组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:238 题号:13105480

“If you don’t behave, we’ll call the police.” is a lie that parents generally use to get their young children to behave. Parents’ lies work in the short terms, but a new study led by NTU Singapore suggests that they’re associated with harmful effects when the child becomes an adult.

The research team asked 379 Singaporean young adults whether their parents lied to them when they were children, how much they lie to their parents now, and how well they adjust to adulthood challenges. Adults who reported being lied to more as children were more likely to report deceiving their parents in their adulthood. They also said they faced greater difficulty in meeting psychological and social challenges.

Lead author Assistant Professor Setoh Peipei from NTU Singapore’s School of Social Sciences said, “Parenting by lying can seem to save time especially when the real reasons behind why parents want children to do something is complicated to explain. When parents tell children that ‘honesty is the best policy’, but display dishonesty by lying, such behavior can send conflicting messages to their children. Parents’ dishonesty may eventually break trust and promote dishonesty in children. Our research suggests that parenting by lying is a practice that has bad consequences for children when they grow up. Parents should be aware of this and consider alternatives to lying, such as acknowledging children’s feelings, giving information so children know what to expect, offering choices and problem-solving together, to help children develop good behavior.”

The analysis found that parenting by lying could place children at a greater risk of developing problems that the society disapproves, such as aggression (侵害) and rule-breaking behavior. Some limitations of the study include relying on what young adults report about their past experience of parents’ lying. “Future research can explore using more information providers, such as parents, to report on the same topic,” suggested Asst Prof Setoh.

1. Why is a parental lie mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic for discussion.
B.To tell a popular way to educate children.
C.To prove the great influence of the police.
D.To show the harmful effects of parental lies.
2. The underlined word “deceiving” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.
3. Why do parents lie to their children based on the passage?
A.Their parents lied to them when they were young.
B.They think lying to their children can avoid wasting time.
C.They believe dishonesty can help solve adulthood challenges.
D.They are afraid their children will suffer more by telling truth.
4. According to the research, which of the following can parents do?
A.Identify with the children’s emotions.
B.Force good behavior on their children.
C.Stop children knowing what to expect.
D.Let children solve problems independently.
5. What does the last paragraph imply about the study?
A.It is quite controversial.
B.It is rather meaningless.
C.It needs to be perfected.
D.It demands honest responses.
2021·天津·二模 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Raising teenagers can be both difficult and rewarding(有回报的). They are becoming young adults. Almost all teenagers will have some behavioral outbursts(爆发) with their families during this period of life.     1     Here are some ideas that may create positive(积极的) experiences for teens and parents.

Have meals together. Mealtime is when we check in with each other.     2     Eating meals together offers a way for parents and kids to share what is on their minds. It brings families closer by creating trust and understanding to help guide children through the challenges of the teen years.

    3     As teens develop their own sense of independence, it gets harder to find time to talk. Talk in the car together, when doing dishes together, or any time you have a chance. Remember that no matter how big their problems seem, what most teens want is love and support. Help them connect with their families and communities. During these years, help teens learn that their words and actions mater.     4     Others may find connection through spiritual communities or from having more responsibilities at home. Connecting with families and communities also helps keep teens safe from riskier activity.

Find time to have fun together! What do you both enjoy? Playing chess? Going to the ballet? Volunteering in your community? Take time to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. No one wants the attention of people they love to be focused only on what not to do. This is true for teenagers, too.     5    

A.Talk with your teen.
B.Never try to control your child.
C.Parents have a role in keeping their teens safe.
D.Relaxing together helps them feel loved and valued.
E.This can be hard to do with busy schedules, but it is important.
F.Some teens learn this by playing in music bands or team sports.
G.But strong relationships can help teens and their parents through hard times.
2022-11-29更新 | 282次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Another person's enthusiasm(热情)was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.

1 was nine years old when she entered our home in the countryside of Virginia. My father introduced me to her with these words, ''I would like to meet the fellow who is well known for being the worst boy in this country and will probably start throwing rocks at you no later than tomorrow morning. ''

My stepmother walked over to me, raised my head slightly upward, and looked at me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, "You are wrong. This is not the worst boy at all, but the smartest one who hasn't yet found a way to give out his enthusiasm.

That statement began a friendship between us. No one had ever called me smart. My family and neighbors had built me up in my mind as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that.

She changed many things, she persuaded my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where my father's career could be more successful and my brother and I could be better educated.

When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand typewriter and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, and I saw how it had already improved our lives. I accepted her belief and began to write for local newspapers and finally reached the goal she set for me. I wasn't the only beneficiary. My father became the wealthiest man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.

1. What does the author mean by “I wasn’t the only beneficiary”?
A.Not only he but also his family gained from his stepmother's enthusiasm.
B.His stepmother bought typewriters for other family members, too.
C.Other family members' enthusiasm has great effects on his stepmother.
D.There were other boys who behaved as badly as he did.
2. The author's stepmother did all the following EXCEPT         .
A.praising him from the bottom of her heart
B.moving the family into the centre of the county
C.planning the future for each family member
D.giving some writing lessons to him at home
3. Which of the following best serves as the title of the passage?
A.Enthusiasm, a Source of Authority
B.Enthusiasm, a Gift from my Father
C.Enthusiasm, a Power for Success
D.Enthusiasm, a Trend in Families
2020-10-10更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Dearest darling girl,

Today is the beginning of the next stage in your life. We head off to your new home at Stanford. Where do I start in telling you how proud I feel to be called Mummy by you? We've laughed at how you burst into this world with a scowl on your face, how determined you have always been right from feeding yourself to making big decisions for your life. There were days during your illness that I wasn't sure you had the will to make it. Telling you that you needed to want to get better was the hardest and yet the greatest day. From that day you took responsibility and decided you wanted to beat anorexia (厌食症).

I don't think I've ever felt so proud of you as when you came home to say that you wanted to go to West Africa between school and university. You chose to go alone, and to raise the money yourself.You have such strength of character and determination. It is at times hard to believe that you are only 18. You experienced something in that month that few dare experience in a lifetime.

So, Viv, here are my words of wisdom to you as you start your next big adventure. The world is a beautiful place but often a few things can make it seem difficult. God's temple is made of love. It's man's temple that is built of stones. Open your heart to goodness and never ever let negative people or thoughts take hold of you. As Minor Myers put it, “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.”

It is true that with every passing day, I will grow older and weaker. A day may come when I will become forgetful. But even then, you with your bright smile, will light up my heart.



1. What can be learned from the first paragraph?
A.Viv was once a trouble maker.
B.Viv is a freshman in Stanford.
C.Viv relies on her parents a lot.
D.Viv was defeated by anorexia.
2. Why did Viv go to West Africa?
A.To do what others dare not.
B.To show her determination.
C.To get money for school fees.
D.To go on an adventure by herself.
3. What is Alo's advice for Viv?
A.To be a positive and kind person.
B.To avoid the negative part of life.
C.To be cautious of cold­hearted people.
D.To explore the beauty of the world.
4. How did the author feel when writing the letter?
A.Amused and thankful.
B.Pleased and satisfied.
C.Cheerful and relieved.
D.Concerned and anxious.
2021-03-28更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般