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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:113 题号:12980119

    1     (date) back to the middle period of the Qing Dynasty, Beijing Opera includes a    2     (various) of kinds of arts, ranging from literature, dance    3     kung fu. Its way of performing is different from opera and drama.     4     (actual), Beijing Opera has its own characters.

Beijing Opera is a kind of art    5     pays equal attention to singing, speaking, acting and fighting. It tends     6     (inspire) the audience by language, music and fine arts.

Meanwhile, Beijing Opera provides people     7     (interest) in it with the opportunity to appreciate the pleasing artistic balance of dance, strength and music, even only one act.

Mei Lanfang is one of the best-known opera    8     (artist) of China. Not only did he have a talent for the art, but also he was very hard-working. It is said that he would spend several hours staring at the fish in the water to make his eyes more attractive. In my opinion, his success is the    9     (reflect) of the proverb - chance favors the prepared. Beijing Opera is a symbol of China.     10    , we Chinese all have the responsibility to preserve it.

【知识点】 电影与戏剧


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Although called Peking Opera, it didn’t originate in Beijing but in the provinces of Anhui and Hubei. It is believed that Peking Opera came into being after 1790     1     the four most famous opera troupes from Anhui Province paid a visit to Beijing.     2     (base) upon traditional Anhui Opera, Peking Opera has also adopted repertoire, music and performing techniques from Kun Opera and Qinqiang. It has taken in the best from each opera and eventually    3     (form) its own highly stylized music and performing techniques.

Peking Opera is a     4     (combine) of music, dance, art, acrobatics, and martial arts. With its beautiful paintings, delicate costumes,     5     graceful gestures, Peking Opera nowadays attracts people all around the world.

    6     (traditional), women in China     7     (forbid) to enter theatres, so all Peking Opera characters were played by men. But now, women enjoy equal rights with men on the stage, and more women are appearing on the Opera stage     8     ever before. When     9     (perform), in addition to singing, performers use well-established movements to express certain emotions and meanings. They also use their eyes and facial expressions     10     (convey) specific meanings.

2021-02-27更新 | 369次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Huguosi Street used to be one of Beijing’s     1     (busy) commercial avenues (大道) in the olden days. It was also the location of the former residence of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang (1894-1961) . Not far from Mei’s residence, the first theater for Peking Opera performances came up in 1954, five years after the     2     ( establish) of the People’s Republic of China. The neighborhood has changed over the decades, but the theater -Beijing People’s Theater,     3     Mei and many other Peking Opera     4     (master) used to perform, still stands tall.

On Oct. 9, the National Peking Opera Company announced that the renovation (翻新) of Beijing People’s Theater     5     (finish) . On Oct. 16, it will reopen to the public with     6     series of Peking Opera shows.     7     Oct. 16, 15 Peking Opera productions will be staged in the theater.     8     (involve) Peking Opera companies from around the country, the event will definitely breathe life into the conventional art.

Top Graduate Zhang Xie, so far the earliest     9     (know) complete Chinese play script written during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) , will     10     (final) be staged by the National Peking Opera Company on Oct. 16.

2023-12-30更新 | 27次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)


The 7th Pingyao International Film Festival opened on Wednesday in the ancient town of Pingyao in North China’s Shanxi province. With the topic of “Modern Times”,     1     festival will screen a total of more than fifty     2     (excellence) films from 33 countries next week, including films from China, France and Tunisia, organizers said.

Pingyao, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will host the world premieres (首映式) of 40 percent of the films. Jia Zhangke is a famous Chinese director     3     hosted the festival. He said the festival plans     4     (help) with the development of new directors and help Chinese films “go global”.

By     5     (screen) great films from around the world, the festival focuses     6     the discovery of wonderful new works by young directors from non-Western countries, according to Jia.

The Pingyao International Film Festival has become an important window for the     7     (introduce) of foreign-language films into China. Over its past six periods, domestic (国内的) companies     8     (buy) more than 40 percent of all shortlisted (入围的) foreign-language films.

The Pingyao International Film Festival     9     (set) up in 2017 and now it is held every year in Pingyao. It’s     10     (main) about discovering wonderful works by young directors from developing countries.

2024-02-05更新 | 63次组卷
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