组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 环境 > 环境保护
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:62 题号:13793900

Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, beginning in the 1970s, pioneered a method of planting young native species close together to quickly create tiny forests on urban wasteland. He found that protected areas around temples in Japan contained a huge variety of native plants that co-existed to produce adaptable and diverse ecosystems. The forests were layered together from four categories of native plantings: main tree species, sub-species, bushes, and ground-covering herbs. Using this four-category system, along with his explorations of the vegetation in Japan, Miyawaki designed his own system for planting forests.

Miyawaki forests can grow into mature ecosystems in just 20 years-about 10 times the growth speed of a traditional forest, explained Kazue Fujiwara who worked with Miyawaki. According to Fujiwara, the planting should center on the primary trees of the location. Native species require no maintenance (养护) after the first two years and are more likely to survive and grow well in the local environmental conditions. What's more, they provide an ideal home for endangered species.

When Shubhendu Sharma learned about Miyawaki's forest creation technique in 2009, the botanist created a forest at the Toyota factory in India where Sharma worked as an engineer. Shortly, he started a company to create similar forests, researching the method and trying it in his own backyard. He described his work in a 2014 TED Talk, and released his version of the instructions so anyone could learn how to create their own small native forest. Since then, Sharma's company, Afforestt, has helped plant forests in 44 cities.

Now, Miyawaki-style urban forests have been springing up across Europe. Cities in Asia are embracing the idea, with Pakistani minister announcing plans for 50 Miyawaki forests in Lahore, and Indian officials setting a target to plant 1,000 in Chennai.

1. What inspired Miyawaki to develop his method of planting forests?
A.A lack of urban green space.B.The forests near the temples.
C.A drop of biodiversity in Japan.D.The existence of much wasteland.
2. What advantage does Miyawaki forest have over a conventional one?
A.It grows much faster.B.It is maintenance-free.
C.It remains resistant to any disease.D.It is easier to live with invasive species.
3. What can be inferred about Sharma from the text?
A.He popularized the method.B.He ran a woodwork business.
C.He wrote a book on Miyawaki.D.He enjoyed seeing urban sights.
4. What does the underlined word "embracing" mean in the last paragraph?
【知识点】 环境保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Scientists are seeking new and creative ways to deal with climate change. As well as reducing our carbon dioxide sent into the air, scientists say we must remove the gas from the air to keep Earths temperature down.

One expert has now suggested pouring carbon dioxide into deep trenches (海沟), forming vast liquid lakes, Steve Goldthorpe, an energy analyst based in New Zealand, says the lakes could forever hold vast quantities of carbon dioxide. This is because once the gas reaches a depth of 3,000 meters it is denser (密度大) than water, meaning it naturally sinks to the seafloor.

“If liquid CO2 were to be placed in such a trench, it would be 7 per cent more dense than seawater and could remain forever as a lake of liquid CO2 on the ocean floor,” Mr Goldthorpe wrote in his paper, “the stored carbon dioxide could become solid over time, which would stop it mixing with ocean currents.”

Previously, experts have suggested burying the extra carbon dioxide deep underground, possibly in abandoned (废弃的) oil and gas fields. While first tests have shown that this method has potential, scientists are still unsure whether people would accept the fix.

Carbon dioxide lakes do form naturally in the cold, high-pressure depths of the ocean, but they are rare.

Researchers have previously given up the idea of ocean CO2 storage because it can make the water more acidic, which may affect ocean ecosystems. Mr Goldthorpe recognizes this in his paper, writing, “Any influence on deep ocean ecosystems would need to be examined.”

1. What is Goldthorpe’s way of fighting climate change?
A.To cut down carbon dioxide sent into air.
B.To make the most of the traditional ways.
C.To pour carbon dioxide deep into the ocean.
D.To dig a large lake for storing carbon dioxide.
2. According to Goldthorpe, CO2 could remain in the trench on condition that ________.
A.the trench has to be deep enough
B.CO2 must first be changed into solid
C.the trench has to be large enough
D.CO2 must first be taken to the seafloor
3. The previous idea of ocean CO2 storage has been given up because ________.
A.natural storing places rarely exist
B.many oil and gas fields will have to be abandoned
C.scientists are unsure whether people would accept the fix
D.there are concerns on possible damage to the ocean ecosystem
4. The last paragraph indicates that Goldthorpe’s attitude towards his project is _________.
2020-02-10更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】For 21-year-old Malhar Kalambe, weekends are not about hanging out with friends. Instead, they have a different mission — cleaning the Datar Beach. Collectively, they have made such a huge difference to the beach that the United Nations has recognized their contributions.

“Actually the idea stemmed from my vacation to Bali, the clean beach leaving a great impression on me. After returning, I found our beaches in shambles. During a conversation with my mother, I was complaining about how bad our beaches are compared to beaches in Bali, and my mother just said, 'Don't complain, if you care, just go and clean. ? and thus 'Beach Please'," Malhar said. “It began on September 10, 2017 and since then cleaning the garbage on the beach has become a weekend routine. Currently, there are 25 odd volunteers spending our weekends cleaning the beach.”

After cleaning the beach for months, Malhar and his friends realized that it was of a little help and there is no end to this. They needed to contain the source which dumps garbage in the ocean. They found that the Mithi River is being used to dump the industrial waste, construction waste and even domestic waste into the ocean and they decided to also clean the river. Now on Saturday, they clean the Mithi River and on Sunday, they focus on the Datar Beach. In order to make a sustainable (可持续的)difference, they must make people understand that they have to stop dumping garbage into any source. “Awareness, recycling and cleaning up are three steps which can bring a change. I hope people realize it's their duty to   keep their surroundings as well as the ocean clean,“ Malhar added.

1. What does the underlined phrase “in shambles” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What do we know about Malhar Kalambe?
A.He likes hanging out with his friends.B.He encourages his mother to join him.
C.He volunteers to clean the Datar Beach.D.He complains his vacation to Bali to his friends.
3. What is the top priority (优先事项)to make the Datar Beach clean continuously?
A.Recycling most of domestic waste.
B.Calling for people to make a green trip.
C.Raising people's awareness of protecting the ocean.
D.Seeking for the source of the ocean pollution.
4. Which of the following best describes Malhar Kalambe?
2021-03-15更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

Plastic has been found virtually in everything these days. Your food is packaged in it. Your car, phone and computer are made from it.     1    . While most plastics are advertised as recyclable, the reality is that they’re “downcycled”. 

Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to dramatically decrease the amount of plastic waste you produce.


One of the easiest ways to keep plastic out of the landfill is to refuse plastic straws. Simply inform your waiter or waitress that you don’t need one, and be sure to state this clearly when ordering at a drive-through. Can’t stand giving up the convenience of plastic straws?     3    . Restaurant workers will be less likely to bring you a plastic one if they see that you’ve brought your own. 

Use reusable bags

About one million plastic bags are used every minute. A single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade(降解). If you’re already bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, you’re on the right track. Purchase some reusable bags and help keep even more plastic out of the landfill. However, you should avoid those bags made from nylon or polyester (聚酯纤维).     4    

Use matches

    5    , if you need to light a candle, build a campfire or start a fire for any other reason. These cheap plastic devices can sit in landfills for years and have been even found in dead birds’ stomachs. If you can’t bear to part with your lighter, pick up a refillable metal one to help cut down on waste.

A.Say no to plastic straws
B.Choose cotton ones instead
C.Don’t use plastic containers
D.Choose matches instead of plastic lighters
E.Most restaurants will have no problem with it
F.And you might even chew it daily in the form of gum
G.Purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass drinking straw
2023-04-06更新 | 209次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般