Urged to Do More
2022-11-29更新 | 118次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般