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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:104 题号:14379010

I love to study art history and develop my skill at creating art But I work full-time as a recovery doctor, so I have the chance to use art as expression and healing. For almost six years, I have been rolling my “Art Cart” that I built down the hails; of the hospital, where I make the young patients who are receiving terrible medical treatment create art.

On these visits, I bring my art part filled with everything from colored pencils to markers and more. I want to act as an “Artist Buddy” to bring kids some relief while they are waiting for or receiving treatment.

When I began doing this, at first the parents were a bit leery and showed little interest in it. But now they are excited to see the benefits of art expression and the way it lifts the children spirits. It gives them a sense of achievement and self-control, and helps lift their souls in their situation. And time after time, the parents themselves create art which gives them relief from the stresses of seeing their children in a most difficult situation. Besides, I just love being there. This work keeps me gratefully balanced and has a great effect on my mood.

This is a great chance that allows me to go down there and be a part of those kids’ treatment. And I get to know these kids because they are there very often. The children’s eyes light up when they see me and the art cart. A six-year-old boy was receiving treatment for his leukemia and we were immersed in some art activity. His mother was present and nearby. After a while, this young boy looked at his mother with excitement and said, “Mom, I promise I am going to try not to play video games too much. And I’d like to do more art. Art makes my head feel better.”

1. The author rolls the “Art Cart” in the hospital to ________.
A.put his idea of art into practice
B.get children involved in creating art
C.gain profits from the parents of the sick children
D.relieve children^ anxiety about medical treatment
2. The underlined word “leery” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “________”.
3. The purpose of using the example of a 6-year-old boy is to ________.
A.praise the boy for being brave
B.praise the mother for being caring
C.prove the value of art in medical treatment
D.prove the efforts of the writer in his art work


阅读理解-阅读单选(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went camping in a mountainous area. They were lying in the open air under the stars. Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered, “Watson, when you look at that beautiful sky, what do you think of?” Watson replied, “I think of how short life is and how long the universe has lasted.” “No, no, Watson!” Holmes said. “What do you think of?” Watson tried again. “I think of how small I am and how vast the sky is.” “Try again, Watson!” said Holmes. Watson tried a third time. “I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds.” Holmes said. “Watson, you fool! You should be thinking that someone has stolen our tent!”

1. What did Sherlock Holmes and Watson really want to do in the mountainous area?
A.Searching for something.
B.Looking at the stars.
D.Searching for thieves.
2. The passage mainly tells us__________.
A.a joke made by a famous detective and his friend.
B.a dialogue between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.
C.a misunderstanding between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.
D.a story told by two famous detectives.
3. From the story we can know that________.
A.Doctor Watson was quite honest.
B.Sherlock Holmes was cleverer than Doctor Watson.
C.Doctor Watson was cleverer than Sherlock Holmes.
D.Doctor Watson thought in an ordinary way while Sherlock Holmes in a funny way.
2020-05-29更新 | 9次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Mike Massimino在六岁时在电视上看到阿姆斯特朗登月,从此他就有了成为宇航员的梦想。由于他的视力问题,他三次申请成为宇航员都没有成功。但是他并没有气馁,经过专业的视力训练,他终于通过了视力测试,所以他觉得只要坚持就能成功。

【推荐2】In the summer of 1969, six-year-old Mike Massimino watched wide-eyed on the television as Neil Armstrong took the first step on the moon. He immediately made his mom turn his elephant school play costume into that of an astronaut for Halloween.

As a child attracted by the universe, he dreamt of becoming an astronaut. But his wish caught up with him when he realized he didn’t have the ideal skillset to make it as an astronaut: He was afraid of heights, had poor eyesight and couldn’t swim.

Given all of Massimino’s difficulty in qualifying as an astronaut, he worked for a different career. However, when the Challenger exploded, Massimino decided he wouldn’t wait any longer to realize his dream.

NASA’s elite program of astronaut s introduces a new class every couple of years. If you don’t make it, you won’t be considered again until the next round. Massimino first applied (申请) to the program in 1989. Eight months later, he received his rejection (拒绝) letter in the mail. Unsurprised, he began carrying out space research, working toward his PhD in engineering at MIT. He applied again two years later for the 1992 astronaut class. He got rejected again. Years later, for the class of 1995, Massimino’s application turned out unsuccessful. The interview was as tough as one would imagine.

Massimino failed because of something he could not change—not having 20/20 vision (视力). He didn’t stop there. After extensive research, he had vision training for nearly a year, having taken advice from others in the space science field, helping his eyes focus more clearly on objects (物体) in front of him.

Sending out his fourth application to NASA like a shot in the dark with a note from his eye doctor on his improvements, Massimino got a call. They would let him retake his eye test. He passed.

“Making a decision to give up on my dream after coming so close was unthinkable,” he said, “One in a million is not zero. I knew that if I gave up, I would always wonder what would have happened.”

1. What impressed Massimino at the age of six?
A.The invention of television.B.A school play in Halloween.
C.Armstrong’s moonwalk.D.The explosion of the Challenger.
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.NASA’s program of astronauts.B.Massimino’s working experience at MIT.
C.NASA’s interview process.D.Massimino’s three unsuccessful applications.
3. How did Massimino improve his eyesight?
A.By receiving vision training.B.By having an eye operation.
C.By focusing his eyes on big objects.D.By following his parents’ advice.
4. Which of the following can best describe Massimino?
2024-01-24更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I know when the snow melts and the first robins (知更鸟) come to call, when the laughter of children returns to the parks and playgrounds, something wonderful is about to happen.

Spring cleaning.

I’ll admit spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp. Today’s busy families hardly have time to load the dishwasher, much less clean the doormat. Asking the family to spend the weekend collecting winter dog piles from the melting snow in the backyard is like announcing there will be no more Wi-Fi. It interrupts the natural order.

“Honey, how about spending the weekend beating the rugs, sorting through the boxes in the basement and painting our bedroom a nice lemony yellow?” I ask.

“Can we at least wait until the NBA matches are over?” my husband answers.

But I tell my family, spring cleaning can’t wait. The temperature has risen just enough to melt snow but not enough for Little League practice to start. Some flowers are peeking out of the thawing ground, but there is no lawn to seed, nor garden to tend. Newly wakened from our winter’s hibernation, yet still needing extra blankets at night, we open our windows to the first fresh air floating on the breeze with all of the natural world demanding “Awake and be clean!”

Biologists offer a theory about this primal impulse to clean out every drawer and closet in the house at spring’s first light, which has to do with melatonin, the sleepytime hormone our bodies produce when it’s dark. When spring’s light comes, the melatonin declines, and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty, virus- filled house we’ve been hibernating in for the past four months.

I tell my family about the science and psychology of a good healthy cleaning at spring arrival. I speak to them about life’s greatest rewards waiting in the removal of soap scum (浮垢) from the bathtub, which hasn’t been properly cleaned since the first snowfall.

“I’ll do it,” says the eldest child, a 21-year-old college student who lives at home. “You will? Wow!” I exclaim.

Maybe after all these years, he’s finally grasped the concept. Maybe he’s expressing his rightful position as eldest child and role model. Or maybe he’s going to Florida for a break in a couple of weeks and he’s being nice to me, the financial-aid officer.

No matter. Seeing my adult son willingly cleaning that dirty bathtub gives me hope for the future of his 12-year-old brother who, instead of working, was found to be sleeping in the seat of the window he was supposed to be cleaning.

“Awake and be clean!” I say.

1. According to the passage, for modern families, spring cleaning ________.
A.calls for more complicated skills
B.is no longer something natural to do
C.is a highly-respected tradition
D.requires more family members to be involved
2. Why does the author say “spring cleaning can’t wait”?
A.Because spring is the best time for us to relax ourselves.
B.Because there will be more activities when it gets warmer.
C.Because our garden requires immediate cleaning after winter.
D.Because the weather in spring makes it easier for us to do so.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The reduction of melatonin will give rise to wakefulness in our bodies.
B.A dusty, virus-filled house is largely to blame for our sleepiness in winter.
C.A role model is needed to help other members grasp the concept of spring cleaning.
D.The author’s eldest son agrees to clean the bathtub because she will finance his trip.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Spring Cleaning Affords No Delay!
B.Modernity Kills Spring Cleaning
C.Spring Cleaning — to Do or Not to Do?
D.The Young Need Spring Cleaning
2023-05-12更新 | 130次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般