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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:13083375

At first glance, the snow that’s changed from white to bright pink in the Italian Alps seems like a stunning feat of nature. But scientists say it may actually be a warning sign of environmental trouble.

Algae (藻类) are to thank or blame for the pink layer that coats the Presena Glacier in northern Italy. Scientists say it’s not an uncommon phenomenon in the spring and summer, but they warn that it could become a problem if it starts occurring more frequently.

Biagio Di Mauro, director of the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) at Italy’s National Research Council, traveled to the glacier to investigate the mysterious algae. While the phenomenon is well-documented, “there is relatively little scientific literature on this phenomenon, which has the direct effect of accelerating the melting of snow and ice,” the institute said.

Photos from the trek show a massive algae bloom, turning large swaths of the glacier from white to pink. Di Mauro said on Twitter that the algae was likely Chlamydomonas nivalis (极地雪藻). According to a study published in the journal Nature, snow algae has influence on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The algae is not dangerous; it is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the spring and summer periods in the middle latitudes but also at the Poles, Di Mauro said in a press release.

The algae could accelerate melting in the already fragile region. Climate change, contributing to 2020’s unseasonably warm temperatures and lack of snow, is exacerbating the issue. Typically ice reflects the majority of the sun’s radiation, but algae darken the ice, causing a decrease in reflectivity. This causes the snow to absorb more heat and melt more quickly. “Everything that darkens the snow causes it to melt because it accelerates the absorption of radiation,” said Di Mauro, In order to flourish, the organisms need an available supply of water. So, as the ice melt even more algae will appear.

In May, Antarctica saw green snow, also caused by microscopic algae. At the time, scientists said that as the planet warms and more of Antarctica’s snow melts, the algae will only continue to spread.

1. What can we learn about snow’s changing from white to bright pink?
A.It is proved a masterpiece of nature.
B.It occurs mainly because of the algae.
C.It is a common phenomenon in the winter.
D.It has led to serious environmental problems.
2. What does the underlined word “exacerbating” in Paragraph 5 mean?
3. What effect does the algae have?
A.Speeding up the melt of snow and glacier.
B.Reflecting more radiation of the sun.
C.Causing unreasonable warm temperatures.
D.Causing lack of snow in the fragile region.
4. In which section can we read the text in the newspaper?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Beginning construction in 1632, the Taj Mahal is located in this city of Agra. It is considered one of the most beautiful sites in the world. In fact, it was named one of the new seven wonders of the world.

But it could become more difficult to see and to glimpse this glorious site because of pollution. It’s an unhealthy, even hazardous (危险的) problem for parts of India. Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai were among the 10 most polluted cities on earth this week, according to a Swiss company called IQAir.

CNN’s Michael Holmes explains what it all means. India’s iconic monument almost lost in the smog in the city of Agra. We are facing difficulty in taking pictures of Taj Mahal due to pollution. The Taj Mahal is not clearly visible. Every year, when the temperatures drop and farmers burn their fields, the air turns toxic (有毒的) in many Indian cities.

Delhi is notoriously (声名狼藉) ranked among the world’s most polluted cities. And the current air quality there has once again reached hazardous conditions, forcing primary schools to temporarily close and many people to work from home or just stay indoors altogether. The problem is so serious. A recent air quality life index report says poor air quality could shorten an average Indian’s life expectancy by more than five years, if World Health Organization guidelines on controlling pollution aren’t met. And it’s even affecting one of the country’s favorite pastimes.

India is currently hosting the Cricket World Cup with Bangladesh set to play Sri Lanka in a match in Delhi. But the air quality is so poor. Some players are wearing masks and both teams have canceled training sessions. The coach of Bangladesh’s team says the conditions have not been ideal.

1. Which is the least polluted city according to the text?
2. What caused the air pollution in many Indian cities?
A.Forest fires and farmers’ burning.B.Low temperature and forest fires.
C.Global warming and low temperature.D.Low temperature and farmers’ burning.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful scenic spots.
B.All schools were forced to close in many Indian cities.
C.Indians may have a shorter lifespan if no measures are taken.
D.In the Cricket World Cup, India is set to play Bangladesh in a match.
4. What does the author want to convey in the passage?
A.To reveal the real cause for air pollution.
B.To express concern for the athletes in the match.
C.To prove the Taj Mahal has lost its charm in smog.
D.To show the impact of air pollution in India on all sides.
2024-02-17更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】From the world’s last seven to a global population of more than 5,000, China spent nearly 40 years bringing back crested ibises(朱鹗)from the edge of extinction.

With its typical red crest and face, as well as a long black mouth and snow-white feathers, the crested ibis is known as “the oriental gem” in China. They were once widespread in East Asia and Siberia until the 20th century when hunting, ecological damage and increased human activities drove the birds to near extinction.

In 1981, the entire species around the world was down to the seven crested ibises which were found only in Yangxian County, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, and deep in the Qinling Mountains, making Qinling, a natural boundary between China's north and south,the last shelter of the wild birds.

Since 1981, the local government of Yangxian County has put forward four bans for the protection of the species, prohibiting activities including hunting in the birds' living areas,cutting down trees where they nest, using chemicals in their food-finding areas, and firing guns in their breeding(繁殖)areas. The Chinese government arranged special funds to protect the habitat of crested ibises, sealing off mountains to plant trees in the birds' living areas.China started the artificial breeding of crested ibises in 1991 and had bred more than 400 birds in Shaanxi as of last year.

Years of constant effort have brought promising results. It is estimated that there are more than 5,000 crested ibises in the world now, and a majority of them live in Shaanxi. The bird's habitat in China has risen from less than 5 square km in 1981 to the current 15,000 square km.

“It is lucky that the crested ibis, an ancient bird, is still flying around,” said Zan Linsen, head of the Shaanxi Academy of Forestry. “The conservation story of crested ibises not only shows us the power of ancient life, but also the necessity and urgency of ecological environment protection.”

1. Why are the Qinling Mountains so important to crested ibises?
A.They are where crested ibises were first found.
B.They used to be the last habitat of crested ibises.
C.They are the only breeding area of crested ibises.
D.They protect crested ibises from natural enemies.
2. What can we conclude from paragraph 4?
A.Crested ibises are unlikely to be bred artificially.
B.It's legal to own hunting guns in Yangxian County.
C.Hunting has been the biggest threat to crested ibises.
D.The government plays a key role in saving crested ibises.
3. How does Zan Linsen feel about the conservation of crested ibises?
A.Merciful and ambitious.B.Relieved and happy.
C.Shocked and curious.D.Sorry and regretful.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Rare animals in China: crested ibises
B.Artificial breeding of crested ibises in China
C.Endangered crested ibises making a comeback
D.Crested ibises found again in the Qinling Mountains
2023-09-30更新 | 206次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】This is the colourful waste created by a Swedish city with a unique recycling system. Like many cities in Sweden,Eskilstuna has an impressive recycling record. It met the EU 2020 target of recycling 50%of waste many years ago. But almost everyone who lives here follows a strict recycling policy at home. People are expected to sort their household waste into seven separate categories,including food,textiles, cartons(纸板箱)and metal. But what really makes the system stand out is the bright colour code.

The reason for this becomes clear at the city’s recycling plant. The bags arrive all jumbled up because they’re collected altogether in a rush, once a fortnight from outside people’s houses. But thanks to those bright colors, scanners can select the bags and separate them efficiently. The food waste in green bags is processed on site into a certain thick liquid to make burnable gas, which powers the city’s buses. One of the benefits of this method of recycling is that there is less cross-pollution, so more of the recycled waste can actually be used to make new things. Like the rest of Sweden,Eskilstuna is committed to sending zero waste from its citizens to landfill. Waste that cannot be recycled is burnt at a local plant to generate electricity. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels, but does create greenhouse gases.

As countries around the world try to improve their recycling rates, some may look to Eskilstuna as an example to follow as long as they think they can persuade their citizens to get busy sorting at home.

1. What can we learn about Eskilstuna?
A.It is flooded with colorful waste.
B.It is best-known for waste-recycling.
C.Waste there is painted into seven colors.
D.Rubbish recycling is handled seriously there.
2. What does the underlined word “jumbled” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Mixed together.B.Collected orderly.
C.Sealed cautiously.D.Piled purposefully.
3. What may the new recycle-system bring about?
A.The increase in the efficiency of waste recycling.
B.The convenience to the citizens in waste dropping.
C.The avoidance of rubbish related environmental problems.
D.The decrease of profit for waste plants.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.Parents.B.In style.
C.Fortune.D.The New York Times.
2020-06-12更新 | 66次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般