组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:742 题号:12286798

Two things changed my life: my mother and a white plastic bike basket. I have thought long and hard about it and it's true. I would be a different person if my mom hadn't turned a silly bicycle basket into a life lesson I carry with me today.

Managing the family budget(预算)must have been a very hard task,but my mother made it look easy. If we complained about not having what another kid did, we'd hear something like, "I don't care what so-and-so got for his birthday; you are not getting a TV in your room, a car for your birthday or an expensive birthday party. "We had to earn our pocket money by doing the housework. I can still remember how long it took to shine(擦亮)the legs of our coffee table. My brothers can no doubt remember hours spent cleaning the house. We made our own beds(no one left the house until that was done).We had to keep track of our belongings(物品),and if something was lost, it was not replaced.

It was summer and, one day, my mother drove me to the bike shop to get a tire fixed—and there it was in the window. White, shiny, plastic and decorated(装饰)with flowers,the basket winked(眨眼)at me and I knew—I knew—I had to have it.

"It's beautiful," my mother said when I pointed it out to her. "What a nice basket."

I played it cool for a short while. But then I guess I couldn't stand it any longer: "Mom, please can I please, please get it? I’ll do extra chores for as long as you say. I'll do anything, but I need that basket. I love that basket. Please, Mom. Please?"

"You know, "she said,gently rubbing my back while we both stared at(注视)what I believed was the coolest thing ever," If you save up you could buy this yourself."

"By the time I make enough it'll be gone!"

"Maybe Roger here could hold it for you," she smiled at Roger, the bike store Owner.

"He can't hold it for that long, Mom. Someone else will buy it. Please, Mom, please?"

"There might be another way," she said.


And so our paying plan began.


Days later, a neighborhood girl appeared with the exact same basket fixed to her shiny, new bike.

【知识点】 哲理感悟 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One afternoon after school, Mary and his brother, Keith, were eating at a cafe near their home. That afternoon, they had to share their table with another person. That person was a young lady in her twenties. After eating, she went to the restroom. Without realizing, she had left her handphone on the table. Five minutes later, she came out and walked out of the cafe without looking back.

Mary saw the handphone on the table. She quickly told Keith, “Keith, the girl left behind her handphone.” Keith looked at the handphone. It was one of the latest models on the market. Looking very sleek, it was red in color with a black cover. The handphone must be expensive.

Keith had always wanted a handphone, But his parents refused. He stared at it for some minutes. Then he said slowly, pausing on every word, “I want to take the handphone,” Mary could not believe her eyes. She merely stared at her brother, “you can’t! What if the owner comes to look for it?”

Having made the decision, Keith quickly grabbed the handphone and put it in his schoolbag. Then, he took Mary’s hand and led her out of the cafe quickly. Outside the café, he ran to his bicycle. Mary had to run after him.

Once back home, Keith locked his house door with trembling hands. Looking at the handphone, he liked it so much. Now he had his own handphone. But Mary told him, “Keith, you cannot keep the handphone. What will you tell father about this handphone?”

Keith said quickly, “I will say a friend lent it to me.”

Mary said, “Now you are lying, too.” Oh dear! When had Keith turned so dishonest?

Then Mary saw a house phone number on the plastic cover of the handphone, “This phone number is the girl’s phone number. Why don’t we just call this number? We will talk to her and ask her to come and take back her handphone.” She was trying her best to talk some sense into him.

注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右     
2. 续写部分分为两段,开头已给出。
Paragraph 1: That night, Keith couldn’t go to sleep, reflecting in bed.
Paragraph 2: Mary was very happy to hear that.
2024-05-07更新 | 40次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

When I was twelve, my parents let me babysit for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph who lived down the street with their two little preschool girls. Most of my babysitting occurred during daylight hours while Mrs. Joseph went shopping. One day she asked if I could stay with her daughters in the evening, promising she and her husband would be home by ten p. m. After pleaded with (恳求) them, desperate to earn fifty cents an hour for six hours—three whole dollars!—my parents agreed.

At four o'clock, I knocked on the Josephs' front door, greeted the kids, and received detailed instructions from their mother. A few minutes later, the girls and I were alone. We played hide-and-seek, did some finger painting together, and I fixed them scrambled eggs (炒鸡蛋) and toast soldiers for dinner. Then, at about eight p, m., I gathered the two kids beside me on the sofa and began to read them a story.

I heard a soft click, as if the front door had been opened, and I stopped. “Go on,” said Melanie, the four-year-old. “Keep reading.” “Wait.” I put my finger to my lips, “I thought I heard someone come in.” I heard the click again, and the lamp beside me switched on. All three of us jumped. Then the drapes (帘子) closed across the big window.

I screamed, put a little girl under each of my arms, and ran upstairs to the bathroom. As I locked the door behind us, I heard music begin to play from a radio somewhere downstairs. The girls clutched (紧紧抱住) each other in fear as I calmed them down, saying, “There's a bad man in the house. You have to be perfectly quiet. ”

The three of us sat on the floor, ears pressed to the wooden door ... listening. Even two-year-old Tricia was very quiet. For two hours we listened to the music playing, but we never heard another sound. No footsteps, no creaking (嘎吱作响的) doors, or breaking of china. Definitely no one walking up the stairs.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

Then the front door opened with a bang and we all jumped.

Mr. Joseph explained he had bought a smart home device.
2023-08-02更新 | 77次组卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions: Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

“If we’re going to get through these difficult times; if we’re going to create a world where everybody has the opportunity to find a job, and afford college; if we’re going to save the environment and defeat future pandemics, then we’re going to have to do it together. So be alive to one another’s struggles. Stand up for one another’s rights. Leave behind all the old ways of thinking that divide us﹣sexism, racial prejudice, status, greed﹣and set the world on a different path. ”

2020-08-16更新 | 104次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般