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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:406 题号:14077482

Of all the journalism specialties, science writing may well be the most challenging. Science writers cover fields undergoing some of the most rapid advances in history, from stunning advances in genetics and biotechnology to exotic discoveries in astrophysics. A science writer’s week may include coverage of new discoveries about viruses, the brain, evolution, artificial intelligence, planets around other suns, and global climate change and its environmental impact, to name only a few topics.

Writing anything that’s any good is hard work, but science writers labor tinder a particular, and rather peculiar, set of constraints. Science is new — only about 400 years old, as a going concern — and prodigious, having transformed our conception of the universe and of our place in it. But precisely because its impact has been so rapid and so monumental, science has not yet been absorbed into our common consciousness. Readers come to the printed page already knowing something about crime and punishment, love and loss, triumph and tragedy — but not, necessarily, about the roles played by theory and observation in identifying a virus or tracing the curvature of intergalactic space. Hence science writers have to keep explaining things, from the significance of scientific facts to the methods by which they are adduced, while simultaneously holding the readers’ attention and moving the story along. It’s as if business reporters had to constantly explain what is meant by “turning a profit”, or sportswriters by “scoring a touchdown”.

Unsurprisingly, we science writers are often misunderstood. People tend to assume that we write computer software manuals or those buckram-bound engineering textbooks assigned to students in technical studies. Fellow authors dismiss us as translators. Editors may think us narrow. A quarter-century ago, when I was struggling to move away from writing about politics and rock music in order to concentrate on astronomy, the editor of a major magazine pressed me to do an article, called “The Bionic Man”, on artificial body parts. When I declined, he became impatient.

“Well, what do you want to write about?” he asked, throwing up his hands, like a motorist cut off in traffic.

“Astronomy,” I replied.

“You’ve already written about astronomy!”

“Yes, but I like it. It was my original interest in life.”

“Aren’t you afraid of becoming some sort of Johnny One Note?”

“Well, not really. You know, what’s out there is something like ninety-nine, then a decimal point, then twenty-eight more nines per cent of everything. Covering nearly everything doesn’t seem all that limiting. And it leads to lots of other things.”

I’ve been on the wrong side of arguments with editors more often than it is comfortable to recall, but on this occasion I turned out to have been right. Astronomy did lead to everything else. It led me into other sciences of course — among them physics, chemistry, and biology — and also, by many winding paths, to poetry, literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and into conversation with some of the smartest and most creative people in the world.

1. According to the writer, what is the main difficulty facing science writers?
A.Finding new science topics.
B.Meeting the reader’s expectations of science.
C.Overcoming the reader's unfamiliarity with science.
D.Keeping up with the rapid developments in science.
2. Why did the writer refuse to write about The Bionic Man?
A.He had no expertise in the topic.
B.He was not passionate about the topic.
C.He did not realize the potential of the topic.
D.He did not want to write about the same topic again.
3. Which of the following statements about the writer is NOT true?
A.He finds it difficult to get recognition from others as a science writer.
B.He feels quite comfortable with the previous arguments he had with editors.
C.A keen interest in astronomy contributes to his exploration of other disciplines.
D.Astronomy helps him form a connection with some great minds in the world.
4. Which word best describes the tone of the last paragraph?


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Oxford English Dictionary defines work as the “mental or physical activity as a means of earning income”. Since the industrial revolution, the working world has seen dramatic changes,     1     We could never have dreamed of most of them just decades ago.

We are finding new ways to explore our inborn talents and use our knowledge and skills for the good of the world. Yet most of us are operating under an outdated definition of work. We think work should be hard and that it should be a sacrifice.     2     Only powerful and successful people are able to experience the pleasure of working.

    3     As a saying goes, “The mind is everything. Whatever you think, you become.” Stanford psychologist Carol Dweek’s research on the power of thinking and a growth mindset provides even more evidence that our realities and futures are greatly shaped by how our minds approach the situation.

The next best step is to come up with your own definition of work. Think through the following two questions:     4     How similar or different is your actual day-to-day work to or from your definition? Ask these questions often—not just once.

If you want to spend the majority of your time loving what you do and feeling a deep sense of fulfillment, you need to take charge of creating this for yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you are a businessman or a student with a part-time job.     5    

A.What is your definition of work?
B.New jobs are being created every day.
C.Do you understand the definition of work?
D.Enjoying work is simply something “nice to have”.
E.We are supposed to work hard to satisfy our own need.
F.But we must remember that the mind creates the experience.
G.You have more power to manage your experience of work than you believe.
2019-12-30更新 | 194次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Three Key Steps to Motivate Your Team to Strive for Excellence

It is a known fact that one of the most compelling reasons employees leave their job is because they feel unappreciated, or that they bring no real value to their team.    1     In order to motivate and build up a team for excellence, there are some key steps that you should follow.


This does not mean that you should hang out with them at the local bar, or become one of their weekend buddies. What it does mean is that if you want to motivate your team to excellence, then you should take the time to get to know your team personally by talking individually to them at different times, asking basic questions, and letting them see that you are human and accessible.     3    

Recognize them as a person, not just their ability.

Too often, we are quick to praise people for a job well done, but we fail to let the person know that we appreciate them as a person. Praise them for that job well done, but take notice of their personal qualities and talents and how they bring value to the team.    4     For example: “Hey Johnny, those were some great ideas you came up with in the team meeting today, I like the way you think!”

Make their success public.

Take time in your team meetings each week to recognize and talk about the people who made a difference that week.    5     This makes others want to push harder and do more as they see that hard work is valued. Many times other team members do not know what has happened in other departments, or the accomplishments that they have had, so this is also a great way for your team to keep up with the latest and greatest.

A.Build a relationship with your team.
B.Treat your team to something special.
C.Let the rest of the team see that you took notice and you appreciate it.
D.People will find it difficult to “go along” with you if they cannot “get along” with you.
E.Something special happens when we hear our name—it tells us that we are important.
F.If you want to motivate your team to do their very best, you have to let them know that they are a vital part of your team.
G.This should be done in person randomly so that they can see that you are the one who noticed and you know they are on your team.
2020-12-19更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The idea that I would be rewarded if I worked hard enough was deeply rooted in me.So I spent long hours in the lab,steadily filled pages in my notebook,and was praised for my hard work.When my experiments didn’t produce the exciting results they were expected to,I thought I just needed to work more.    1    I didn’t know what to do.It was late in the evening.One other person was still in the lab:A postdoc(博士后),who noticed my situation,came over and gently asked how I was doing I told him about my struggles with the experiment and that I felt like a failure.     2    After we talked through the experiment,the postdoc said,”I think it's time to go home and get some sleep”He added with a smile,”Taking a break is also hard work,you know?”

Those comments planted the seed of a new approach:novel ideas do not come from a mind constantly under pressure.My best ideas and”aha”moments almost always come after I allow my mind to relax-whether that’s playing video games with my brother,cooking a nice dinner,or going on long hikes with my wife.    3    

Today,a decade after that eye-opening evening in the lab.I try to pass this mindset on to my own students.Not too long ago in the lab one night,I walked by one of my students.I gently asked how she was doing.With a defeated look,she responded that the plan for the experiment refused to work,again,despite many attempts.I couldn’t help but see myself all those years ago.    4    I asked her why we do what we do.Often it comes down to pursuing curiosity and passion.

How can we foster that spirit?     5    Work-life balance is not a harmful thing to excellent research,or an optional bonus,but a fundamental pan of it.

A.So I worked even harder,ignoring the result.
B.Part of working smarter,I realized,call be taking a break.
C.The answer does not include working ourselves to exhaustion.
D.By striking a balance between working hard and getting some sleep.
E.I didn’t tell him that I was also wondering what was wrong with me.
F.Yet here I was,working harder than ever-but not getting anywhere.
G.We talked for a while about academic life and what it means to be a researcher.
2020-10-26更新 | 162次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般