组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 朋友
题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:14254282
进入高中,你是否怀念初中的朋友?你是否想结交新朋友?你认为要想成为别人的朋友应该具有什么样的品质?如何才能尽快和同学成为朋友?请以“What Makes Good Friends”为题,写一篇文章,阐述你的观点。
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What Makes Good Friends

【知识点】 朋友 友谊


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When I was around six years old, we had a neighbor, David, who was restoring an old 40’s Ford in his garage, and I was a curious kid, so I would go across the street and visit him as often as I could.

He was the first person to introduce me to Go-Jo hand soap, which I thought had an unpleasant smell. He and his wife occasionally invited me to have supper with them, and it was there that I would learn about burgers with French dressing. Eventually, he moved away.

A few years ago, I ran into David again. He went to the same restaurant to have breakfast. David retired and still had that 1940 Ford and also a mid-forties truck which he would always drive, one or the other, to breakfast.

David and I enjoyed many conversations about life, cars, and car shows. I remember just a few years ago, he was sitting at a local pizza joint with his daughter, and I sat next to him to have a conversation. I asked, “Where’s your wife?” To which his face went blank, and his daughter told me her mom had passed away. At that moment, my heart ached because, after having lost my wife, I knew that pain all too well. From then on, I noticed when David came to breakfast, he had his wife’s dog with him. Yep, he had that dog with him always. Even at car shows, they had a close bond which I understood.

I looked forward to car show season. When I saw him at the shows, it always put an emotional tear in my eye watching him and that dog. I wanted to get a picture of him and his dog, but I was always in a hurry and kept saying I would get it at the next show. However, with COVID-19 and all the fear out, car shows were getting canceled, and David wasn’t at breakfast much anymore because he didn’t want to catch it.


About a week ago, when going to pick up my breakfast, I asked my waitress Tanya “Have you seen David lately?”

Paragraph 2:

David’s death has really reminded me to the meaning of life.

2024-05-31更新 | 31次组卷
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My heart pounded as I stared at the screen. I re-read the message from my friend, Noelle. Someone had upset her by sharing her personal news, a recent development Noelle had shared with only a few close friends, including me. She didn’t know who let the word out, but she was hurt and disappointed.

I felt so guilty. I knew how the news had got out because I had been the one to tell someone else. Honestly, I hadn’t realized she meant to keep it so close to home, but at the same time I’d known it wasn’t a good idea when I started to tell it to someone else.

Did she really not know it was me? It would have been easy to come clean and apologize if her note was an accusation. But it read as though it had been copied and pasted to several people. So I chose the coward’s way out.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I typed. “How awful that your confidence was broken.”

I hoped that would do. Her reply came back within seconds: “Thank you.”

Surely, that would be good enough. I didn’t take responsibility for my actions, but I’d sympathized with her pain. It would be okay for me to remain anonymous (不公开姓名的) as long as I was sorry, wouldn’t it?

But, deep down, I knew I’d been the one to break faith and hurt her. I was ashamed, not only of my original action, but because I’d put wrong upon wrong by covering it up.

I felt miserable at church on Sunday. I tried to avoid communication. Watching others take part while I sat in silence was a painful experience-one I never wanted to repeat.

Later, the speaker in the church challenged us to examine ourselves and see if anything stood in the way to being the best of ourselves, and if so, we should not to let it stop us and we needed to clear it away.

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I knew what stood between me and doing the right thing:my reputation.


I went straight to Noelle after the church.

2023-03-10更新 | 238次组卷
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For my fourteenth birthday, my mom offered to take me and my several friends to the city nearest our small town to visit a mall, go shopping, eat pizza in the food court, and then catch a movie. Afterward, we would all return to my house for a party. It was just the kind of celebration that a teenage girl expected.

When it was time to climb aboard the bus and ride together to my home out in the country, Nora didn’t show up. I felt confused. Then I felt mad. Why didn’t she tell me she couldn’t make it? Why would she tell me she’d come to the party and then back out without letting me know? I decided to call Nora and get some answers.

Nora explained that she’d had to stay home from school because she had gotten sick. She couldn’t ride the bus home with me and my other friends or join us at the shopping mall for food-court pizza and a movie because she had been too sick to come to school.

Nora began crying on the phone, hurt and surprised that I was angry with her. Moments later, her mother called back. Angrily, she told me how much I’d hurt her daughter, how much Nora had wanted to join us, and that she had been the one to change Nora’s plans when she didn’t allow her to go to school sick that day.

I seldom gave Nora or her absence from our festivities another thought. At school on Monday, I found it easy to avoid her since she and I had no classes together. For the rest of the school year, we seldom spoke, and I forgot about my hurtful call with Nora as time went by.

The next year I started at the high school, with twice as many students as my middle school. I made some new friends and kept some old ones. Maybe I glanced at Nora with a small smile once in a while as we passed in the halls, but our friendship had been relegated (使降级) to the past. It happened sometimes, and I shrugged it off (不予理睬).


Years later, Facebook suggested Nora as an online friend for our similarities.


I wrote an apology letter to Nora.

2023-01-04更新 | 69次组卷
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