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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:87 题号:13968699

Traveling through time

As children, we dream of growing older; when we are older, we dream of being children. We let our lives pass us by because we have yet to learn that the harder you yearn for time, the faster it passes. This is how my story begins.

In October of my freshman year, I took an accidental trip down memory lane. One day after school, I decided to take the long way home. I needed time to think. So off I went, walking through the grass. That was how I came to find a gap in the fence lining the school property. I passed through this gap and followed the treeline until I found myself in the far fields behind the neighborhood.

Suddenly, I remembered it was here through the fence between the school and the fields that I watched older kids having their high school graduation ceremony. In cap and gown (长袍), they stood in the middle of the field. They looked like they were having the most fun I had ever seen anyone have; they looked free.

Years later, I walked through that field on my way home from that same high school. The soccer nets were long gone, and the paint lines had washed away with the rain, but there it was, just as I remembered it. The old field felt like a moment trapped in time, a long-forgotten memory. Here I was, standing in between my past and my present and trying so hard to figure out just how all of those years had passed me by so quickly. The gap in the fence seemed like a distinct line between my years. A doorway between 5 and 15.

I’ve since given this place a name, Tempus Illud, a place between places. I try to take the long way home at least once a month now. Sometimes, when I cross that bridge, I see that younger version of myself. She is so young and so desperate to speed up time. I see her peering through the fence at those graduates in the cap and gown, and she’s wishing she could be just like them. She, too, could feel so free that she might just grow wings and fly away. Now I’m preparing to wear the cap and gown in a few short months. But this time, I wish to leave time to its own devices.

The harder you yearn for time, the faster it passes you by. So I no longer yearn. The passage of time is inevitable, and you can’t avoid it, but you can appreciate it. James Taylor sings, “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time … Nobody knows how we got to the top of the hill, but since we’re on our way down, we might as well enjoy the ride.”

1. How did the author feel when she saw the older kids’ graduation ceremony?
2. What is the significance of Tempus Illud to the author?
A.It honors her best childhood memory.
B.It bridges her past, present and future.
C.It shows the miracle of frozen time.
D.It symbolizes high school graduation.
3. What is the author’s perspective on time at the end?
A.She is addicted to the past.B.She yearns for time to pass quicker.
C.She wants to run after time.D.She decides to enjoy the moment.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?
A.To suggest that time brings the truth to light.
B.To show that tough times never last.
C.To explain how time changes everything.
D.To share her changing attitude toward time.
【知识点】 记叙文 个人经历


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Unless you are fortunate enough to know an NBA player, Ryan Martin is probably. the best basketball player you’ll ever meet. Unlike those who fly up and down the court (球场) , however, Martin is forced to take a different approach; he doesn’t have legs.

Martin, a 33-year old man, is a professional wheelchair basketball player. His achievements have taken him halfway around the world to play in Spain for the last seven years. There he made a comfortable living playing basketball and working with some of the greatest athletes in the world.

“A good wheelchair player can make $50, 000 a year, while a star can make six figures,” said Martin. What’s more, he couldn’t see his family for months and European cities were unfriendly to the disabled. He also had to learn Spanish. Martin, however, overcame those drawbacks (困难) .

He started by playing basketball when he was 12. It didn’t take long for him to fall in love with the sport and, after graduating from Somers High, he attended Southwest Minnesota State University on a basketball scholarship. In college, he scored over 1, 000 points in his career and set several school records.

And he works as hard— if not harder— than any other professional athlete. “He destroys me,” said Gina Navarra, who works out with Martin on occasion. “What he does amazes me.”

Martin also recognizes that, at age 33, he’s in the back end of his career. With that in mind, he has been focusing more and more on his foundation.

“I have 12 brothers and sisters. College gave me a true sense of achievement. The foundation is designed to give those with disabilities the opportunity to realize the dreams that I once had,” Martin said.

“I’m not saying that out of a sense of pity,” he said. “I realize how fortunate I am to have achieved what I have. But I want to open doors for people.”

1. What was Ryan Martin’s life like in Spain?
2. How was Ryan Martin’s performance in college?
A.He was weak in his studies.B.He failed to make a record.
C.He stood out in basketball.D.He never won a scholarship.
3. Why has Ryan Martin been working for the foundation?
A.To finish his basketball career.B.To help those in need.
C.To earn more money for his family.D.To learn basketball skills from other players.
4. Which of the following words best describe Ryan Martin?
A.Determined and warm-hearted.B.Ambitious and sensitive.
C.Reliable and knowledgeable.D.Honest and responsible.
2023-11-12更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, you can find Jamey Turner playing an unusual musical instrument, the glass harp(竖琴). A glass harp is made up of different sized drinking glasses, each filled with water.

Turner makes music by running his fingers over the tops of the glasses. By doing so, each glass makes a different musical sound. Visitors to Alexandria like what they see and hear. They thank Turner by leaving a dollar or more in his box for donations. Jamey Turner is 78 years old. Turner became interested in playing the glass harp at the age of six, when he heard his father playing with a glass of water at the dinner table. He has been playing it for 50 years.

Today Turner puts together his instrument by placing 60 different glasses on a wooden soundboard. He holds the glasses in place with rubber bands, which keeps them from breaking. He then adds different amounts of water to each one to create different musical notes. Adding or taking away just a little water will change the sound. Adding water to a glass will make a lower sound. The smaller bowls of water produce a higher sound, while the larger ones produce a lower, deeper sound.

Turner always uses low-priced glass because it sounds better than costly crystal(水晶) and he has more control over the sound. Before buying new glasses, he will test them in stores. He decides if they produce the right sound by rubbing his finger over the top of them.

The glass harp was popular 300 years ago when composers like Wolfgang Mozart wrote music for the instrument. There have been about 400 pieces of music written just for the glass harp. But Turner plays all kinds of music, even popular music from China. Few people play the glass harp these days, but Turner says he sees videos of people experimenting with the instrument on YouTube. He hopes the next generation will continue making its music.

1. What do visitors think of Jamey Turner's performance?
2. How can Jamey Turner change the sounds of the glasses?
A.By beating the glasses in different parts.B.By placing the glasses on a wooden board.
C.By adding or reducing water in the glasses.D.By holding different glasses with rubber bands.
3. What may be Jamey Turner's real worry about the glass harp?
A.Little music is written for the instrument.
B.People are trying to play the instrument online.
C.Few people are playing the instrument these days.
D.The instrument cannot produce some beautiful sounds.
4. What is the best title for this text?
A.Making Music by Playing GlassesB.Special Sounds from Glasses
C.Devotion to Playing Glasses for FunD.Fingers over the Tops of the Glasses
2020-09-28更新 | 385次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, France on December 27, 1822. His family was poor, and during his early education, Pasteur was an ordinary student who enjoyed art and singing. However, when Pasteur was exposed to science as a teenager, he knew he found his career.

In 1848, Pasteur went to college to become a science teacher. He then became a chemistry professor at the University of Strasbourg. He got married in 1849 and had five children. However, three died young from typhoid fever (伤寒). It was the deaths of his children that drove Pasteur to investigate infectious diseases in order to find a cure. During Pasteur’s time, people believed that bacteria appeared due to “spontaneous generation”(自然发生). They thought that the bacteria just appeared out of nowhere. Pasteur carried out experiments to see if this was true.

Through his experiments he proved that bacteria were living things that came from other living things. They didn’t just spontaneously appear. This was a major discovery in the study of biology and earned Pasteur the title of Father of Microbiology.

As Pasteur learned more about bacteria, he began to think they may be the cause of diseases in humans. When the French silk market was threatened by a disease to silkworms(蚕), Pasteur decided to investigate. He discovered that this disease was caused by bacteria. By killing them from the silkworm farms, he was able to cease the disease and save the French silk business.

Today Louis Pasteur is known as one of the most important scientists in history. His discoveries led to an understanding of bacteria and diseases that has helped save millions and millions of lives.

1. After his children’s deaths, Louis Pasteur ________.
A.became afraid of infectious diseases
B.was frustrated and wanted to do nothing
C.decided to find out how to treat the disease
D.didn’t know it was typhoid fever that caused their deaths
2. What is implied about Louis Pasteur’s discovery in Paragraph 3?
A.It supported what most people thought at that time.
B.It revealed that bacteria often appeared out of nowhere.
C.It attracted the attention of the Father of Microbiology.
D.It was a very important discovery in the history of biology.
3. What does the underlined word “cease” in Paragraph 4?
4. What is the author intended to tell us in the text?
A.A disease that killed children easily in history.
B.A great scientist in the field of biology in history.
C.Some of the most important scientists in history.
D.Some of the most important discoveries in history.
2021-12-12更新 | 161次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般