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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:19 题号:13092327

When you purchase fresh-cut flowers, do you think about where they came from? It might make sense to think they were grown somewhere nearby. The reality, though, is that the cut flower trade is increasingly international. Today, thanks to airplanes and high-tech cooling systems, even the most delicate flower can be exported, and sold in a florist thousands of kilometers away from where it was grown.

The country that dominates the world cut flower trade is the Netherlands. It handles about 60 percent of the world’s cut flowers. The Netherlands is also a world leader in developing new flower varieties. Dutch companies and the government invest a considerable amount of money in flower research. Their scientists look for ways to lengthen a flowers vase life, to strengthen flowers to prevent them from being damaged while traveling, and also to strengthen the natural fragrance of the flowers.

Despite the Netherlands dominance (优势)of the flower market, there are many places with a better climate for growing flowers, and the climate of Ecuador is almost perfect. Mauricio Davalos is the man responsible for starting Ecuador’s flower industry. “Our biggest edge is nature,” he claims. “Our roses are the best in the world.” Every year, Ecuador sells about 500 million flowers to the U.S. alone. The industry has brought employment opportunities and a stronger economy to regions of the country. “My family has TV now. There are radios,” says Yolanda Quishpe, 20, who picked roses for four years.

To others, the increasingly international nature of the flower trade is very bad new. In recent years, local growers in the U.S. faced huge competition from international flower companies, and many lost their businesses, Lina Hale, an independent rose grower in California, said her father had predicted the situation. “I see a freight train coming down the track,” he warned her, “and it’s coming straight towards us.”

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Cut flowers can survive a long trip.
B.You should buy flowers from local florists.
C.Flowers you buy come from far away places.
D.Few thinks about where they buy your flowers.
2. Which of the following are mentioned as large investors in flower research?
A.Dutch companies and the government.
B.airplane and high-tech cooling companies.
C.Ecuador’s local flower growers and pickers.
D.American businessmen and their government.
3. The underlined word in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
4. What did Lina Hale’s father mean when he said, “I see a freight train coming down the track and it’s coming straight toward us.”?
A.He could predict a train was soon to arrive.
B.He knew his business would be threatened.
C.He thought customers wouldn’t want roses.
D.He thought trains were the new way to move flowers.
20-21高一下·浙江·阶段练习 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The United Nations Food Systems Summit(峰会)held last September was overshadowed by a powerful counter-moblilization effort led by farmers and scientists and small-scale food producers across the world.

Opposition to the summit had been mounting since July, when hundreds of grassroots organizations challenged the organizers for framing the problem of food systems in narrow, technocratic ways and offering “false solutions” such as biotechnological interventions(干预)instead of promoting more sustainable, just and people-first ways of farming. Also in July the Philippines approved commercial cultivation of Bt eggplant, a genetically modified (GM) food that produces a protein that kills eggplant fruit and “Golden Rice” changed to produce beta-carotene, the forerunner of vitamin A. The Philippines thus became the first country in South and Southeast Asia of approve GM rice.

Advocates of GM crops praised the Philippines’ move as a victory of science. Since the U. N.’s food summit was announced two years ago, different groups have steadily reduced applications of science to global problems to a limited set of investor-oriented innovations. Within this orbit, agricultural biotechnology and digitalization are boasted as vital to achieving the U. N.’s sustainable development goals. As governments now debate the way forward from the summit, it is critical to recognize that a narrow focus on technology to address the complex structural problems of farming and food has an astonishingly poor track record.

At its base, GM crops are rooted in a colonial-capitalist model of agriculture based on theft of local land and on exploiting farmers’ and food workers’ labor, native knowledge and the web of lift itself. Today this agricultural model is responsible not only for increasing farm debt, depleted soils, and threats to native seeds and biodiversity but also the destruction of farmers’ knowledge and skills. For the world to achieve sustainability, this colonial model of agriculture must be dismissed, and promising agroecological approaches based on working with biodiversity and farmers’ knowledge and skills should be brought to center stage.

Most GM crops are engineered with resistance to herbicides(除草剂)and insects, which has not only contributed to the emergence of “super-weeds” and increasing pesticide use but has driven the global growth of seed and chemical industries. These kinds of crops have principally benefited large-scale farmers, grain traders and multinational corporations involved in selling seeds and pesticides.

Multinational agribusinesses have understood Golden Rice and Bt eggplant as pro-poor technologies to win over smallholder farmers and consumers in the Global South. The International Rice Research Institute has led Golden Rice’s development with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and in partnership with Syngenta (which owns rights to the rice) to address vitamin A deficiency (VAD) among the poor, especially children and pregnant women.

1. The recent Food Systems Summit was greeted with distrust because the organizers ________.
A.didn’t take the interests of people concerned into account
B.didn’t attach importance to the blossoming of agriculture
C.failed to come up with the effective initiatives with joint efforts
D.employed the inappropriate approaches to farming
2. What is the purpose of mentioning the Philippines’ case?
A.To prove the victory for the supporters of GM food.
B.To illustrate the Philippines’ opposition to the summit.
C.To argue it is a waste of money in the GM food.
D.To introduce how many nutrients GM food may contain.
3. ________ is advocated for the development of agriculture in the long run.
A.Exploiting farmers’ and food workers’ labor
B.Developing crops resistant to insects
C.Removing the colonial-capitalist model
D.Establishing partnership to address VAD
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The Philippines is a country with cutting-edge technologies.
B.The application of GM food will solve the problem of environment.
C.Governments have initiated into the complex structural farming problems.
D.The booming pesticide industry is credited to the cultivation of GM food.
2022-12-31更新 | 208次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】6 ways our post-pandemic (疫情后) world will be different

The future has never been easy to forecast, and the coronavirus makes life even more unpredictable. To gather informed views on how we most likely will live, learn, work, and communicate when we reach the new normal, National Geographic interviewed a range of experts and leaders.

New Ways to Learn

    1     Although equal access to tech remains a barrier, tools will be designed that may bridge divides. Students will use technology to help with homework, set goals, and measure progress.

Balance Work and Life

The future of work won’t be fully remote, but it won’t be limited to offices, either. It’ll be a mixture. Smaller offices will be centers for occasional in-person collaboration, while improved digital tools—such as better video chatting—will support workers at home. Besides, more emphasis on balancing productivity with personal needs will allow employees to organize their work hours to fit their schedules.     2    

Tech Leads the Way

Broadband(宽带) access has never been equal.     3     Yet advances in high-speed 5G telecom networks will fuel an increase in fields from telemedicine to banking, education, and transportation. This will be a tidal wave of change. More efficient networks will reduce costs and help small businesses affected by the pandemic reach new customers and grow.

Get Out and Stay Out

U. S. national parks saw dramatic drops in visitors last spring—but then numbers exploded this spring, as did sales for RVs and bikes.     4     People are going outdoors more often this year and also shifting from adventure sports requiring travel—skiing, climbing, backpacking—to closer-to-home activities such as bird-watching, gardening, and bike riding.


Public concern in the United States about global warming hit an all-time high last November, according to researchers at Yale and George Mason Universities. Large majorities of Americans think human-caused global warming is real, and they feel worried and even personally responsible. Surprisingly, a survey in April found that COVID-19 hadn’t replaced concern over the climate—though it had reduced media coverage of it.

A.Remote Possibilities
B.One Planet, Two Crises
C.Therefore, flexibility will be the ultimate job benefit.
D.The pandemic exposed that divide.
E.One positive aspect of schools closing may be how districts are innovating to improve learning from home.
F.Many cities have closed streets to make room for outdoor dining, public events, and parks.
G.The Internet has made it possible for millions of people to work remotely, but it’s put us at risk of cyber- attacks.
2021-01-23更新 | 229次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It’s hard to ignore the importance of sleep for our well-being. This is especially true for our children, says Rafael Pelayo, a sleep expert at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center. Children who get insufficient sleep can become forgetful, have problems concentrating in school and studying, and have poorer immune function. They may even experience delayed growth. “Bone growth occurs when you’re sleeping,” says Pelayo. “From birth, sleep affects children’s bodies and brains.”

It’s probably not surprising, then, that sleep also affects mental health. “There is no mental health problem that doesn’t have a sleep element,” says Pelayo. For example, it’s well known that one of the signs of depression involves changes in sleep. Luckily, returning to a normal sleep pattern can help relieve depressive symptoms (症状), he says, stressing why treating sleep seriously could improve mental health. “Mental health and sleep impact each other,” says Pelayo.

While there are many benefits of having healthy sleep patterns, most kids don’t get enough sleep. As an example, Pelayo points to a time when his own child was in kindergarten, and the teacher assigned regular homework for her, which his daughter felt she needed to stay up late to finish. The same is true for older children — like teenagers — who are often assigned several hours of homework that keeps them up late studying. They may be unaware of how much sleep loss they are experiencing or how negatively it’s affecting them. But no one can sustain a loss of sleep over time, he adds.

What can we do to protect children’s sleep? Pelayo says that while sleep is a biological necessity, sleep habits are learned. That’s where parents can play an important role. First, they need to understand the necessity of sleep and pay attention when their kids seem sleepy or have trouble getting up in the morning. Also, parents should try to role-model good sleep habits themselves, he says. Role modeling is much more effective than punishment, he suggests. “You can’t be smoking a cigarette and telling your kids not to smoke, right? Parents have to model healthy behavior themselves,” he says.

1. What can be a possible consequence of children’s lack of sleep?
A.The forgetfulness of everything.B.The stop of growth.
C.The collapse of immune system.D.The decline of school performance.
2. Why does the author mention “depression” in paragraph 2?
A.To state people’s ignorance of sleep loss.
B.To stress the importance of mental health.
C.To display the consequences of mental problems.
D.To show the connection between sleep and mental health.
3. What does Pelayo think about his daughter’s regular homework in kindergarten?
A.It affected his daughter’s sleep negatively.
B.It wasn’t beneficial to the studies of his daughter.
C.It helped his daughter form healthy sleep patterns.
D.It wasn’t helpful for his daughter to develop good learning habits.
4. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Good sleep habits are inborn for children.
B.Kids will definitely follow the example of their parents.
C.Parents can do much to help their kids form good sleep habits.
D.Punishment is an effective way to make kids get up early in the morning.
2023-06-21更新 | 68次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般