组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:72 题号:12341881

“Dad,” I say one day, “let's take a trip. Why don't you fly out and meet me?”

My father had just retired after 27 years as a manager for IBM. His job filled his day, his thought, and his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I screamed under a freezing waterfall in Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.

My father sees me drifting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find an adventure.

He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.

“What is our first stop?” asks my father.

“What time is it?”

“Still don't have a watch?”

Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite (花岗岩),his mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of a little boy.

“Unbelievable.” he says, “How was this done?”

A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Borglum devoted 14 years to the sculpture and then left the final touches to his son.

We stare up and I ask myself, “Would I ever devote my life to anything?”

“No directions, no goals.” I always used to hear those words in my father's voice. Now I hear them in my own.

The next day we're at Yellowstone National Park, where we have a picnic.

“Did you ever travel with your dad?” I ask.

“Only once,” he says, “I never spoke much with my father. We loved each other—but never said it. Whatever he could give me, he gave.”

The last sentence—it's probably the same thing I'd say about my father. And what I'd want my child to say about me.

In Glacier National Park, my father says, “I've never seen water so blue.” I have, in several places of the world. I can keep travelling. I realize—and maybe a regular job won't be as dull as I feared.

Weekes after our trip, I call my father. “The photos from the trip are wonderful.” he says. “We heve got to take another trip like that sometime.”

I tell him I've decide to settle down, and I'm wearing a watch.

1. We can learn from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 that the father ________.
A.followed the fashionB.got bored with his job
C.liked the author's collection of stampsD.was unhappy with the author's lifestyle
2. From the underlined paragraph, we can see that the author ________.
A.hopes to give whatever he can to his fatherB.learns how to communicate with his father
C.comes to understand what parental love meansD.wants his children to learn from their grandfather
3. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.A Journey with DadB.Reflections on Nature
C.Benefits from TravellingD.Deep Love from a Father


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I am thinking today about my new favorite thing. It’s an app that my husband told me a few years ago that helps me bypass all the obstacles (障碍) in my way: potholes, heavy traffic, and even speed cameras.

To be honest, when my husband first told me about it, I didn’t pay much attention. I was only going to places I already knew how to get to. Plus, I learned to drive from my father—who never turned to a map. I think I mistakenly absorbed the message that real drivers didn’t need a map; you somehow just magically knew where to go. It was only later that I realized that just getting a driver’s license didn’t mean you knew how to get to places—that was lesson one. Lesson two came when my kids started playing on two different travel teams. The drivers in our household suddenly had the need to head in different directions on the same day.

Suddenly my app became very meaningful to me. How did I ever manage to get to strange playing fields hidden somewhere without it? But the crazy thing I have also noticed is how often I just don’t listen to it. Why might that be? Do I just prefer the old routes, even if they are actually worse? I see an analogy (类比) to the present moment. There is evidence that some old ideas and some long familiar ideas will send us into a boring unchanging lifestyle. But for some reason we like them better than an unfamiliar new route that might take us into areas we’ve never heard of, let alone visited.

It can be hard to admit we don’t know everything. As a person who still drives an 8-year-old stick shift and who has never stood in line for anything new, I certainly understand that. But I also try to remember the times I let go of my ego (自负), or my fear, and learned that life could be better. Not perfect—but better. I am glad I finally listened to my husband about that app. He was right.

1. What did the author think of the app at the very beginning?
A.It was magical.B.It was practically valueless.
C.It was powerful.D.It was not as good as a map.
2. What would probably make the author ignore the app’s instructions?
A.Her desire to explore alone.B.Her doubt about the new device.
C.Her preference for the new routes.D.Her refusal to experience changes.
3. What can be inferred about the author from the last paragraph?
A.She is willing to challenge herself.B.She cares little about others’ comments.
C.She recognizes her problems easily.D.She is too inflexible to make any change.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Real Drivers Know Their WayB.It Pays to Take a New Route
C.New Apps Make Life PerfectD.It Matters to Listen to Inner Voice
2023-04-25更新 | 303次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约560词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We all love scenic views of the ocean, lakes, streams and even ponds. There just seems to be something calming about water, and people everywhere stop to look when they see even a painting where water is featured. Beachfront vacations are the most popular around the world because we associate water with relaxation. It is certain that water is good for the soul.

Then, what is it about water that gives it the power to improve mental health? Well, it could be the ocean air. A couple of hundred years ago, ocean air was prescribed by doctors when patients were not doing well. Sometimes the only remedy they could suggest was to take the patient to the ocean for an extended period of time. There were times when this did not work, but for some people, the ocean air was what they needed to get well.

Tides(潮水) could also help improve mental health. No matter what’s going on in your life, or in the world, the ocean never stops. Tides come in and out every day, right on time,regardless of what is happening. Waves continually come crashing to the shore, no matter what is going on inside or outside of the water. When we hear the crashing of waves by the ocean, the sound of waves can change the brain’s wave patterns and contribute to a relaxed state of mind. Even simply observing the movements of water can lead to a lowering of depression, a lowering of stress levels and anxiety, and can promote better mental health. When your brain is in this relaxed state, it is more open to creative thoughts.

So, if you’re looking to clear your head, then look for some blue space. Actually, there are still things you can do if it is impossible for you to live near water. You can invest in some pictures or paintings of the ocean and display them in your home. And then you can put ocean sounds on and spend a few minutes each day looking at these scenes. This way you still get the sights and sounds of the ocean, even though you can’t physically be there. You can also rent a cottage for a few days in summer. Spend a few days at a nearby lake as often as possible. If your cottage is close enough to a lake, you can even go for walks along the beach in any season. When you have the opportunity to be near water, take it. You’ll be amazed at what it’ll do to improve mental health.

Title: Water is good for the soul

People have a preference for water, which is calming and can     1     the soul.

Why water can help improve mental healthBreathing the ocean air used to be viewed as a good way to help patients get well.
The sound of waves can lead to the     2    of the brain’s wave patterns and make people feel     3     mentally.
By watching the movements of the water, we can feel less depressed, less stressed and less     4     .
We can think clearly and     5     in a relaxed state.
    6     to find blue spaceBuy pictures of the ocean and display them in the room.
    7     ocean sounds when looking at these scenes, even if you can’t be there in    8    .
Stay in a rented cottage       9     to water for a few days in summer.
Walk along the beach whatever the     10    
2018-01-02更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I enjoy throwing stuff away. I’d love to go full minimalism (极简主义), but my wife and two teenage kids do not share my dream of a house with almost nothing in it. I have tried. When the kids were little, I taught them my two favorite games – “Do We Need It?” and “Put It in Its Place”— and made them play every few months. Their enthusiasm never matched mine.

If I’m going to be honest, my own tidying skills are not as great as I’d like. My “discarded” pile is never quite the trash mountain I want because I make up excuses for why things are useful. I consider this unhealthy. I want to be better at moving on.

So, this time I found help—the classics for people like me: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo. Kondo’s commitment to her craft is astonishing. Her philosophy is only to keep things you love. Can I go full Kondo? I will try. One central idea is to clean by category. You start by collecting all clothes and gathering them together for consideration. It makes you rethink how you organize. Next, hold each item and ask if it brings you joy. This way you’re choosing what to keep. And that’s how I find myself with all my clothes on my bedroom floor. My wife walks by and gives me a look that says I’m nuts. She’s probably not wrong.

Somewhere near the bottom of this chaos is my special jacket. I move through the pile: pants, shirts, suits and shoes. Then my last category: jackets. I haven’t worn it in about 30 years. Somehow, it has survived. Now, has its time come?

I hold it in my hand. There is a tear just below the collar that widens as I hold it. It’s literally falling apart. Will I ever wear it again? Not a chance. Does it feel good to wear? Does it bring me joy? Actually, yes. At this moment, my daughter walks in. She asks about the jacket. I tell her the story. She thinks I should keep it. It’s cool and unique and full of memories. She is arguing that nostalgia (怀念) is the very reason.

I’m not entirely convinced by my daughter’s arguments. I believe in looking ahead, not backward. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s hard to let go. So I gently place the jacket on the “keep” pile.

1. What can we learn about the author’s family members from Paragraph1?
A.They can’t tolerate what the author insists on.
B.They are less passionate about full minimalism.
C.They are strongly opposed to full minimalism.
D.They completely support what the author does.
2. What does the underlined word “discarded” probably mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What drives the author to read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up?
A.To learn how to categorize.B.To develop a passion for minimalism.
C.To persuade his family members.D.To improve his tidying skills.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The importance of categorizing skillsB.The changes brought by minimalism
C.The author’s efforts to go minimalismD.An inspiration got from the book
2023-09-20更新 | 145次组卷
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