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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:144 题号:12920546

At some point in our lives, most of us have attended a school or university lecture. These learning sessions give us some insightful and valuable knowledge or can be something we yawn through, trying to keep awake. Whatever our experience, lectures have been and still are the most common teaching method in education. But will they exist in the future?

With the growth of the Internet and so much information at our fingertips, you may think there is no need to gather together at a fixed location holding a handful of textbooks. BBC journalist Matt Pickles says, “Research has shown that students remember as little as 10 percent of their lectures just days afterwards.”

Professor Carl Wieman, who campaigns against the traditional lecture, felt talking at students and expecting them to absorb knowledge was not that effective so he introduced “active learning” that encourages problem solving in small groups. He listens to them and guides their discussions. The result has improved exam results. Other new alternatives to the lecture have included peer-to-peer learning and project-based learning that enable students to link up and work cooperatively on projects such as building a computer game.

But new learning methods can come at a high financial cost compared to the relatively cheap way of being taught face to face by an academic. The real issue according to Professor Dan Butin, founding dean of the school of education and social policy at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, is that “Academics put thousands of hours of work into their books and much less time into thinking about the effectiveness of their teaching style.” But he says, “The lecture has survived because research, not teaching, determines the success of a university and its academics.”

So if research quality is a measure of a university’s success and money is tight, then the lecture could be here for a little longer.

1. What may Matt Pickles agree with?
A.Students have a poor memory.
B.Students don’t work hard enough.
C.Lectures are not so effective as expected.
D.The Internet offers far more information than lectures.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Teaching projects.B.Learning strategies.
C.Alternatives to lectures.D.Ways of communication.
3. Why will lectures still exist in the future according to Professor Dan Butin?
A.They promote active learning.B.They call for the least memory work.
C.They determine the success of a university.D.They contribute to academic achievements.
4. How does the author develop the passage?
A.By analyzing data.B.By listing opinions.
C.By making comparison.D.By concluding general rules.
【知识点】 议论文 当代教育问题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We all have a different approach to money — some of us like to spend it as soon as we have it, while some of us like to hold on to it and spend it carefully. But for people who are very savvy (精明的) about their cash, there are a number of interesting ways to invest it and, if things go well, make a tidy profit.

Buying stamps, wine, coins and books are all different ways of investing your money. It comes with risks but can be thrilling as, hopefully, you watch the value of your investment rise. However, you need to know what you’re doing and making your fortune is not guaranteed.

If you’re happy to take a risk, then one of the most well-known ways of investing is by buying artwork. By purchasing a painting and holding on to it, its value can increase by a handsome sum, but of course, only when you sell it do you feel the financial benefit. Some people get quite lucky, particularly when they don’t expect to make any money. There are stories of people buying a painting in an antique shop for peanuts only to find out it’s actually worth thousands of pounds.

Of course investing in artwork is not a guarantee to make you a millionaire. Patrick Connolly, a financial adviser, says investing in art is too risky and he recommends their clients not to invest in it because the downsides outweigh the upsides.

But if you’re still keen, there are art fairs, such as The Affordable Art Fair, and websites aimed at buyers with a modest budget. Patrick Connolly says the best approach here is to buy something you like and can afford and “if it goes up in value, that should be just an added bonus.”

If this has spoilt your plans for your investment, maybe there’s more chance of winning big money by buying a lottery ticket (彩票)!

1. What does the underlined words in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Going to antique shops to buy peanuts.
B.Purchasing a painting for its financial benefit.
C.Spending a small amount of money on artwork.
D.Exchanging artwork for peanuts in an antique shop.
2. Which of the following view may Patrick Connolly agree with?
A.Artistic investments don’t necessarily result in the rise in value.
B.Generally, people can earn more money by buying a lottery ticket.
C.Buying stamps and coins is much safer than buying a painting.
D.People will definitely gain financial benefits if they invest wisely.
3. What’s mainly discussed in the text?
A.What investments guarantee a big fortune.
B.Whether it’s profitable to invest in artwork.
C.Where valuable works of art are available.
D.How investments influence people’s daily life.
2020-10-13更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Is a college education worth the price? This is a question more Americans are asking as college costs continue rising and the job market remains weak.

Attending a four-year college in the United States can cost more than $40,000 a year. Many people with a college education are drowning in student debt. They had to borrow money to finance their education.

A recent study suggests that a college education is worth it, at least in the United States. The study found that someone with a 4-year college education earns twice as much as a high school graduate over a lifetime. And for nearly all study programs, an individual with a four-year bachelor’s degree(学士学位) earns even more than someone with a two-year degree.

But not all college majors have a guarantee (保证) of good wages. For example, a chemical engineer can expect to earn double the earnings of a social worker over a lifetime. On average, a finance graduate makes more than a nurse or medical aide, while the nurse makes more than an elementary school teacher.Generally, college majors that require skill in mathematics have high lifetime earnings. Graduates in computer science, engineering, and physics have the highest wages. Majors that involve teaching children or counseling have the lowest pay. Actually, graduates with bachelor’s degrees in some fields earn even less than people with a 2-year associate’s degrees over a lifetime. They include early childhood education, elementary education, and social work.

The Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution noted that future earnings should not be the only reason for choosing a college major. It says, “Personal enjoyment, engaging in meaningful work, and filling a social need should also enter into a student’s decision-making.” The numbers are only averages and there are many exceptions.

“College degrees may not be a guarantee of higher income, but they come closer than just about any other investment (投资) one can make.” said study organizers.

1. What is the problem many American college students face?
A.No personal enjoymentB.No job opportunities
C.Rising education costsD.Lack of professional guidance
2. Which major will an American college student probably choose in order to earn more money?
A.Childhood education.B.Elementary education.
C.Social work.D.Computer science.
3. What is the study organizers’ attitude to college education from the last paragraph?
A.A college education is worth the price.
B.A college education is worthless at all.
C.A college education means high incomes.
D.A college education promises a happy life.
2021-11-04更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The first time you start to read a poem, you must relax and read through it without concentrating on its meaning. Imagine you are meeting a person for the first time. You will just observe him and listen to his voice, as well as watch his shapes or movements, but you have not yet known what he is all about. Likewise, you may enjoy the sound, rhythms, or wording, and form some first impressions about a poem.

On your second reading, you should concentrate more on the general meaning of the poem. This time, you will want to compare your feelings about the poem by now with how you felt before. Are they the same? What is different and why?

Your third reading will focus more on details: the words, phrases, or images. Looking up any unfamiliar words in a dictionary so that you can gain a more accurate understanding. Using the example given above about meeting someone, his image will change gradually and slightly as you meet and learn more about him. Therefore, in your additional readings, it is a good idea to compare your understanding each time with the understanding before.

A helpful approach to further understanding a poem is to summarize it in your own words. Compare your version of understanding with those of others reading the same poem, and listen to how they form such opinions. Remember, however, that there is no exact or right meaning for a poem, as most poets have admitted they themselves are not exactly sure what they meant when writing certain lines or phrases; they have even been heard to say on occasion that sometimes words just seem to “drop from heaven” and land on the page. That is what awakening the imagination is all about. If you are lucky, and if you practice enough, magical things may happen when you write and you may be able to produce a beautiful poem or other work of art yourself.

1. Why does the author give the example of “meeting a person” ?
A.To arouse readers’ interestB.To support his argument
C.To offer some adviceD.To interpret his point
2. What will you gain from the third reading of a poem?
A.General meaning.B.Rhythm beauty.
C.Deeper meaning.D.Poetic structure.
3. What does the underlined word “ that ” refer to?
A.Poets themselves don’t understand their poems.
B.Beautiful poems drop from heaven occasionally.
C.Poetic meanings are open to different explanations.
D.Writing a summary helps understand a poem.
4. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Inspiration and hard work help create great poems.
B.Poetry is an expression of one’s will in words.
C.Practice and patience make a man perfect.
D.Luck marches with those who give their very best.
2023-11-26更新 | 118次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般