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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:218 题号:12914789

ECycling refers to the recycling of electronic items, which are becoming a common problem in American home and throughout the world. The EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency, has actually started a program to help and motivate the recycling of electronics.

To get the program to the regional and neighborhood levels, the EPA directed “Plug-In to eCyeling Partners.” These partnerships support electronic reusing programs in individual communities. They provide local governments, retailers and manufacturers with opportunities to reuse and recycle their items. Those who make and offer electronic devices then promote programs and opportunities for consumers to reuse their second-hand electronic products. One of the EPA’s goals is to enlighten customers about why the recycling of electronics is so important. They likewise wish to make eCycling chances easily accessible to specific consumers and their family electronics. According to the EPA, the eCycling program has actually been quite successful. In 2008, the EPA collected 66.5 million pounds of electronic devices through their Plug-In Partners.

Local governments have actually likewise got on board and passed laws intended to handle used electronic devices. Huge corporations have actually introduced eCycling programs at their local retail stores. One seller offers customers small, medium and big boxes for sale, which the customers then load with used electronics and go back to the store. Typically,customers bring their recyclable electronics to a location. When the electronic items are gathered by the EPA(typically this is done byt he Partners), they are reused or recycled.

Reused items are repaired and refurbished, and passed on to others as a contribution. You can repair or recondition your very own electronic devices too, extending the life of the items and conserving the energy of making new materials. Reusing electronic devices includes making use of the products and pats of the items. These materials and parts are then made use of to produce another item. This is more efficient than making items from new materials.

Some items that are commonly eCycled consist of televisions, computer monitors, printers, notebook computer, keyboards and cable televisions. Less usual items include copying machines, CDplayers, voice mail machines, computer hard drives, mobile telephones, remote controls, radios, batteries, telephones, facsimile machines and computer games. Occasionally, electronic items such as microwaves, fans, vacuums, smoke alarms, and toasters are eCycled.

As the eCycling program continues, you or your organization may want to get involved. Check the EPA’s internet site (www.epa.gov) for regional eCycling programs, or for details on how your company can participate. Their website has links to organizations that are taking part in the eCycling program.

1. The EPA brought about “Plug-In to eCycling Partners” to__________.
A.make and offer electronic devices to consumers
B.make customers understand the importance of eCycling
C.make the program accessible to local regions and communities
D.make it possible for consumers to reuse their used e-products
2. The Plug-In Partners are mainly engaged in__________.
A.repairing electronic deviceB.gathering recyclable electronics
C.reusing second-hand e-productsD.offering customers different boxes for sale.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.People can sell their reused items on the Internet.
B.Individuals can’t take part in eCycling programs.
C.Devices of computers are well eCycled.
D.Not every electronic item can be eCycled.
4. What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To introduce a new way to save costs.
B.To teach customers how to recycle electronics.
C.To attract people to join in the eCycling programs.
D.To call on local governments to support Plug-In Partners.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Washing machines and fridges will be labelled with their carbon footprint as part of efforts to promote greener products and bring down carbon emissions (排放).

UK government want to introduce a system in which products would be labelled to show how much greenhouse gases had been given off while making the product. Officials favour a system in which labels describe the product’s emission figure along with a ranking, such as from A to G. A rating of A would represent a “zero emission” product.

In consultation papers published earlier, the government said: “The combination of the emissions figure and ranking system could give a simple way to find out the best products, as well as the raw data needed to make more detailed comparisons.” Officials hope the labelling would encourage people to buy greener products, helping to bring down carbon emissions.

The government has not set out which products the emission figures would apply to, but it is likely to eventually apply to products whose production process involves significant emissions, such as heavy goods involving steel or plastic.

The proposal is among several steps by the government to encourage UK companies to cut their emissions, alongside wider measures to boost clean energy supplies.

Officials are also considering introducing new import taxes to protect UK factories from being affected by cheap imports from competitors. Under the proposals, imported goods without costs for going green would face extra taxes. The potential so-called carbon border taxes are aimed at protecting areas such as steel and chemicals.

Matthew Germain, an expert in British Environmental Law, said the measures would mean the UK was “at least keeping step with the European Union (EU)”. The EU reached a deal in December of 2022 to charge carbon taxes on imports of iron and steel, and electricity. Countries will not be affected if they have same climate change policies to the EU.

1. What new information will be added to labels of products?
A.Their raw materials.B.Consumers’ ratings.
C.Amount of carbon emission.D.Advantages and disadvantages.
2. What is the purpose of the new labelling system?
A.Help consumers save money.B.Promote eco-friendly choices.
C.Improve production efficiency.D.Develop the country’s industry.
3. What do we know about the carbon border taxes?
A.They bring the country a step ahead of the EU.
B.They have no influence on countries of the EU.
C.They make British companies more competitive.
D.They increase the costs of imported green goods.
2023-07-23更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】To prevent the deserts coming near, China has planted billions of trees---to replace destroyed forests and as barriers against the sand. This isn’t a cure, though, say experts, as thirsty trees can make the problem worse by taking in groundwater.
“Planting trees is one way, but it isn’t that simple. It doesn’t solve the basic issue of water resources,” says Wu Bo, a professor. “We need to calculate how much water the trees will absorb, or else it could have a negative effect.”
Villagers in Zhengxin have taken on this challenge, with limited success. When the irrigation channels began to run dry, Lu Xianglin switched from wheat to cotton on his land. He also planted trees to protect his fields from sandstorms. He says he still gets good yields(产量) using flood irrigation and earns a good income for his family.
Other farmers haven’t stuck it out(坚持到底): about one in three have left Zhengxin in the past 10 years after their wheat crops died. Young people who can find jobs in the towns rarely return.
Last week, Mr Lu joined the other men in his village on a government-arranged trip to see the land that has been set aside for their relocation, nearly 40 miles to the south. The next day, he was back, shaking his head at the plan. The idea of uprooting his family troubles him, as does the idea of giving up the land that fed his forefathers. He prefers to stay and keep up the fight.
“With enough water, this problem can be solved,” Lu says. “We can plant trees and grass, and they will grow bigger. That will stop the desert.”
Experts say that farmers could switch to drip irrigation (滴灌)to lessen their water intake for growing crops. Elsewhere in the region, farmers have built brick greenhouses as part of a plan to grow vegetables using less water. Roadside signs urge farmers to “Save Water, Protect the Environment”.
1. The negative effect of planting trees in deserts is that __________.
A.it can make groundwater become less
B.it can prevent the sand moving freely
C.it can stop crops growing well
D.it can get the soil to become poor
2. Why did Mr. Lu NOT accept the idea of relocation?
A.Because the plan of relocation will cost him much money.
B.Because his family had trouble moving away.
C.Because he was reluctant to give up his land.
D.Because he would rather stay than fight against the deserts.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.The deserts drive more and more people to leave their homes for their lives.
B.People have no means to fight against the land becoming desert.
C.Water is the biggest barrier for people to stop the desert.
D.Planting trees cannot solve the problem of desertification of farmland.
4. What advice is given by experts to save water?
A.To plant more trees.
B.To build greenhouses.
C.To change crops.
D.To use drip irrigation.
2016-01-21更新 | 217次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了来自于 Lithgow 的学生发现学校周边的湿地没办法为乌龟提供晒太阳的地方。在 西悉尼大学的带领下,澳大利亚正在试点实行“学校里的海龟”项目,鼓励学生亲自参与保护环境。

【推荐3】When students from Lithgow visited wetlands near their primary school, they quickly picked up on a problem: there was nowhere for turtles.

“A bunch of students said there are no logs or rocks here, so where are they going to bask (晒太阳)?” says Associate Professor Ricky Spencer from Western Sydney University. The question was raised as part of a project in which year 5 and 6 students were attempting to understand their local environment and what it needed to thrive (兴旺). The students had just learned that in spring, turtles have to bask on a rock or log to create eggs.

The students are now conducting research and developing a proposal to present to their local council for the introduction of new basking areas, such as logs or human-made platforms. “That is pretty powerful, for year 5 and year 6 students to actually know how to make change,” Spencer says. “We want kids to understand why conservation measures are important.”

Led by Western Sydney University, the Turtles in Schools program aims to encourage an informed future generation that will take care of the environment. It is currently in a trial phase, with select New South Wales schools hosting turtles in classrooms and visiting nearby wetlands. By 2023, up to 10 turtle tanks will be installed (安装) in schools. By 2024, the program will be available to all year 5 and 6 classrooms across Australia.

By guiding experiments on topics such as growth rates and behavioural observations, and introducing schools to activities in their local wetlands, Spencer says this program could encourage students to actually carry their education forward to their day-to-day life.

Presbyterian Ladies’ College has been investing in facilities including a turtle pond for six years. They will be available for nearby schools involved in the Turtles in Schools program. “We want to connect students to the real world, to develop values to look after the environment. Our students become familiar with understanding our relationship to the natural world. We are connected to it. We rely upon it. It isn’t something dispensable,” the principal, Dr Paul Bergis, says.

1. What did students from Lithgow notice when they visited wetlands?
A.Wetlands are shaded from sunlight.
B.Turtles lack areas to get sunlight.
C.Turtles create eggs on logs or rocks.
D.Artificial platforms are introduced to wetlands.
2. What can we know about the Turtles in Schools program?
A.It informs students of turtles’ future generation.
B.It sets up many turtle tanks in wetlands.
C.It selects year 5 and 6 students across Australia.
D.It helps students relate education to daily life.
3. What does the underlined word “dispensable” in the last paragraph probably mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Rocks or Logs Help Turtles to Thrive in Wetlands
B.Humans Build a Close Bond with the Natural World
C.Teaching with Turtles Turns Students into Conservationists
D.Hands-on Programs Arouse Students’ Interest in Education
2023-04-28更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般