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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:549 题号:12975337

BPWD is a startup company, where my workmates and I work our heads off, seeking solutions to various environmental problems. We are what people consider a group of promising young talents working in a promising industry. We are from different backgrounds but we all fit in well with the high— paced life and enjoy all the convenience that Salt Lake City can offer. We pride ourselves on all the differences we are making to this planet but our best subject for lunch break chat is what we do as volunteers to protect a lake called Lake Purilence.

We first heard about the lake from my workmate, Bluto, who referred to it as his childhood paradise, where he used to fish, swim and cast pebbles (鹅卵石) with his friends. He described the lake area as one of the few places of wildness that had not been ruined by modern tourism. He had left the place for years since his parents sold their farm near the lake and moved to the city, but he still kept dreaming of going back. In his own words, he was “nature starved”. Attracted by Bluto's description, the five of us working in the same office got on our way to it in October, 2019, taking advantage of a federal holiday.

It was a place not only lesser known but also out of the way. We took a flight first and then rented two cars at the airport. We had to travel along backroads in rental cars to finally get there but the scenery was absolutely stunning. No wonder it was loved so dearly by Bluto. All the beautiful trees and the grass were covered with red and orange leaves and the quiet lake is like a mirror reflecting the golden rays of the sun. A short distance away, we could see a few other tourists taking pictures by the lake and some white birds flying up from the water and the patches of reed marshes (芦苇荡). Amazed by the scene, our hearts longed for a closer encounter with the lake.


As we got closer to the lake, however, we saw something strikingly inharmonious to the beautiful view.


Looking at my workmates, I put forward a plan, which met their immediate approval.

2021·河北张家口·三模 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 故事 环境保护


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The sun was slipping down through the trees and it was time to go home,Time was running out. His mother would look at him and she always knew him. A hot tear ran down his cheek. She trusted him. He still remembered the first time she had left him alone for three hours between school and the time she got home from work. She had to work to buy his clothes and to pay for their food and for a place to live. He also remembered the nice way she said,“You are a little man now,Joy. ”It made him sad every time his mothers words came back to him. She trusted him.

Remembering this,he felt as if someone had stuck a sharp stick into his side. Her trust in him was all he could think about now. It drove everything else from his mind,“She trusted me. ”He kept saying to himself. She trusted me. This was most important. Next to this,the glass pipe and its magic music meant nothing.

Joy looked at the long shadows coming toward him. He didn’t know what he had to do. And he was in a hurry to hide it under the coat and left with slow unsure steps. But soon his feet were quick and decisive,taking him straight back to the store like an arrow. He was out of breath when he reached the store.

Mr. Dow was just inside the door. The big man smiled. Joy wished he had not. Somehow,a friendly smile made it more difficult for Joy to do what he wanted. Joy was lost for a moment. His feet felt heavy. Suddenly,he held out the glass pipe,His voice struggled to come out from deep inside of the painful chest.

“Mr. Dow”,he said at last. “I didn’t mean to do it. ”

“Thanks,Joy”Mr Dow said as he gently took the pipe from the boy's hand.


Joy felt Mr Dow's big hand on his shoulder.

2021-01-17更新 | 77次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Be safe, babe,” I said to my wife, Ashley, holding her tight. She would be on a four-month tour of duty, flying C-17s in the Middle East. “Good luck with the pup,” she said. A look of concern crossed her face. “You’re going to need it. I’ll be praying for you.” Ashley was referring to Pistol, the five-year-old golden dog we’d adopted just 12 hours earlier.

Picking him up from the foster family, Ashley and I watched Pistol crash around the family’s living room, knocking over furniture and ignoring commands. Finally the family got him on a leash(狗绳) and turned him over to us. Now I would be alone with him for four months. Most of my life, I had a very clear objective: becoming a devoted husband and affectionate dad who taught his kids well. So I decided to take this chance to learn how to be a father.

I returned home from seeing Ashley off and opened the front door with trepidation(惶恐). Pistol was in the living room, scratching. He saw me and rushed over, knocking me against the door. Just as quickly, he rushed away and crashed around the room. I needed to get this dog outside or he was going to destroy the house. I grabbed a leash and managed to clip it to his collar. When he realized we were going outside, his tail wagged so hard that his entire body shook.

When we were out, he behaved crazily, charging at anything moving. Every time he behaved badly, I corrected him. Not harshly but persistently. And I praised him whenever he did the right thing. To my astonishment, Pistol caught on. That was it: consistent correction paired with positive reinforcement(加强). I had discovered the secret to training this energetic and undisciplined dog.

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In the following weeks, I gradually guided Pistol towards better behavior.


Pistol and I were both different when Ashley returned.

2023-05-19更新 | 56次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The Cup of Coffee

It should have been a normal trip to the supermarket. My son was little, and it was getting close to naptime, so I was in a hurry. I remember feeling a sense of accomplishment as I got him into the car without any tears. Then I went to start the car and realized my keys were gone. After a few minutes of checking around, I realized that I must have locked them in the trunk with my bag.

I wasn’t sure what to do, so I took my son out of his car seat and went back inside the store with my cart still full of groceries. I had to use their phone to call my husband for the spare key because my phone was in the bag I had locked in the trunk. After several calls and messages with no answer, I was getting annoyed. My son was tired and getting nervous. I was exhausted from a sleepless night that all moms go through when their kids are teething. When he went into full-on crying, I felt the tears come down my face, too.

An employee at the store patted me on the shoulder and asked me to come with her. I was panicked, thinking that I was going to be scolded and thrown into the storage area to keep us quiet. To my surprise, the employee took me to the Starbucks café that was inside the store. She asked me if I drank coffee. When I said yes, she walked over to the counter and came back with one for me.

I told her how stupid it was to lock my keys in the car, and she assured me it happened to many people. As we talked, my son settled into a sound sleep in my arms. Fifteen minutes later, her break was over, and she had to get back to work. She said if I couldn’t get in touch with my husband, they would call someone to come out and get the trunk open.

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My husband was contacted and arrived at last.


I’ve become a person willing to help others thanks to that cup of coffee.

2022-07-22更新 | 117次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般