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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:72 题号:14094346

Dragon Head Raising Day: time for a haircut

China is a country with many colorful days and festivals. The Dragon Head Raising Day (Longtaitou) is one of them.

This special day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar (阴历). It stands for (代表) the start of spring and farming. This year, the day fell on March 14.

The dragon is important in Chinese culture. We Chinese people call ourselves the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”. Therefore, people celebrate the Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs about dragons.

On the day in ancient times, people put ashes (灰) in the kitchen. This was to “lead the dragon into the house”. People believed that with the help of the dragon, they could have a good harvest (收成) in autumn.

Also, people eat special foods on that day. The foods are usually named after dragons. For example, people eat “dragon whisker (细须)” noodles and dumplings called “dragon teeth”.

Today, many customs have faded away (消退). But one that has remained is the cutting of hair. It was said that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring bad luck to the mother’s brothers. So many people have their hair cut on the Dragon Head Raising Day.

1. Which country celebrates the Dragon Head Raising Day?
C.The United States.D.China.
2. ______ was the Dragon Head Raising Day this year.
A.March 14B.February 2
C.March 4D.March 8
3. On the day in ancient times, why did people put ashes in the kitchen?
A.Because the dragon liked the ashes.
B.Because the ashes led the dragon into the house.
C.Because the ashes stood for the harvest.
D.Because the ashes could bring good luck.
4. Which custom has remained according to the passage?
A.The dragon boating.B.To eat zongzi.
C.The cutting of hair.D.To eat mooncakes.
2021高一上·全国·专题练习 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】At your next meeting, wait for a pause in conversation and try to measure how long it lasts.

Among English speakers, chances are that it will be a second or two at most. But while this pattern may be universal, our awareness of silence differs dramatically across cultures.

What one culture considers a confusing or awkward pause may be seen by others as a valuable moment of reflection and sign of respect for what the last speaker has said. Research in Dutch and also in English found that when a silence in conversation stretches to four seconds, people start to feel uneasy. In contrast, a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people are happy with silences of 8.2 seconds — nearly twice as long as in Americans’ meetings.

In Japan, it is recognized that the best communication is when you don’t speak at all. It’s already a failure to understand each other by speaking because you’re repairing that failure by using words.

In the US, it may originate from the history of colonial (殖民地) America as a crossroads of many different races. When you have a complex of difference, it’s hard to establish common understanding unless you talk and there’s understandably a kind of anxiety unless people are verbally engaged to establish a common life. This applies also to some extent to London.

In contrast, when there’s more homogeneity, perhaps it’s easier for some kinds of silence to appear. For example, among your closest friends and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.

1. Which of the following people might have the longest silence in conversation?
A.The Dutch.B.Americans.
C.The English.D.The Japanese.
2. What might the Japanese agree with in a conversation?
A.Speaking more gives the upper hand.
B.Speak out what you have in your mind.
C.Great minds think alike without words.
D.The shorter talking silence, the better.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.A four second silence in conversation is universal.
B.It’s hard for Americans to reach a common agreement.
C.English speakers are more talkative than Japanese speakers.
D.The closer we and our family are, the easier the silence appears.
4. What does the underlined word “homogeneity” in the last paragraph mean?
2017-12-10更新 | 536次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Here are four fun Thanksgiving tradition facts.

Turkey and cranberry sauce (小红莓果酱)

While the Native Americans and Pilgrims are believed to have feasted on geese, lobster, cod and deer, present-day Thanksgiving dinners mainly feature turkey. Some experts believe the birds were selected because they were cheper, and easier to rise. The bird was suggested by Sarah Josepha Hale to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Since President Abraham Lincoln loved roasted turkey, he happily included the bird on his Thanksgiving menu. The idea of pairing the bird with cranberry sauce is believed to be the brainchild of Civil War Union General Ulysses S. Grant in 1864.

Turkey Trots

Many Americans build up their appetites (食欲) for the holiday feast by participating in their town or city's morning runs, or "Turkey Trots". The fun tradition was started in 1896 by six people of Buffalo, New York. It is the world's oldest footrace, attracting over 14,000 runners of all ages and abilities every year.

Thanksgiving parades

American retailer Macy's has been holding a Thanksgiving parade along Manhattan's 77th Street and Central Pack West since 1924. Though the popular event, which attracts over 3.5 million people in person and about 50 million television viewers, now contains giant floats (花车), the first parade featured animals from New York's Central Park Zoo.

The Presidential turkey pardon

Every year, two lucky turkeys escape the Thanksgiving table due to a special pardoning supported by the US president. People credit the fun tradition to President Harry Truman (April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953). Though at first, just one bird could be freed, a "spare" was added in 1981, after a turkey named Liberty escaped by accident before President Ronald Reagan was able to grant (授予) his pardon at the ceremony.

1. Which of the following traditions has the longest history?
A.Turkey Trots.B.Thanksgiving parades.
C.Turkey and cranberry sauce.D.The Presidential turkey pardon.
2. Which is a benefit of many Americans observing the tradition "Turkey Trots"?
A.Building good relationships with others.B.Winning awards given by the government.
C.Adding a new tradition to the festival.D.Physically preparing for the coming holiday feast.
3. The presidential turkey pardon was changed in 1981 probably to ___________.
A.make it easy to name the turkeysB.attract more people to participate
C.give the pardoned turkey a partnerD.make sure the pardon could be carried out
2020-02-27更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Chinese Culture Shown to the World with Love Li Ziqi, a short video blogger specializing in traditional Chinese cooking and handicrafts has gained worldwide popularity.

Li has about 20 million followers on Sina Weibo, China's equivalent to Twitter,plus 7 million followers on overseas social media networks. Many foreigners say they have got to know traditional Chinese food culture via her channel.

It is the spirit of craftsmanship(技艺) behind her works that makes Li's video clips attractive. She strictly follows the authentic traditional steps and procedures in making traditional Chinese food and handicrafts, such as peach flower wine and silk, and goes to great lengths to ensure her videos are accurate. Sometimes she spends several months producing one of her videos.

Li has been inheriting(继承) traditional Chinese culture in a rather creative way. A closer look at her videos will show that they are never with any "analysis" that makes people feel bored. They just show the audience each and every detail of traditional Chinese culture so that the latter knows how Chinese live their beautiful and elegant lives. It is that universal appeal that makes her works so attractive. Thanks to Li's efforts, many intangible cultural heritages that only existed in memories and written records now appear before our eyes. Via her short videos, Li presents the image of a beautiful and friendly China.

With the growth of the Chinese economy, people overseas are showing more interest in traditional Chinese culture. Li has shown how to satisfy that interest in a good way, namely showing the best parts of traditional Chinese culture with her heart.

To effectively present the beauty of Chinese culture to the world, we need more Li Zigi.

1. What can we learn about Li Zigi's video clips?
A.They promote the sales of Chinese food and handicrafts.
B.They attract a large number of foreigners to visit her online shop.
C.They aim to introduce traditional Chinese food culture and handicrafts worldwide.
D.They are based on her family's recipes of making traditional Chinese food.
2. What could be inferred from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4?
A.Analysis of Chinese culture in Li's videos makes people bored.
B.Details and accuracy play significant roles in the success of Li's videos.
C.Li makes sure all of her video clips are short enough to be downloaded.
D.Cultural heritages usually exist in memories and written records.
3. What does the underlined word "intangible" in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A.To provide guidance on cooking and making handicrafts.
B.To suggest a way of attracting more followers on Sina Weibo.
C.To give an example of how to gain worldwide popularity as a short video blogger.
D.To encourage more people to make efforts to bring Chinese culture to the world.
2021-02-23更新 | 651次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般